Being Radiant in the Heart Center: Opening the Upper Back and Shoulders
Saturday, January 25th, 2025

Yoga is designed to serve the heart, allowing us to be in the essence of our being. In this workshop we will explore movements, postures and actions that strengthen and bring flexibility to the shoulders, chest, neck, thoracic spine, arms, and wrists. By cultivating freedom in the torso, backbends, inverted poses, and sitting can be experienced with more ease. As the upper body grows into healthy alignment, breathing is naturally freer and deeper, potentially preparing one for pranayama practice as well as backbends postures or inversions. The mind then becomes calm and clear, and the heart loving and peaceful, leading the way to a natural state of joy and aligning us with our innermost purpose.

Where: Yoga du Soleil located at 224 Divisadero St.
NEW RATE: $150, no refunds with less than 48 hours cancellation
Register: Please email at bettyroiyoga@gmail.com


A solid foundation with Opening and Strengthening the pelvis
Saturday, January 11th, 2025

In this session we will explore ways to cultivate freedom and stability in the pelvis. This can be achieved by learning how to engage the inner and outer muscles of the thighs, how to lengthen and fortify the hamstrings, and how to soften and loosen the hips, groin, ankle joints and feet . The fruit of such practice can prepare one for deep forward bending, back bending, as well as balancing which becomes critical as we age. Understanding how to create mobility in the legs and pelvis while being stable allows one to experience well-being for many years to come.

Clear articulation and regular practice of optimal alignment of the lower body can alleviate back pain as well as create a firm, earthly foundation from which the spine can elongate easefully toward the sky. This can lead one to be able to sit comfortably for meditation and pranayama.

Where: Yoga du Soleil located at 224 Divisadero St.
NEW RATE: $150, no refunds with less than 48 hours cancellation
Register: Please email at bettyroiyoga@gmail.com


The Art of Yoga with a Chair
Saturday, December 14th, 2024
9:00am - 12:30pm

The use of a chair was developed by Sri BKS Iyengar to enable any body to enhance their asana practice, with the gifts that comes from its usage. Some of the main purposes of using the chair are: Perform asanas which are difficult to perform independently; Achieve and maintain correct alignment during the practice; Stay longer and relax in challenging asanas, in order to receive maximum benefit; Study and investigate the asanas in greater depth; Therapeutic purposes;Increase awareness and fun in the practice!

I have personally enjoyed using a chair as part of my practice for the past 35years and keep exploring and finding new creative ways to play with it. It is truly a boon, whether you are an athlete, an older adult, or suffer from injuries. Props are a means to an end and are a great tool for teachers to add to their repertoire. This session will be an exploration of a variety of asanas, standing poses, twists, backbends, forward bends, and inversions. I am inviting you to discover and savor the infinite possibilities that this wondrous prop can offer!

Where: Yoga du Soleil located at 224 Divisadero St.
Cost: $140, no refunds with less than 48 hours cancellation
Register: Please email at bettyroiyoga@gmail.com


Post Thanksgiving: Detox and Rejuvenation with Twisting Poses and Contemplation
Sunday, December 8th, 2024

Twisting poses, when performed skillfully, infuse the body and mind with vitality and well being, and assist in releasing enormous amounts of tension. They are traditionally associated with toning and rejuvenating the abdominal and pelvic organs. When these organs are squeezed, blood flow is stimulated and toxins are released - a natural internal massage. With regular practice the entire spine becomes more flexible, the upper back, neck, and hips move more freely, and these areas are nourished and strengthened by increased circulation.

In this session we will explore supine, standing, seated and inverted twists. Twisting poses assist in cultivating introspection: they can be seen as a spiral movement, ascending or descending, towards freedom from within. They are an excellent prelude to meditation, enabling you to feel more in tune with yourself, energized in a restful way, and sit quietly with more ease.We can then envision our next best move for the new year!

Where: Yoga du Soleil located at 224 Divisadero St.
Cost: $140, no refunds with less than 48 hours cancellation
Register: Please email at bettyroiyoga@gmail.com


The Poetic Melody of Restorative Poses
Saturday, November 23rd, 2024
9:00am - 12:30pm

Restorative Yoga is an opportunity to deeply relax, renew and journey inward. The body is supported by props in each pose, so each pose can be held for some time effortlessly, which encourages a gradual dissolution of holding patterns of stress and tension in the inner body. All these passive postures are an excellent prelude to pranayama, since they open and gently stretch the respiratory muscles, quiet the mind, and cultivate stillness and ease in the body. During the workshop, Betty will serenade you with selected, inspired poems and vocalese, the vibration of the sounds of harmonious words and melodies ushered by the human voice is the breath that touches the heart of the listener. This experience allows for a deeper absorption into our essence.

A variety of restorative poses will be practiced - forward bends, twists, inversions, and backbends. Then, we will explore some simple yogic breathing techniques designed to expand ("yama") our lifeforce ("prana"). Pranayama strengthens the mind and is a doorway to meditation. As we move beneath the exterior boundaries, we will experience a feeling of inner spaciousness and revealing clarity that can help us realize our fullest spiritual potential.

Where: Yoga du Soleil located at 224 Divisadero St.
Cost: $140, no refunds with less than 48 hours cancellation
Register: Please email at bettyroiyoga@gmail.com


Opening the Upper Back and Shoulders for the Bliss of Backbending
Saturday, November 16th, 2024

Yoga is designed to serve the heart, allowing us to be in the essence of our being. In this workshop we will explore movements, postures and actions that strengthen and bring flexibility to the shoulders, chest, neck, thoracic spine, arms, and wrists. By cultivating freedom in the torso, backbends, inverted poses, and sitting can be experienced with more ease. As the upper body grows into healthy alignment, breathing is naturally freer and deeper, potentially preparing one for pranayama practice as well as backbends postures or inversions .In this workshop we will explore how the opening and strengthening of the upper back ,can lead to ease in back extensions.The mind can then become calm and clear and the heart can grow more loving and peaceful, leading the way to a natural state of spaciousness, stillness, and aligning us with our innermost bliss.

Where: Yoga du Soleil located at 224 Divisadero St.
Cost: $140, no refunds with less than 48 hours cancellation
Register: Please email at bettyroiyoga@gmail.com


Learning the Ropes
Saturday, November 9th, 2024

Rope work, or yoga korunta, is a dynamic and playful aspect of the Iyengar tradition. Ropes help tremendously in building agility and strength of body and mind. In this workshop we will focus on learning how to incorporate the ropes in our yoga practice. By transforming our relationship with gravity, the ropes assist us in focusing on specific parts of the body, refining the dynamics within a pose, and going beyond our habitual limits. We will explore standing postures, forward bends, backbends, twists and inversions. Be prepared to enjoy yourself and be challenged.

This workshop is open to all levels and teachers.

Optional: bring cycling or weight lifting gloves. Small class size,7 students max, ensures individualized attention.

Where: Yoga du Soleil located at 224 Divisadero St.
Cost: $140, no refunds with less than 48 hours cancellation
Register: Please email at bettyroiyoga@gmail.com


The Art of Yoga with a Chair
Saturday, August 24th, 2024
9:00am - 12:30pm

The use of a chair was developed by Sri BKS Iyengar to enable any body to enhance their asana practice with the gifts that comes from its usage. Some of the main purposes of using the chair are: Perform asanas which are difficult to perform independently; Achieve and maintain correct alignment during the practice; Stay longer and relax in challenging asanas, in order to receive maximum benefit; Study and investigate the asanas in greater depth; Therapeutic purposes;Increase awareness and fun in the practice!

I have personally enjoyed using a chair as part of my practice for the past 30+ years and keep exploring and finding new creative ways to play with it. It is truly a boon, whether you are an athlete, an older adult, or suffer from injuries. Props are a means to an end and are a great tool for teachers to add to their repertoire. This session will be an exploration of a variety of asanas, standing poses, twists, backbends, forward bends, and inversions. I am inviting you to discover and savor the infinite possibilities that this wondrous prop can offer!

Where: Yoga du Soleil located at 224 Divisadero St.
Cost: $140, no refunds with less than 48 hours cancellation
Register: Please email at bettyroiyoga@gmail.com


FINDING CENTER AND BALANCE: Connecting to the Power of Core, Hands and Feet
Saturday, August 10th, 2024

Our relationship to the earth through our foundation is a dynamic, living relationship, serving in much the same way as the roots of a tree to draw nourishment for growth. The distribution of weight through our feet affects the function and flow of energy through our knees, hips, back and core. Similarly, how we place our weight through our hands creates a powerful cascade effect into the wrists, elbows, shoulders and neck.

In this workshop we will reflect on the meaning of balance in our lives and discover how to enliven our inner body and how finding balance is a dance of pulsations. The interplay of the awareness of our center and extremities awakens us to the vibrancy of the present moment. We will explore core-strengthening asanas, movements to condition the extremities, and leg and arm balances. Finding balance is the manifestation of our internal power, creativity, calm, clarity, and remembering to see the sacred in every breath we take.

Where: Yoga du Soleil located at 224 Divisadero St.
Cost: $140, no refunds with less than 48 hours cancellation
Register: Please email at bettyroiyoga@gmail.com


Opening and Strengthening the Hips, Groin and Hamstrings
Saturday, July 27th, 2024

In this session we will explore ways to cultivate freedom and stability in the pelvis. This can be achieved by learning how to engage the inner and outer muscles of the thighs, how to lengthen and fortify the hamstrings, and how to soften and loosen the hips, groin, ankle joints and feet . The fruit of such practice can prepare one for deep forward bending, back bending, as well as balancing which becomes critical as we age. Understanding how to create mobility in the legs and pelvis while being stable allows one to experience well-being for many years to come.

Clear articulation and regular practice of optimal alignment of the lower body can alleviate back pain as well as create a firm, earthly foundation from which the spine can elongate easefully toward the sky. This can lead one to be able to sit comfortably for meditation and pranayama.

Where: Yoga du Soleil located at 224 Divisadero St.
Cost: $140, no refunds with less than 48 hours cancellation
Register: Please email at bettyroiyoga@gmail.com


Being Radiant in the Heart Center: Freedom in the Upper Back and Shoulders
Sunday, July 14th, 2024

Yoga is designed to serve the heart, allowing us to be in the essence of our being. In this workshop we will explore movements, postures and actions that strengthen and bring flexibility to the shoulders, chest, neck, thoracic spine, arms, and wrists. By cultivating freedom in the torso, backbends, inverted poses, and sitting can be experienced with more ease. As the upper body grows into healthy alignment, breathing is naturally freer and deeper, potentially preparing one for pranayama practice as well as backbends postures or inversions. The mind then becomes clear and quiet, and the heart loving and peaceful, leading the way to a natural state of meditation, and aligning us with our innermost purpose.

Where: Yoga du Soleil located at 224 Divisadero St.
Cost: $140, no refunds with less than 48 hours cancellation
Register: Please email at bettyroiyoga@gmail.com


The Inward Journey of Forward Bends with Twists
Saturday, June 29th ,2024

Forward bends form an essential experience in the yogic understanding that "the path is the goal". When practiced skillfully, forward bend postures physically stretch the legs, open the hips, and lengthen the entire back body. Psychologically, they teach us surrender. Twists in forward bend allow yet ,for a deeper level of introspection and release of tensions with increased ease of breathing. These poses also teach us patience and trust, they help cultivate deep listening, turning our attention inward.

In this workshop we will explore how to mindfully unite both halves of the body with optimal principle of alignments. Harmonious flow of the breath, correct action of the legs and pelvis, and activation of core will be addressed, to safely create mobility, traction, and freedom of the spine. Standing ,seated ,forward bends and twists will be practiced, and the meditative, introspective qualities of these poses will be emphasized. As we expand and soften from deep inside, we become more fully alive, spacious and peaceful in the present moment.

Where: Yoga du Soleil located at 224 Divisadero St.
Cost: $140, no refunds with less than 48 hours cancellation
Register: Please email at bettyroiyoga@gmail.com


The Art of Yoga with a Chair
Saturday, June 15th, 2024
9:00am - 12:30pm

The use of a chair was developed by Sri BKS Iyengar to enable any body to enhance their asana practice with the gifts that comes from its usage. Some of the main purposes of using the chair are: Perform asanas which are difficult to perform independently; Achieve and maintain correct alignment during the practice; Stay longer and relax in challenging asanas, in order to receive maximum benefit; Study and investigate the asanas in greater depth; Therapeutic purposes;Increase awareness and fun in the practice!

I have personally enjoyed using a chair as part of my practice for the past 30+ years and keep exploring and finding new creative ways to play with it. It is truly a boon, whether you are an athlete, an older adult, or suffer from injuries. Props are a means to an end and are a great tool for teachers to add to their repertoire. This session will be an exploration of a variety of asanas, standing poses, twists, backbends, forward bends, and inversions. I am inviting you to discover and savor the infinite possibilities that this wondrous prop can offer!

Where: Yoga du Soleil located at 224 Divisadero St.
Cost: $140, no refunds with less than 48 hours cancellation
Register: Please email at bettyroiyoga@gmail.com


Learning the Ropes
Saturday, May 25th, 2024

Rope work, or yoga korunta, is a dynamic and playful aspect of the Iyengar tradition. Ropes help tremendously in building agility and strength of body and mind. In this workshop we will focus on learning how to incorporate the ropes in our yoga practice. By transforming our relationship with gravity, the ropes assist us in focusing on specific parts of the body, refining the dynamics within a pose, and going beyond our habitual limits. We will explore standing postures, forward bends, backbends, twists and inversions. Be prepared to enjoy yourself and be challenged.

This workshop is open to all levels and teachers.

Optional: bring cycling or weight lifting gloves. Small class size ensures individualized attention.

Where: Yoga du Soleil located at 224 Divisadero St.
Cost: $140, no refunds with less than 48 hours cancellation
Register: Please email at bettyroiyoga@gmail.com


Celebrating Interconnectedness Through Partner Yoga
Saturday, May 18th, 2024

The essence of yoga is relationship ,with our breath, our body ,our mind, heart, each other and the present moment.In this workshop we will work with each other to explore a variety of asanas standing poses, twists, back extensions, forward bends,.This process requires our utmost attention in listening and seeing each other and ourselves in stillness and movement, which increases our ability to be present as each moment arises.This interplay of giving and receiving can be educative, transformative and playful.

Practicing with the help of a sensitive partner can quicken our understanding of the poses, allowing for a deeper experience of the posture and teach us the subtle art of communicating with others thru touch with breath awareness.It can also enable us to develop trust (Shraddha) and give us an opportunity to express gratitude (Bhava).By cultivating these heart qualities we open to a more immediate experience of the interconnectedness of us all.

Where: Yoga du Soleil located at 224 Divisadero St.
Cost: $140, no refunds with less than 48 hours cancellation
Register: Please email at bettyroiyoga@gmail.com


Opening the Upper Back and Shoulders for the Bliss of Backbending
Saturday, April 6st, 2024

Yoga is designed to serve the heart, allowing us to be in the essence of our being. In this workshop we will explore movements, postures and actions that strengthen and bring flexibility to the shoulders, chest, neck, thoracic spine, arms, and wrists. By cultivating freedom in the torso, backbends, inverted poses, and sitting can be experienced with more ease. As the upper body grows into healthy alignment, breathing is naturally freer and deeper, potentially preparing one for pranayama practice as well as backbends postures or inversions .In this workshop we will explore how the opening and strengthening of the upper back ,can lead to ease in back extensions.The mind can then become calm and clear and the heart can grow more loving and peaceful, leading the way to a natural state of spaciousness, stillness, and aligning us with our innermost bliss.

Where: Yoga du Soleil located at 224 Divisadero St.
Cost: $140, no refunds with less than 48 hours cancellation
Register: Please email at bettyroiyoga@gmail.com


Spring Rejuvenation with Twisting Poses
Saturday, March 23rd, 2024

Twisting poses, when performed skillfully, infuse the body and mind with vitality and well being, and assist in releasing enormous amounts of tension. They are traditionally associated with toning and rejuvenating the abdominal and pelvic organs. When these organs are squeezed, blood flow is stimulated and toxins are released - a natural internal massage. With regular practice the entire spine becomes more flexible, the upper back, neck, and hips move more freely, and these areas are nourished and strengthened by increased circulation.

In this session we will explore supine, standing, seated and inverted twists. Twisting poses assist in cultivating introspection: they can be seen as a spiral movement, ascending or descending, towards freedom from within. They are an excellent prelude to meditation, enabling you to feel more in tune with yourself, energized in a restful way, and sit quietly with more ease.

Where: Yoga du Soleil located at 224 Divisadero St.
Cost: $140, no refunds with less than 48 hours cancellation
Register: Please email at bettyroiyoga@gmail.com


Optimal Alignment for Wholesome Inversions!
Saturday, March 16th, 2024

Inversions are an intrinsic aspect of a balanced yoga practice. Regular practice of these postures nourishes the vital organs, strengthens the immune and nervous system, and clears the mind, creating radiant well-being and serenity from the inside out. This session will be an exploration of the journey toward being inverted.

We will work on poses and actions to access our powerful core, to stabilize and strengthen the shoulder girdle, arms and hands, and to increase mobility of the upper back while understanding how to align the head and neck in a safe, pain-free way. We'll explore headstand, shoulderstand, forearm stand and full arm balance. This workshop is an opportunity for new students to break through their resistances to inversions and make friends with the world being upside down, and an opportunity for more seasoned students to explore more variations and deepen one's expression of these revitalizing poses.

Where: Yoga du Soleil located at 224 Divisadero St.
Cost: $140, no refunds with less than 48 hours cancellation
Register: Please email at bettyroiyoga@gmail.com


From Tadasana to Savasana: From Mountain Pose to Corpse Pose
Saturday, March 2nd, 2024
9:00am - 12:30pm

This workshop will be a dynamic exploration of the many mutations of Mountain pose, expressed through the whole spectrum of asanas, culminating in the meditative experience of ultimate surrender in Corpse Pose. We will practice a variety of standing poses, twists, back extensions, arm balancing poses, inversions and forward bends, all woven and balanced within the threads of breath awareness, optimal alignment and concentration. Poses will be modified to meet the specific needs of each yogi. This comprehensive practice, will lead the way to feeling a deep state of presence, peace, joy and renewed vitality: an experience of Yoga, described as union and vibrancy of body, mind and heart!

Where: Yoga du Soleil located at 224 Divisadero St.
Cost: $140, no refunds with less than 48 hours cancellation
Register: Please email at bettyroiyoga@gmail.com


The Art of Yoga with a Chair
Saturday, February 24th, 2024
9:00am - 12:30pm

The use of a chair was developed by Sri BKS Iyengar to enable any body to enhance their asana practice with the gifts that comes from its usage. Some of the main purposes of using the chair are: Perform asanas which are difficult to perform independently; Achieve and maintain correct alignment during the practice; Stay longer and relax in challenging asanas, in order to receive maximum benefit; Study and investigate the asanas in greater depth; Therapeutic purposes;Increase awareness and fun in the practice!

I have personally enjoyed using a chair as part of my practice for the past 30+ years and keep exploring and finding new creative ways to play with it. It is truly a boon, whether you are an athlete, an older adult, or suffer from injuries. Props are a means to an end and are a great tool for teachers to add to their repertoire. This session will be an exploration of a variety of asanas, standing poses, twists, backbends, forward bends, and inversions. I am inviting you to discover and savor the infinite possibilities that this wondrous prop can offer!

Where: Yoga du Soleil located at 224 Divisadero St.
Cost: $140, no refunds with less than 48 hours cancellation
Register: Please email at bettyroiyoga@gmail.com


FINDING CENTER AND BALANCE: Connecting to the Power of Core, Hands and Feet
Saturday, February 10th, 2024

Our relationship to the earth through our foundation is a dynamic, living relationship, serving in much the same way as the roots of a tree to draw nourishment for growth. The distribution of weight through our feet affects the function and flow of energy through our knees, hips, back and core. Similarly, how we place our weight through our hands creates a powerful cascade effect into the wrists, elbows, shoulders and neck.

In this workshop we will reflect on the meaning of balance in our lives and discover how to enliven our inner body and how finding balance is a dance of pulsations. The interplay of the awareness of our center and extremities awakens us to the vibrancy of the present moment. We will explore core-strengthening asanas, movements to condition the extremities, and leg and arm balances. Finding balance is the manifestation of our internal power, creativity, calm, clarity, and remembering to see the sacred in every breath we take.

Where: Yoga du Soleil located at 224 Divisadero St.
Cost: $140, no refunds with less than 48 hours cancellation
Register: Please email at bettyroiyoga@gmail.com


Learning the Ropes
Saturday, February 3rd, 2024

7 students only - register early!

Rope work, or yoga korunta, is a dynamic and playful aspect of the Iyengar tradition. Ropes help tremendously in building agility and strength of body and mind. In this workshop we will focus on learning how to incorporate the ropes in our yoga practice. By transforming our relationship with gravity, the ropes assist us in focusing on specific parts of the body, refining the dynamics within a pose, and going beyond our habitual limits. We will explore standing postures, forward bends, backbends, twists and inversions. Be prepared to enjoy yourself and be challenged.

This workshop is open to all levels and teachers.

Optional: bring cycling or weight lifting gloves. Small class size ensures individualized attention.

Where: Yoga du Soleil located at 224 Divisadero St.
Cost: $140, no refunds with less than 48 hours cancellation
Register: Please email at bettyroiyoga@gmail.com


woman praying

Opening and Strengthening the Hips, Groin and Hamstrings
Saturday, January 27th, 2024

In this session we will explore ways to cultivate freedom and stability in the pelvis. This can be achieved by learning how to engage the inner and outer muscles of the thighs, how to lengthen and fortify the hamstrings, and how to soften and loosen the hips, groin, ankle joints and feet . The fruit of such practice can prepare one for deep forward bending, back bending, as well as balancing which becomes critical as we age. Understanding how to create mobility in the legs and pelvis while being stable allows one to experience well-being for many years to come.

Clear articulation and regular practice of optimal alignment of the lower body can alleviate back pain as well as create a firm, earthly foundation from which the spine can elongate easefully toward the sky. This can lead one to be able to sit comfortably for meditation and pranayama.

Where: Yoga du Soleil located at 224 Divisadero St.
Cost: $140, no refunds with less than 48 hours cancellation
Register: Please email at bettyroiyoga@gmail.com


Being Radiant in the Heart Center: Opening the Upper Back and Shoulders
Saturday, january 13th, 2024

Yoga is designed to serve the heart, allowing us to be in the essence of our being. In this workshop we will explore movements, postures and actions that strengthen and bring flexibility to the shoulders, chest, neck, thoracic spine, arms, and wrists. By cultivating freedom in the torso, backbends, inverted poses, and sitting can be experienced with more ease. As the upper body grows into healthy alignment, breathing is naturally freer and deeper, potentially preparing one for pranayama practice as well as backbends postures or inversions. The mind then becomes clear and quiet, and the heart loving and peaceful, leading the way to a natural state of meditation, and aligning us with our innermost purpose.

Where: Yoga du Soleil located at 224 Divisadero St.
Cost: $140, no refunds with less than 48 hours cancellation
Register: Please email at bettyroiyoga@gmail.com


From Tadasana to Savasana: From Mountain Pose to Corpse Pose
Saturday, December 16th, 2023
9:00am - 12:30pm

This workshop will be a dynamic exploration of the many mutations of Mountain pose, expressed through the whole spectrum of asanas, culminating in the meditative experience of ultimate surrender in Corpse Pose. We will practice a variety of standing poses, twists, back extensions, arm balancing poses, inversions and forward bends, all woven and balanced within the threads of breath awareness, optimal alignment and concentration. Poses will be modified to meet the specific needs of each yogi. This comprehensive practice, will lead the way to feeling a deep state of presence, peace, joy and renewed vitality: an experience of Yoga, described as union and vibrancy of body, mind and heart!

Where: Yoga du Soleil located at 224 Divisadero St.
Cost: $130, no refunds with less than 48 hours cancellation
Register: Please email at bettyroiyoga@gmail.com


The Art of Yoga with a Chair
Saturday, December 9th, 2023
9:00am - 12:30pm

The use of a chair was developed by Sri BKS Iyengar to enable any body to enhance their asana practice with the gifts that comes from its usage. Some of the main purposes of using the chair are: Perform asanas which are difficult to perform independently; Achieve and maintain correct alignment during the practice; Stay longer and relax in challenging asanas, in order to receive maximum benefit; Study and investigate the asanas in greater depth; Therapeutic purposes;Increase awareness and fun in the practice!

I have personally enjoyed using a chair as part of my practice for the past 30+ years and keep exploring and finding new creative ways to play with it. It is truly a boon, whether you are an athlete, an older adult, or suffer from injuries. Props are a means to an end and are a great tool for teachers to add to their repertoire. This session will be an exploration of a variety of asanas, standing poses, twists, backbends, forward bends, and inversions. I am inviting you to discover and savor the infinite possibilities that this wondrous prop can offer!

Where: Yoga du Soleil located at 224 Divisadero St.
Cost: $130, no refunds with less than 48 hours cancellation
Register: Please email at bettyroiyoga@gmail.com


The Poetic Melody of Restorative Poses
Saturday, november 11th, 2023
9:00am - 12:30pm

Restorative Yoga is an opportunity to deeply relax, renew and journey inward. The body is supported by props in each pose, so each pose can be held for some time effortlessly, which encourages a gradual dissolution of holding patterns of stress and tension in the inner body. All these passive postures are an excellent prelude to pranayama, since they open and gently stretch the respiratory muscles, quiet the mind, and cultivate stillness and ease in the body. During the workshop, Betty will serenade you with selected, inspired poems and vocalese, the vibration of the sounds of harmonious words and melodies ushered by the human voice is the breath that touches the heart of the listener. This experience allows for a deeper absorption into our essence.

A variety of restorative poses will be practiced - forward bends, twists, inversions, and backbends. Then, we will explore some simple yogic breathing techniques designed to expand ("yama") our lifeforce ("prana"). Pranayama strengthens the mind and is a doorway to meditation. As we move beneath the exterior boundaries, we will experience a feeling of inner spaciousness and revealing clarity that can help us realize our fullest spiritual potential.

Where: Yoga du Soleil located at 224 Divisadero St.
Cost: $130, no refunds with less than 48 hours cancellation
Register: Please email at bettyroiyoga@gmail.com


Optimal Alignment for Wholesome Inversions!
Saturday, november 4th, 2023

Inversions are an intrinsic aspect of a balanced yoga practice. Regular practice of these postures nourishes the vital organs, strengthens the immune and nervous system, and clears the mind, creating radiant well-being and serenity from the inside out. This session will be an exploration of the journey toward being inverted.

We will work on poses and actions to access our powerful core, to stabilize and strengthen the shoulder girdle, arms and hands, and to increase mobility of the upper back while understanding how to align the head and neck in a safe, pain-free way. We'll explore headstand, shoulder stand, forearm stand and full arm balance. This workshop is an opportunity for new students to break through their resistances to inversions and make friends with the world being upside down, and an opportunity for more seasoned students to explore more variations and deepen one's expression of these revitalizing poses.

Where: Yoga du Soleil located at 224 Divisadero St.
Cost: $130, no refunds with less than 48 hours cancellation
Register: Please email at bettyroiyoga@gmail.com


The Inward Journey of Forward Bends with Twists
Saturday, October 21, 2023

Forward bends form an essential experience in the yogic understanding that "the path is the goal". When practiced skillfully, forward bend postures physically stretch the legs, open the hips, and lengthen the entire back body. Psychologically, they teach us surrender. Twists in forward bend allow yet ,for a deeper level of introspection and release of tensions with increased ease of breathing. These poses also teach us patience and trust, they help cultivate deep listening, turning our attention inward.

In this workshop we will explore how to mindfully unite both halves of the body with optimal principle of alignments. Harmonious flow of the breath, correct action of the legs and pelvis, and activation of core will be addressed, to safely create mobility, traction, and freedom of the spine. Standing ,seated ,forward bends and twists will be practiced, and the meditative, introspective qualities of these poses will be emphasized. As we expand and soften from deep inside, we become more fully alive, spacious and peaceful in the present moment.

Where: Yoga du Soleil located at 224 Divisadero St.
Cost: $130, no refunds with less than 48 hours cancellation
Register: Please email at bettyroiyoga@gmail.com


FINDING CENTER AND BALANCE: Connecting to the Power of Core, Hands and Feet
Saturday, October 7, 2023

Our relationship to the earth through our foundation is a dynamic, living relationship, serving in much the same way as the roots of a tree to draw nourishment for growth. The distribution of weight through our feet affects the function and flow of energy through our knees, hips, back and core. Similarly, how we place our weight through our hands creates a powerful cascade effect into the wrists, elbows, shoulders and neck.

In this workshop we will reflect on the meaning of balance in our lives and discover how to enliven our inner body and how finding balance is a dance of pulsations. The interplay of the awareness of our center and extremities awakens us to the vibrancy of the present moment. We will explore core-strengthening asanas, movements to condition the extremities, and leg and arm balances. Finding balance is the manifestation of our internal power, creativity, calm, clarity, and remembering to see the sacred in every breath we take.

Where: Yoga du Soleil located at 224 Divisadero St.
Cost: $130, no refunds with less than 48 hours cancellation
Register: Please email at bettyroiyoga@gmail.com


Opening the Upper Back and Shoulders for the Bliss of Backbending
Saturday, September 23rd, 2023

Yoga is designed to serve the heart, allowing us to be in the essence of our being. In this workshop we will explore movements, postures and actions that strengthen and bring flexibility to the shoulders, chest, neck, thoracic spine, arms, and wrists. By cultivating freedom in the torso, backbends, inverted poses, and sitting can be experienced with more ease. As the upper body grows into healthy alignment, breathing is naturally freer and deeper, potentially preparing one for pranayama practice as well as backbends postures or inversions .In this workshop we will explore how the opening and strengthening of the upper back ,can lead to ease in back extensions.The mind can then become calm and clear and the heart can grow more loving and peaceful, leading the way to a natural state of spaciousness, stillness, and aligning us with our innermost bliss.

Where: Yoga du Soleil located at 224 Divisadero St.
Cost: $130, no refunds with less than 48 hours cancellation
Register: Please email at bettyroiyoga@gmail.com


Opening and Strengthening the Hips, Groin and Hamstrings
Saturday, September 9th, 2023

In this session we will explore ways to cultivate freedom and stability in the pelvis. This can be achieved by learning how to engage the inner and outer muscles of the thighs, how to lengthen and fortify the hamstrings, and how to soften and loosen the hips, groin, ankle joints and feet . The fruit of such practice can prepare one for deep forward bending, back bending, as well as balancing which becomes critical as we age. Understanding how to create mobility in the legs and pelvis while being stable allows one to experience well-being for many years to come.

Clear articulation and regular practice of optimal alignment of the lower body can alleviate back pain as well as create a firm, earthly foundation from which the spine can elongate easefully toward the sky. This can lead one to be able to sit comfortably for meditation and pranayama.

Where: Yoga du Soleil located at 224 Divisadero St.
Cost: $130, no refunds with less than 48 hours cancellation
Register: Please email at bettyroiyoga@gmail.com


The Poetic Melody of Restorative Poses
Saturday, August 26, 2023
9:00am - 12:30pm

Restorative Yoga is an opportunity to deeply relax, renew and journey inward. The body is supported by props in each pose, so each pose can be held for some time effortlessly, which encourages a gradual dissolution of holding patterns of stress and tension in the inner body. All these passive postures are an excellent prelude to pranayama, since they open and gently stretch the respiratory muscles, quiet the mind, and cultivate stillness and ease in the body. During the workshop, Betty will serenade you with selected, inspired poems and vocalese, the vibration of the sounds of harmonious words and melodies ushered by the human voice is the breath that touches the heart of the listener. This experience allows for a deeper absorption into our essence.

A variety of restorative poses will be practiced - forward bends, twists, inversions, and backbends. Then, we will explore some simple yogic breathing techniques designed to expand ("yama") our lifeforce ("prana"). Pranayama strengthens the mind and is a doorway to meditation. As we move beneath the exterior boundaries, we will experience a feeling of inner spaciousness and revealing clarity that can help us realize our fullest spiritual potential.

Where: Yoga du Soleil located at 224 Divisadero St.
Cost: $130, no refunds with less than 48 hours cancellation
Register: Please email at bettyroiyoga@gmail.com


Optimal Alignment for Wholesome Inversions!
Saturday, August 12, 2023

Inversions are an intrinsic aspect of a balanced yoga practice. Regular practice of these postures nourishes the vital organs, strengthens the immune and nervous system, and clears the mind, creating radiant well-being and serenity from the inside out. This session will be an exploration of the journey toward being inverted.

We will work on poses and actions to access our powerful core, to stabilize and strengthen the shoulder girdle, arms and hands, and to increase mobility of the upper back while understanding how to align the head and neck in a safe, pain-free way. We'll explore headstand, shoulder stand, forearm stand and full arm balance. This workshop is an opportunity for new students to break through their resistances to inversions and make friends with the world being upside down, and an opportunity for more seasoned students to explore more variations and deepen one's expression of these revitalizing poses.

Where: Yoga du Soleil located at 224 Divisadero St.
Cost: $130, no refunds with less than 48 hours cancellation
Register: Please email at bettyroiyoga@gmail.com


The Many Faces of Standing Poses
Saturday, August 5, 2023

The standing poses are invigorating and of essential nature in yoga asana. They refresh the body and mind by removing tension, aches and pains. They improve circulation and breathing. The back, shoulders, hips, legs, ankles and feet all gain strength and mobility through regular practice. They also teach us the principles of alignment and balance and help develop optimal posture in our walking, sitting, and standing. They contain within their architecture all the more complex and advanced asanas.

In this workshop we will explore the many creative ways to be in each standing posture, with a rich repertoire of variations on feet placement, the use of wall, belts, blocks, chairs, and different relationships with gravity. We will dive deeper into understanding and experiencing their dynamic vitality with renewed awareness and relaxation. Thus we will find stability, freedom, and peace of body, mind and heart in these fundamental postures. This workshop might be of special interest to yoga teachers.

Where: Yoga du Soleil located at 224 Divisadero St.
Cost: $130, no refunds with less than 48 hours cancellation
Register: Please email at bettyroiyoga@gmail.com


The Art of Yoga with a Chair
Saturday, July 22, 2023
9:00am - 12:30pm

The use of a chair was developed by Sri BKS Iyengar to enable any body to enhance their asana practice with the gifts that comes from its usage. Some of the main purposes of using the chair are: Perform asanas which are difficult to perform independently; Achieve and maintain correct alignment during the practice; Stay longer and relax in challenging asanas, in order to receive maximum benefit; Study and investigate the asanas in greater depth; Therapeutic purposes;Increase awareness and fun in the practice!

I have personally enjoyed using a chair as part of my practice for the past 30 +years and keep exploring and finding new creative ways to play with it. It is truly a boon, whether you are an athlete, an older adult, or suffer from injuries. Props are a means to an end and are a great tool for teachers to add to their repertoire. This session will be an exploration of a variety of asanas, standing poses, twists, backbends, forward bends, and inversions. I am inviting you to discover and savor the infinite possibilities that this wondrous prop can offer!

Where: Yoga du Soleil located at 224 Divisadero St.
Cost: $130, no refunds with less than 48 hours cancellation
Register: Please email at bettyroiyoga@gmail.com


From Tadasana to Savasana: From Mountain Pose to Corpse Pose
Saturday, July 15, 2023
9:00am - 12:30pm

This workshop will be a dynamic exploration of the many mutations of Mountain pose, expressed through the whole spectrum of asanas, culminating in the meditative experience of ultimate surrender in Corpse Pose. We will practice a variety of standing poses, twists, back extensions, arm balancing poses, inversions and forward bends, all woven and balanced within the threads of breath awareness, optimal alignment and concentration. Poses will be modified to meet the specific needs of each yogi. This comprehensive practice, will lead the way to feeling a deep state of presence, peace, joy and renewed vitality: an experience of Yoga, described as union and vibrancy of body, mind and heart!

Where: Yoga du Soleil located at 224 Divisadero St.
Cost: $130, no refunds with less than 48 hours cancellation
Register: Please email at bettyroiyoga@gmail.com


                  doing backbend yoga

Being Radiant in the Heart Center: Opening the Upper Back and Shoulders
Saturday, June 24th, 2023

Yoga is designed to serve the heart, allowing us to be in the essence of our being. In this workshop we will explore movements, postures and actions that strengthen and bring flexibility to the shoulders, chest, neck, thoracic spine, arms, and wrists. By cultivating freedom in the torso, backbends, inverted poses, and sitting can be experienced with more ease. As the upper body grows into healthy alignment, breathing is naturally freer and deeper, potentially preparing one for pranayama practice as well as backbends postures or inversions. The mind then becomes clear and quiet, and the heart loving and peaceful, leading the way to a natural state of meditation, and aligning us with our innermost purpose.

Where: Yoga du Soleil located at 224 Divisadero St.
Cost: $130, no refunds with less than 48 hours cancellation
Register: Please email at bettyroiyoga@gmail.com


Opening and Strengthening the Hips, Groin and Hamstrings
Saturday, June 17th, 2023

In this session we will explore ways to cultivate freedom and stability in the pelvis. This can be achieved by learning how to engage the inner and outer muscles of the thighs, how to lengthen and fortify the hamstrings, and how to soften and loosen the hips, groin, ankle joints and feet . The fruit of such practice can prepare one for deep forward bending, back bending, as well as balancing which becomes critical as we age. Understanding how to create mobility in the legs and pelvis while being stable allows one to experience well-being for many years to come.

Clear articulation and regular practice of optimal alignment of the lower body can alleviate back pain as well as create a firm, earthly foundation from which the spine can elongate easefully toward the sky. This can lead one to be able to sit comfortably for meditation and pranayama.

Where: Yoga du Soleil located at 224 Divisadero St.
Cost: $130, no refunds with less than 48 hours cancellation
Register: Please email at bettyroiyoga@gmail.com


The Inward Journey of Forward Bends with Twists
Sunday, April 30th, 2023

Forward bends form an essential experience in the yogic understanding that "the path is the goal". When practiced skillfully, forward bend postures physically stretch the legs, open the hips, and lengthen the entire back body. Psychologically, they teach us surrender. Twists in forward bend allow yet ,for a deeper level of introspection and release of tensions with increased ease of breathing. These poses also teach us patience and trust, they help cultivate deep listening, turning our attention inward.

In this workshop we will explore how to mindfully unite both halves of the body with optimal principle of alignments. Harmonious flow of the breath, correct action of the legs and pelvis, and activation of core will be addressed, to safely create mobility, traction, and freedom of the spine. Standing ,seated ,forward bends and twists will be practiced, and the meditative, introspective qualities of these poses will be emphasized. As we expand and soften from deep inside, we become more fully alive, spacious and peaceful in the present moment.

Where: Yoga du Soleil located at 224 Divisadero St.
Cost: $130, no refunds with less than 48 hours cancellation
Register: Please email at bettyroiyoga@gmail.com


Making friends with the world being upside down!
Sunday, April 16th, 2023

Inversions are an intrinsic aspect of a balanced yoga practice. Regular practice of these postures nourishes the vital organs, strengthens the immune and nervous system, and clears the mind, creating radiant wellbeing and serenity from the inside out.This session will be an exploration of the journey toward being inverted.

We will work on poses and actions to access our powerful core ,to stabilize and strengthen the shoulder girdle , arms and hands increasing the mobility of the upper back while understanding how to align the head and neck in a safe, pain-free way. We'll explore headstand, shoulder stand, forearm stand and full arm balance. This workshop is an opportunity for new students to break through their resistances to inversions and make friends with the world being upside down, and an opportunity for more seasoned students to explore more variations and deepen one’s expression of these revitalizing poses.

Where: Yoga du Soleil located at 224 Divisadero St.
Cost: $130, no refunds with less than 48 hours cancellation
Register: Please email at bettyroiyoga@gmail.com


Opening and Strengthening the Hips, Groin and Hamstrings
Sunday, April 2nd, 2023

In this session we will explore ways to cultivate freedom and stability in the pelvis. This can be achieved by learning how to engage the inner and outer muscles of the thighs, how to lengthen and fortify the hamstrings, and how to soften and loosen the hips, groin, ankle joints and feet . The fruit of such practice can prepare one for deep forward bending, back bending, as well as balancing which becomes critical as we age. Understanding how to create mobility in the legs and pelvis while being stable allows one to experience well-being for many years to come.

Clear articulation and regular practice of optimal alignment of the lower body can alleviate back pain as well as create a firm, earthly foundation from which the spine can elongate easefully toward the sky. This can lead one to be able to sit comfortably for meditation and pranayama.

Where: Yoga du Soleil located at 224 Divisadero St.
Cost: $130, no refunds with less than 48 hours cancellation
Register: Please email at bettyroiyoga@gmail.com


Spring Rejuvenation with Twisting Poses
Saturday, March 25th, 2023

Twisting poses, when performed skillfully, infuse the body and mind with vitality and well being, and assist in releasing enormous amounts of tension. They are traditionally associated with toning and rejuvenating the abdominal and pelvic organs. When these organs are squeezed, blood flow is stimulated and toxins are released - a natural internal massage. With regular practice the entire spine becomes more flexible, the upper back, neck, and hips move more freely, and these areas are nourished and strengthened by increased circulation.

In this session we will explore supine, standing, seated and inverted twists. Twisting poses assist in cultivating introspection: they can be seen as a spiral movement, ascending or descending, towards freedom from within. They are an excellent prelude to meditation, enabling you to feel more in tune with yourself, energized in a restful way, and sit quietly with more ease.

Where: Yoga du Soleil located at 224 Divisadero St.
Cost: $130, no refunds with less than 48 hours cancellation
Register: Please email at bettyroiyoga@gmail.com


Opening the Upper Back and Shoulders for the Bliss of Backbending
Saturday, March 18th 2023

Yoga is designed to serve the heart, allowing us to be in the essence of our being. In this workshop we will explore movements, postures and actions that strengthen and bring flexibility to the shoulders, chest, neck, thoracic spine, arms, and wrists. By cultivating freedom in the torso, backbends, inverted poses, and sitting can be experienced with more ease. As the upper body grows into healthy alignment, breathing is naturally freer and deeper, potentially preparing one for pranayama practice as well as backbends postures or inversions .In this workshop we will explore how the opening and strengthening of the upper back ,can lead to ease in back extensions.The mind can then become calm and clear and the heart can grow more loving and peaceful, leading the way to a natural state of spaciousness, stillness, and aligning us with our innermost bliss.

Where: Yoga du Soleil located at 224 Divisadero St.
Cost: $130, no refunds with less than 48 hours cancellation
Register: Please email at bettyroiyoga@gmail.com


The Many Faces of Standing Poses
Sunday, March 12th, 2023

The standing poses are invigorating and of essential nature in yoga asana. They refresh the body and mind by removing tension, aches and pains. They improve circulation and breathing. The back, shoulders, hips, legs, ankles and feet all gain strength and mobility through regular practice. They also teach us the principles of alignment and balance and help develop optimal posture in our walking, sitting, and standing. They contain within their architecture all the more complex and advanced asanas.

In this workshop we will explore the many creative ways to be in each standing posture, with a rich repertoire of variations on feet placement, the use of wall, belts, blocks, chairs, and different relationships with gravity. We will dive deeper into understanding and experiencing their dynamic vitality with renewed awareness and relaxation. Thus we will find stability, freedom, and peace of body, mind and heart in these fundamental postures. This workshop might be of special interest to yoga teachers .

Where: Yoga du Soleil located at 224 Divisadero St.
Cost: $130, no refunds with less than 48 hours cancellation
Register: Please email at bettyroiyoga@gmail.com


The Art of Yoga with a Chair
Sunday, February 12th, 2023

The use of a chair was developed by Sri BKS Iyengar to enable any body to enhance their asana practice with the gifts that comes from its usage. Some of the main purposes of using the chair are: Perform asanas which are difficult to perform independently; Achieve and maintain correct alignment during the practice; Stay longer and relax in challenging asanas, in order to receive maximum benefit; Study and investigate the asanas in greater depth; Therapeutic purposes;Increase awareness and fun in the practice!

I have personally enjoyed using a chair as part of my practice for the past 30 +years and keep exploring and finding new creative ways to play with it. It is truly a boon, whether you are an athlete, an older adult, or suffer from injuries. Props are a means to an end and are a great tool for teachers to add to their repertoire. This session will be an exploration of a variety of asanas, standing poses, twists, backbends, forward bends, and inversions. I am inviting you to discover and savor the infinite possibilities that this wondrous prop can offer!

Where: Yoga du Soleil located at 224 Divisadero St.
Cost: $130, no refunds with less than 48 hours cancellation
Register: Please email at bettyroiyoga@gmail.com


Learning the Ropes
Saturday, February 18th, 2023
7 students only - register early!

Rope work, or yoga korunta, is a dynamic and playful aspect of the Iyengar tradition. Ropes help tremendously in building agility and strength of body and mind. In this workshop we will focus on learning how to incorporate the ropes in our yoga practice. By transforming our relationship with gravity, the ropes assist us in focusing on specific parts of the body, refining the dynamics within a pose, and going beyond our habitual limits. We will explore standing postures, forward bends, backbends, twists and inversions. Be prepared to enjoy yourself and be challenged.

This workshop is open to all levels and teachers.

Optional: bring cycling or weight lifting gloves. Small class size ensures individualized attention.

Where: Yoga du Soleil located at 224 Divisadero St.
Cost: $130, no refunds with less than 48 hours cancellation
Register: Please email at bettyroiyoga@gmail.com


FINDING CENTER AND BALANCE: Connecting to the Power of Hands and Feet
Saturday, February 26th, 2023

Our relationship to the earth through our foundation is a dynamic, living relationship, serving in much the same way as the roots of a tree to draw nourishment for growth. The distribution of weight through our feet affects the function and flow of energy through our knees, hips, back and core. Similarly, how we place our weight through our hands creates a powerful cascade effect into the wrists, elbows, shoulders and neck.

In this workshop we will reflect on the meaning of balance in our lives and discover how to enliven our inner body and how finding balance is a dance of pulsations. The interplay of the awareness of our center and extremities awakens us to the vibrancy of the present moment. We will explore core-strengthening asanas, movements to condition the extremities, and leg and arm balances. Finding balance is the manifestation of our internal power, creativity, calm, clarity, and remembering to see the sacred in every breath we take.

Where: Yoga du Soleil located at 224 Divisadero St.
Cost: $130, no refunds with less than 48 hours cancellation
Register: Please email at bettyroiyoga@gmail.com


Being Radiant in the Heart Center: Opening the Upper Back and Shoulders
Sunday, January 15th 2023

Yoga is designed to serve the heart, allowing us to be in the essence of our being. In this workshop we will explore movements, postures and actions that strengthen and bring flexibility to the shoulders, chest, neck, thoracic spine, arms, and wrists. By cultivating freedom in the torso, backbends, inverted poses, and sitting can be experienced with more ease. As the upper body grows into healthy alignment, breathing is naturally freer and deeper, potentially preparing one for pranayama practice as well as backbends postures or inversions. The mind then becomes clear and quiet, and the heart loving and peaceful, leading the way to a natural state of meditation, and aligning us with our innermost purpose.

Where: Yoga du Soleil located at 224 Divisadero St.
Cost: $130, no refunds with less than 48 hours cancellation
Register: Please email at bettyroiyoga@gmail.com


Opening and Strengthening the Hips, Groin and Hamstrings
Sunday, January 29th, 2023

In this session we will explore ways to cultivate freedom and stability in the pelvis. This can be achieved by learning how to engage the inner and outer muscles of the thighs, how to lengthen and fortify the hamstrings, and how to soften and loosen the hips, groin, ankle joints and feet . The fruit of such practice can prepare one for deep forward bending, back bending, as well as balancing which becomes critical as we age. Understanding how to create mobility in the legs and pelvis while being stable allows one to experience well-being for many years to come.

Clear articulation and regular practice of optimal alignment of the lower body can alleviate back pain as well as create a firm, earthly foundation from which the spine can elongate easefully toward the sky. This can lead one to be able to sit comfortably for meditation and pranayama.

Where: Yoga du Soleil located at 224 Divisadero St.
Cost: $130, no refunds with less than 48 hours cancellation
Register: Please email at bettyroiyoga@gmail.com


The Poetic Melody of Restorative Poses
Sunday, November 20th 2022
Sunday, December 18th 2022

9:00am - 12:30pm

Restorative Yoga is an opportunity to deeply relax, renew and journey inward. The body is supported by props in each pose, so each pose can be held for some time effortlessly, which encourages a gradual dissolution of holding patterns of stress and tension in the inner body. All these passive postures are an excellent prelude to pranayama, since they open and gently stretch the respiratory muscles, quiet the mind, and cultivate stillness and ease in the body. During the workshop, Betty will serenade you with selected, inspired poems and vocalese, and play chants from her CD "La Lumière du Son". The vibration of the sounds of harmonious words and melodies ushered by the human voice is the breath that touches the heart of the listener. This experience allows for a deeper absorption into our essence.

A variety of restorative poses will be practiced - forward bends, twists, inversions, and backbends. Then, we will explore some simple yogic breathing techniques designed to expand ("yama") our lifeforce ("prana"). Pranayama strengthens the mind and is a doorway to meditation. As we move beneath the exterior boundaries, we will experience a feeling of inner spaciousness and revealing clarity that can help us realize our fullest spiritual potential.

Where: Yoga du Soleil located at 224 Divisadero St.
Cost: $130, no refunds with less than 48 hours cancellation
Register: Please email at bettyroiyoga@gmail.com


New workshop!
From Tadasana to Savasana: From Mountain Pose to Corpse Pose
Sunday, November 13th
9:00am - 12:30pm

This workshop will be a dynamic exploration of the many mutations of Mountain pose, expressed through the whole spectrum of asanas, culminating in the meditative experience of ultimate surrender in Corpse Pose. We will practice a variety of standing poses, twists, back extensions, arm balancing poses, inversions and forward bends, all woven and balanced within the threads of breath awareness, optimal alignment and concentration. Poses will be modified to meet the specific needs of each yogi. This comprehensive practice, will lead the way to feeling a deep state of presence, peace, joy and renewed vitality: an experience of Yoga, described as union and vibrancy of body, mind and heart!

Where: Yoga du Soleil located at 224 Divisadero St.
Cost: $130, no refunds with less than 48 hours cancellation
Register: Please email at bettyroiyoga@gmail.com


The Inward Journey of Forward Bends with Twists
Sunday, October 30th 2022
9:00am - 12:30pm

Forward bends form an essential experience in the yogic understanding that "the path is the goal". When practiced skillfully, forward bend postures physically stretch the legs, open the hips, and lengthen the entire back body. Psychologically, they teach us surrender. Twists in forward bend allow yet ,for a deeper level of introspection and release of tensions with increased ease of breathing. These poses also teach us patience and trust, they help cultivate deep listening, turning our attention inward.

In this workshop we will explore how to mindfully unite both halves of the body with optimal principle of alignments. Harmonious flow of the breath, correct action of the legs and pelvis, and activation of core will be addressed, to safely create mobility, traction, and freedom of the spine. Standing ,seated ,forward bends and twists will be practiced, and the meditative, introspective qualities of these poses will be emphasized. As we expand and soften from deep inside, we become more fully alive, spacious and peaceful in the present moment.

Where: Yoga du Soleil located at 224 Divisadero St.
Cost: $130, no refunds with less than 48 hours cancellation
Register: Please email at bettyroiyoga@gmail.com


The Art of Yoga with a Chair
Sunday, February 9th, 2020; 9:30am-1:00pm

The use of a chair was developed by Sri BKS Iyengar to enable any body to enhance their asana practice with the gifts that comes from its usage. Some of the main purposes of using the chair are: Perform asanas which are difficult to perform independently; Achieve and maintain correct alignment during the practice; Stay longer and relax in challenging asanas, in order to receive maximum benefit; Study and investigate the asanas in greater depth; Therapeutic purposes;Increase awareness and fun in the practice!

I have personally enjoyed using a chair as part of my practice for the past 30 +years and keep exploring and finding new creative ways to play with it. It is truly a boon, whether you are an athlete, an older adult, or suffer from injuries. Props are a means to an end and are a great tool for teachers to add to their repertoire. This session will be an exploration of a variety of asanas � standing poses, twists, backbends, forward bends, and inversions. I am inviting you to discover and savor the infinite possibilities that this wondrous prop can offer!

Where: Yoga du Soleil located at 224 Divisadero St.
New Rate: $100 No refunds with less than 48 hours cancellation.
Register: Call Betty at 415-861-3055 or email at bettyroiyoga@gmail.com


Learning the Ropes
Saturday, February 29th, 2020
Saturday, March 28th, 2020

7 students only - register early!

Rope work, or yoga korunta, is a dynamic and playful aspect of the Iyengar tradition. Ropes help tremendously in building agility and strength of body and mind. In this workshop we will focus on learning how to incorporate the ropes in our yoga practice. By transforming our relationship with gravity, the ropes assist us in focusing on specific parts of the body, refining the dynamics within a pose, and going beyond our habitual limits. We will explore standing postures, forward bends, backbends, twists and inversions. Be prepared to enjoy yourself and be challenged.

This workshop is open to all levels and teachers.

Optional: bring cycling or weight lifting gloves. Small class size ensures individualized attention.

Where: Yoga du Soleil located at 224 Divisadero St.
Cost: $100 No refunds with less than 48 hours cancellation.
Register: Call Betty at 415-861-3055 or email at bettyroiyoga@gmail.com


FINDING BALANCE: Connecting to the Power of Hands and Feet
Sunday, March 8th, 2020, 9:30am - 1:00pm

Our relationship to the earth through our foundation is a dynamic, living relationship, serving in much the same way as the roots of a tree to draw nourishment for growth. The distribution of weight through our feet affects the function and flow of energy through our knees, hips, back and core. Similarly, how we place our weight through our hands creates a powerful cascade effect into the wrists, elbows, shoulders and neck.

In this workshop we will reflect on the meaning of balance in our lives and discover how to enliven our inner body and how finding balance is a dance of pulsations. The interplay of the awareness of our center and extremities awakens us to the vibrancy of the present moment. We will explore core-strengthening asanas, movements to condition the extremities, and leg and arm balances. Finding balance is the manifestation of our internal power, creativity, calm, clarity, and remembering to see the sacred in every breath we take.

Where: Yoga du Soleil located at 224 Divisadero St.
Cost: $100 No refunds with less than 48 hours cancellation.
Register: Call Betty at 415-861-3055 or email at bettyroiyoga@gmail.com


Spring Rejuvenation with Twisting Poses
Sunday, March 22nd, 2020; 9:30am-1:00pm

Twisting poses, when performed skillfully, infuse the body and mind with vitality and well being, and assist in releasing enormous amounts of tension. They are traditionally associated with toning and rejuvenating the abdominal and pelvic organs. When these organs are squeezed, blood flow is stimulated and toxins are released - a natural internal massage. With regular practice the entire spine becomes more flexible, the upper back, neck, and hips move more freely, and these areas are nourished and strengthened by increased circulation.

In this session we will explore supine, standing, seated and inverted twists. Twisting poses assist in cultivating introspection: they can be seen as a spiral movement, ascending or descending, towards freedom from within. They are an excellent prelude to meditation, enabling you to feel more in tune with yourself, energized in a restful way, and sit quietly with more ease.

Where: Yoga du Soleil located at 224 Divisadero St.
Cost: $100 No refunds with less than 48 hours cancellation.
Register: Call Betty at 415-861-3055 or email at bettyroiyoga@gmail.com


The Many Faces of Standing Poses
Sunday, March 29th, 2020, 9:30am-1:00pm

The standing poses are invigorating and an essential type of yoga asana. They refresh the body and mind by removing tension, aches and pains. They improve circulation and breathing. The back, shoulders, hips, legs, ankles and feet all gain strength and mobility through regular practice. They also teach us the principles of alignment and balance and help develop optimal posture in our walking, sitting, and standing. They contain within their architecture all the more complex and advanced asanas.

In this workshop we will explore the many creative ways to be in each standing posture, with a rich repertoire of variations on feet placement, the use of wall, belts, blocks, chairs, and different relationships with gravity. We will dive deeper into understanding and experiencing their dynamic vitality with renewed awareness and relaxation. Thus we will find stability, freedom, and peace of body, mind and heart in these fundamental postures. This workshop might be of special interest to yoga teachers .

Where: Yoga du Soleil located at 224 Divisadero St.
Cost: $100 No refunds with less than 48 hours cancellation.
Register: Call Betty at 415-861-3055 or email at bettyroiyoga@gmail.com



Being Radiant in the Heart Center: Opening the Upper Back and Shoulders
Sunday, January 12th 2020; 9:30am-1:00pm

Yoga is designed to serve the heart, allowing us to be in the essence of our being. In this workshop we will explore movements, postures and actions that strengthen and bring flexibility to the shoulders, chest, neck, thoracic spine, arms, and wrists. By cultivating freedom in the torso, backbends, inverted poses, and sitting can be experienced with more ease. As the upper body grows into healthy alignment, breathing is naturally freer and deeper, potentially preparing one for pranayama practice as well as backbends postures or inversions. The mind then becomes clear and quiet, and the heart loving and peaceful, leading the way to a natural state of meditation, and aligning us with our innermost purpose.

Where: Yoga du Soleil located at 224 Divisadero St.
Cost: $100 No refunds with less than 48 hours cancellation.
Register: Call Betty at 415-861-3055 or email at bettyroiyoga@gmail.com


Learning the Ropes
Saturday, January 18th, 2020, 1:30pm-4:30pm
7 students only - register early!

Rope work, or yoga korunta, is a dynamic and playful aspect of the Iyengar tradition. Ropes help tremendously in building agility and strength of body and mind. In this workshop we will focus on learning how to incorporate the ropes in our yoga practice. By transforming our relationship with gravity, the ropes assist us in focusing on specific parts of the body, refining the dynamics within a pose, and going beyond our habitual limits. We will explore standing postures, forward bends, backbends, twists and inversions. Be prepared to enjoy yourself and be challenged.

This workshop is open to all levels and teachers.

Optional: bring cycling or weight lifting gloves. Small class size ensures individualized attention.

Where: Yoga du Soleil located at 224 Divisadero St.
Cost: $100 No refunds with less than 48 hours cancellation.
Register: Call Betty at 415-861-3055 or email at bettyroiyoga@gmail.com


Opening and Strengthening the Hips, Groin and Hamstrings
Sunday, January 26th, 2020; 9:30am-1:00pm

In this session we will explore ways to cultivate freedom and stability in the pelvis. This can be achieved by learning how to engage the inner and outer muscles of the thighs, how to lengthen and fortify the hamstrings, and how to soften and loosen the hips, groin, ankle joints and feet . The fruit of such practice can prepare one for deep forward bending, back bending, as well as balancing which becomes critical as we age. Understanding how to create mobility in the legs and pelvis while being stable allows one to experience well-being for many years to come.

Clear articulation and regular practice of optimal alignment of the lower body can alleviate back pain as well as create a firm, earthly foundation from which the spine can elongate easefully toward the sky. This can lead one to be able to sit comfortably for meditation and pranayama.

Where: Yoga du Soleil located at 224 Divisadero St.
New Rate: $100 No refunds with less than 48 hours cancellation.
Register: Call Betty at 415-861-3055


Learning the Ropes
Saturday, November 23rd, 2019, 1:30pm-4:30pm
Saturday, December 14th, 2019, 1:30pm-4:30pm
7 students only - register early!

Rope work, or yoga korunta, is a dynamic and playful aspect of the Iyengar tradition. Ropes help tremendously in building agility and strength of body and mind. In this workshop we will focus on learning how to incorporate the ropes in our yoga practice. By transforming our relationship with gravity, the ropes assist us in focusing on specific parts of the body, refining the dynamics within a pose, and going beyond our habitual limits. We will explore standing postures, forward bends, backbends, twists and inversions. Be prepared to enjoy yourself and be challenged.

This workshop is open to all levels and teachers.

Optional: bring cycling or weight lifting gloves. Small class size ensures individualized attention.

Where: Yoga du Soleil located at 224 Divisadero St.
Cost: $100 No refunds with less than 48 hours cancellation.
Register: Call Betty at 415-861-3055 or email at bettyroiyoga@gmail.com


The Poetic Melody of Restorative Poses
Sunday, November 24th, 2019, 9:30am - 1:00pm
Sunday, December 15th, 2019, 9:30am - 1:00pm

Restorative Yoga is an opportunity to deeply relax, renew and journey inward. The body is supported by props in each pose, so each pose can be held for some time effortlessly, which encourages a gradual dissolution of holding patterns of stress and tension in the inner body. All these passive postures are an excellent prelude to pranayama, since they open and gently stretch the respiratory muscles, quiet the mind, and cultivate stillness and ease in the body. During the workshop, Betty will serenade you with selected, inspired poems and vocalese, and play chants from her CD "La Lumière du Son". The vibration of the sounds of harmonious words and melodies ushered by the human voice is the breath that touches the heart of the listener. This experience allows for a deeper absorption into our essence.

A variety of restorative poses will be practiced - forward bends, twists, inversions, and backbends. Then, we will explore some simple yogic breathing techniques designed to expand ("yama") our lifeforce ("prana"). Pranayama strengthens the mind and is a doorway to meditation. As we move beneath the exterior boundaries, we will experience a feeling of inner spaciousness and revealing clarity that can help us realize our fullest spiritual potential.

Where: Yoga du Soleil located at 224 Divisadero St.
New Rate: $100 No refunds with less than 48 hours cancellation.
Register: Call Betty at 415-861-3055


A Post-Thanksgiving Rejuvenating, Detoxifying, Purifying Practice
Sunday, December 1st, 2019, 9:30am-1:00pm
By early registration only.
Registration deadline is Monday November 25th

If you are feeling sluggish, agitated and out of balance after the holiday feast, this practice will be nectar for your body, mind and spirit. The rivers of light (nadis) that run through our entire being can become blocked, overtaxed, dried up and dimmed by rich foods, alcohol, family stress, lack of movement and sleep.

In this workshop we will engage the body in sun salutations, rhythmic movement combinations (vinyasa), twists and inversions to increase circulation of fluids in connective tissues and muscles, clear away accumulation of toxins in the organs, and nourish the body from inside out. We will practice conscious, slow breathing to regulate, the nervous system and increase our vitality (prana) and conclude with a sitting meditation, savoring stillness so we may begin to experience our innate joy and the radiant light within.

Where: Yoga du Soleil located at 224 Divisadero St.
Cost: $100 No refunds with less than 48 hours cancellation.
Register: Call Betty at 415-861-3055 or email at bettyroiyoga@gmail.com


FINDING BALANCE: Connecting to the Power of Hands and Feet
Sunday, October 13th, 9:30am - 1:00pm

Our relationship to the earth through our foundation is a dynamic, living relationship, serving in much the same way as the roots of a tree to draw nourishment for growth. The distribution of weight through our feet affects the function and flow of energy through our knees, hips, back and core. Similarly, how we place our weight through our hands creates a powerful cascade effect into the wrists, elbows, shoulders and neck.

In this workshop we will reflect on the meaning of balance in our lives and discover how to enliven our inner body and how finding balance is a dance of pulsations. The interplay of the awareness of our center and extremities awakens us to the vibrancy of the present moment. We will explore core-strengthening asanas, movements to condition the extremities, and leg and arm balances. Finding balance is the manifestation of our internal power, creativity, calm, clarity, and remembering to see the sacred in every breath we take.

Where: Yoga du Soleil located at 224 Divisadero St.
Cost: $100 No refunds with less than 48 hours cancellation.
Register: Call Betty at 415-861-3055 or email at bettyroiyoga@gmail.com


Learning the Ropes
Saturday, September 21st, 2019, 1:30pm-4:30pm
7 students only - register early!

Rope work, or yoga korunta, is a dynamic and playful aspect of the Iyengar tradition. Ropes help tremendously in building agility and strength of body and mind. In this workshop we will focus on learning how to incorporate the ropes in our yoga practice. By transforming our relationship with gravity, the ropes assist us in focusing on specific parts of the body, refining the dynamics within a pose, and going beyond our habitual limits. We will explore standing postures, forward bends, backbends, twists and inversions. Be prepared to enjoy yourself and be challenged.

This workshop is open to all levels and teachers.

Optional: bring cycling or weight lifting gloves. Small class size ensures individualized attention.

Where: Yoga du Soleil located at 224 Divisadero St.
Cost: $100 No refunds with less than 48 hours cancellation.
Register: Call Betty at 415-861-3055 or email at bettyroiyoga@gmail.com


Awakening with Inversions
Sunday, September 22nd, 2019; 9:30am-1:00pm

Inversions are an essential aspect of a balanced yoga practice. Regular practice of these postures nourishes the vital organs, strengthens the immune and nervous system, and clears the mind, creating radiant wellbeing and serenity from the inside out.

We will work on poses and actions to stabilize and strengthen the shoulder girdle and arms, increasing the mobility of the upper back while understanding how to align the head and neck in a safe, pain-free way. We'll explore headstand, shoulderstand, forearmstand and full arm balance. This workshop is an opportunity for new students to break through their resistances to inversions and make friends with the world being upside down, and an opportunity for more seasoned students to explore more challenging variations.

Where: Yoga du Soleil located at 224 Divisadero St.
Cost: $100 No refunds with less than 48 hours cancellation.
Register: Call Betty at 415-861-3055 or email at bettyroiyoga@gmail.com


Opening and Strengthening the Hips, Groin and Hamstrings
Sunday, September 29th, 2019; 9:30am-1:00pm

In this session we will explore ways to cultivate freedom and stability in the pelvis. This can be achieved by learning how to engage the inner and outer muscles of the thighs, how to lengthen and fortify the hamstrings, and how to soften and loosen the hips, groin, ankle joints and feet . The fruit of such practice can prepare one for deep forward bending, back bending, as well as balancing which becomes critical as we age. Understanding how to create mobility in the legs and pelvis while being stable allows one to experience well-being for many years to come.

Clear articulation and regular practice of optimal alignment of the lower body can alleviate back pain as well as create a firm, earthly foundation from which the spine can elongate easefully toward the sky. This can lead one to be able to sit comfortably for meditation and pranayama.

Where: Yoga du Soleil located at 224 Divisadero St.
New Rate: $100 No refunds with less than 48 hours cancellation.
Register: Call Betty at 415-861-3055

Being Radiant in the Heart Center: Opening the Upper Back and Shoulders
Sunday, July 28th 2019; 9:30am-1:00pm

Yoga is designed to serve the heart, allowing us to be in the essence of our being. In this workshop we will explore movements, postures and actions that strengthen and bring flexibility to the shoulders, chest, neck, thoracic spine, arms, and wrists. By cultivating freedom in the torso, backbends, inverted poses, and sitting can be experienced with more ease. As the upper body grows into healthy alignment, breathing is naturally freer and deeper, potentially preparing one for pranayama practice as well as backbends postures or inversions .The mind then becomes clear and quiet, and the heart loving and peaceful, leading the way to a natural state of meditation, and aligning us with our innermost purpose.

Where: Yoga du Soleil located at 224 Divisadero St.
Cost: $95 No refunds with less than 48 hours cancellation.
Register: Call Betty at 415-861-3055 or email at bettyroiyoga@gmail.com


Learning the Ropes
Saturday, August 10th, 1:30pm-4:30pm
Saturday, August 17th, 1:30pm-4:30pm

7 students only - register early!

Rope work, or yoga korunta, is a dynamic and playful aspect of the Iyengar tradition. Ropes help tremendously in building agility and strength of body and mind. In this workshop we will focus on learning how to incorporate the ropes in our yoga practice. By transforming our relationship with gravity, the ropes assist us in focusing on specific parts of the body, refining the dynamics within a pose, and going beyond our habitual limits. We will explore standing postures, forward bends, backbends, twists and inversions. Be prepared to enjoy yourself and be challenged.

This workshop is open to all levels and teachers.

Optional: bring cycling or weight lifting gloves. Small class size ensures individualized attention.

Where: Yoga du Soleil located at 224 Divisadero St.
Cost: $100 No refunds with less than 48 hours cancellation.
Register: Call Betty at 415-861-3055 or email at bettyroiyoga@gmail.com


The Many Faces of Standing Poses
Sunday, August 25th, 9:30am-1:00pm

The standing poses are invigorating and an essential type of yoga asana. They refresh the body and mind by removing tension, aches and pains. They improve circulation and breathing. The back, shoulders, hips, legs, ankles and feet all gain strength and mobility through regular practice. They also teach us the principles of alignment and balance and help develop optimal posture in our walking, sitting, and standing. They contain within their architecture all the more complex and advanced asanas.

In this workshop we will explore the many creative ways to be in each standing posture, with a rich repertoire of variations on feet placement, the use of wall, belts, blocks, chairs, and different relationships with gravity. We will dive deeper into understanding and experiencing their dynamic vitality with renewed awareness and relaxation. Thus we will find stability, freedom, and peace of body, mind and heart in these fundamental postures. This workshop might be of special interest to yoga teachers .

Where: Yoga du Soleil located at 224 Divisadero St.
Cost: $95 No refunds with less than 48 hours cancellation.
Register: Call Betty at 415-861-3055 or email at bettyroiyoga@gmail.com


Being Radiant in the Heart Center: Opening the Upper Back and Shoulders
Sunday, June 2nd 2019; 9:30am-1:00pm

Yoga is designed to serve the heart, allowing us to be in the essence of our being. In this workshop we will explore movements, postures and actions that strengthen and bring flexibility to the shoulders, chest, neck, thoracic spine, arms, and wrists. By cultivating freedom in the torso, backbends, inverted poses, and sitting can be experienced with more ease. As the upper body grows into healthy alignment, breathing is naturally freer and deeper, potentially preparing one for pranayama practice as well as backbends postures or inversions .The mind then becomes clear and quiet, and the heart loving and peaceful, leading the way to a natural state of meditation, and aligning us with our innermost purpose.

Where: Yoga du Soleil located at 224 Divisadero St.
Cost: $95 No refunds with less than 48 hours cancellation.
Register: Call Betty at 415-861-3055 or email at bettyroiyoga@gmail.com


Opening the Hips, Groin and Hamstrings
Sunday, June 9th, 2019; 9:30am-1:00pm

In this workshop we will explore ways to cultivate freedom and stability in the pelvis. This can be achieved by learning how to engage the inner and outer muscles of the thighs, how to lengthen and fortify the hamstrings, and how to soften and loosen the hips, groin, ankle joints and feet . The fruit of such practice can prepare one for deep forward bending, back bending, as well as balancing which becomes critical as we age. Understanding how to create mobility in the legs and pelvis while being stable allows one to experience well-being for many years to come.

Clear articulation and regular practice of optimal alignment of the lower body can alleviate back pain as well as create a firm, earthly foundation from which the spine can elongate easefully toward the sky. This can lead one to be able to sit comfortably for meditation and pranayama.

Where: Yoga du Soleil located at 224 Divisadero St.
Cost: $95 No refunds with less than 48 hours cancellation.
Register: Call Betty at 415-861-3055 or email at bettyroiyoga@gmail.com


The Art of Yoga with a Chair
Sunday, June 23d, 2019; 9:30am-1:00pm

The use of a chair was developed by Sri BKS Iyengar to enable any body to enhance their asana practice with the gifts that comes from its usage. Some of the main purposes of using the chair are: Perform asanas which are difficult to perform independently; Achieve and maintain correct alignment during the practice; Stay longer and relax in challenging asanas, in order to receive maximum benefit; Study and investigate the asanas in greater depth; Therapeutic purposes;Increase awareness and fun in the practice!

I have personally enjoyed using a chair as part of my practice for the past 30 +years and keep exploring and finding new creative ways to play with it. It is truly a boon, whether you are an athlete, an older adult, or suffer from injuries. Props are a means to an end and are a great tool for teachers to add to their repertoire. This session will be an exploration of a variety of asanas � standing poses, twists, backbends, forward bends, and inversions. I am inviting you to discover and savor the infinite possibilities that this wondrous prop can offer!

Where: Yoga du Soleil located at 224 Divisadero St.
New Rate: $95 No refunds with less than 48 hours cancellation.
Register: Call Betty at 415-861-3055 or email at bettyroiyoga@gmail.com

Save the dates:
There will be one workshop on Jully 28th and one on August 11th, topics to be announced.


The Journey to Arm Balancing
Sunday, April 28th, 9:30am - 1:00pm

Where: Yoga du Soleil located at 224 Divisadero St.
Cost: $95 No refunds with less than 48 hours cancellation.
Register: Call Betty at 415-861-3055 or email at bettyroiyoga@gmail.com


Opening the Gates to the Bliss of Back Extensions
Sunday, May 5th, 2019; 9:30am-1:00pm

Back Extensions move us from the known to the unknown and demand complete physical and mental awareness. They are liberating and exhilarating. Backbending brings life to the spine, opens the chest, and stretches the entire front body as well as toning the back muscles, spine, and abdominals. With regular practice they strengthen your willpower, nervous system, and capacity to bear stress, and they correct poor posture.

In this session, we will strengthen the core and then explore the essential keys that open the gates of the pelvis and the upper back and shoulders to move freely and safely into back extensions. We will practice a variety of backbends from beginning to more complex, along with poses for cooling down. Come and experience the freeing and rejuvenating power of these rewarding poses. They will light up your spirit.

Where: Yoga du Soleil located at 224 Divisadero St.
Cost: $95 No refunds with less than 48 hours cancellation.
Register: Call Betty at 415-861-3055 or email at bettyroiyoga@gmail.com


The Many Faces of Standing Poses
Sunday, May 19th, 2019; 9:30am-1:00pm

The standing poses are invigorating and an essential type of yoga asana. They refresh the body and mind by removing tension, aches and pains. They improve circulation and breathing. The back, shoulders, hips, legs, ankles and feet all gain strength and mobility through regular practice. They also teach us the principles of alignment and balance and help develop optimal posture in our walking, sitting, and standing. They contain within their architecture all the more complex and advanced asanas.

In this workshop we will explore the many creative ways to be in each standing posture, with a rich repertoire of variations on feet placement, the use of wall, belts, blocks, chairs, and different relationships with gravity. We will dive deeper into understanding and experiencing their dynamic vitality with renewed awareness and relaxation. Thus we will find stability, freedom, and peace of body, mind and heart in these fundamental postures. This workshop might be of special interest to yoga teachers .

Where: Yoga du Soleil located at 224 Divisadero St.
Cost: $95 No refunds with less than 48 hours cancellation.
Register: Call Betty at 415-861-3055 or email at bettyroiyoga@gmail.com


Learning the Ropes
Saturday, May 25th, 2019; 1:30pm-4:30pm
7 students only - register early!

Rope work, or yoga korunta, is a dynamic and playful aspect of the Iyengar tradition. Ropes help tremendously in building agility and strength of body and mind. In this workshop we will focus on learning how to incorporate the ropes in our yoga practice. By transforming our relationship with gravity, the ropes assist us in focusing on specific parts of the body, refining the dynamics within a pose, and going beyond our habitual limits. We will explore standing postures, forward bends, backbends, twists and inversions. Be prepared to enjoy yourself and be challenged.

This workshop is open to all levels and teachers. Optional: bring cycling or weight lifting gloves. Small class size ensures individualized attention.

Where: Yoga du Soleil located at 224 Divisadero St.
Cost: $100 No refunds with less than 48 hours cancellation.
Register: Call Betty at 415-861-3055 or email at bettyroiyoga@gmail.com


Awakening to Our Roots: The Mighty Power of Hands and Feet
Sunday, April 7th, 2019, 9:30am - 1:00pm

Our relationship to the earth through our foundation is a dynamic, living relationship, serving in much the same way as the roots of a tree draws nourishment for growth. The distribution of weight through our feet affects the function and flow of energy through our knees, hips, back and core. Similarly, how we displace our weight through our hands creates a powerful cascade effect into the wrists, elbows, shoulders and neck.

In this workshop we will discover how cultivating awareness in the hands and feet awakens us to the vibrancy of the present moment by engendering a more profound sense of internal attunement and inner core stability. We will begin the practice with a series of movements and actions designed to open, strengthen, and condition the extremities. This will be followed by a variety of standing poses, one-legged balancing poses, some backbends as well as simple arm balances. We will experience how are hands and feet are powerful symbols for our potential to expand, to give and receive, and to manifest more balance and equanimity in our lives.

Where: Yoga du Soleil located at 224 Divisadero St.
Cost: $95 No refunds with less than 48 hours cancellation.
Register: Call Betty at 415-861-3055 or email at bettyroiyoga@gmail.com


Celebrating Interconnectedness Through Partner Yoga
Sunday, April 14th, 2019, 9:30am - 1:00pm

In this workshop we will work with each other to explore a variety of asanas - standing poses, forward bends, backbends, twists and inversions. This process requires our utmost attention in listening and seeing each other in movement and stillness which increases our ability to be present with each moment as it arises.

The essence of yoga is relationship. This interplay of giving and receiving can be educative, creative, playful and transformative. Practicing yoga with the help of a sensitive partner can quicken our understanding of the postures and teach us the subtle art of communicating through skillful touch and breath awareness. It can also enable us to develop trust (sraddha) and give us the opportunity to express gratitude (bhava). By cultivating these heart qualities we open to a more immediate experience of the interconnectedness of us all. Some previous yoga experience is required. It is not necessary to bring a partner to attend.

Where: Yoga du Soleil located at 224 Divisadero St.
Cost: $95 No refunds with less than 48 hours cancellation.
Register: Call Betty at 415-861-3055 or email at bettyroiyoga@gmail.com


Learning the Ropes
Saturday, April 20th, 2019; 1:30pm-4:30pm
7 students only - register early!

Rope work, or yoga korunta, is a dynamic and playful aspect of the Iyengar tradition. Ropes help tremendously in building agility and strength of body and mind. In this workshop we will focus on learning how to incorporate the ropes in our yoga practice. By transforming our relationship with gravity, the ropes assist us in focusing on specific parts of the body, refining the dynamics within a pose, and going beyond our habitual limits. We will explore standing postures, forward bends, backbends, twists and inversions. Be prepared to enjoy yourself and be challenged.

This workshop is open to all levels and teachers. Optional: bring cycling or weight lifting gloves. Small class size ensures individualized attention.

Where: Yoga du Soleil located at 224 Divisadero St.
Cost: $100 No refunds with less than 48 hours cancellation.
Register: Call Betty at 415-861-3055 or email at bettyroiyoga@gmail.com


Being Radiant in the Heart Center: Opening the Upper Back and Shoulders
Sunday, March 3rd 2019; 9:30am-1:00pm

Yoga is designed to serve the heart, allowing us to be in the essence of our being. In this workshop we will explore movements, postures and actions that strengthen and bring flexibility to the shoulders, chest, neck, thoracic spine, arms, and wrists. By cultivating freedom in the torso, backbends, inverted poses, and sitting can be experienced with more ease. As the upper body grows into healthy alignment, breathing is naturally freer and deeper, potentially preparing one for pranayama practice as well as backbends postures or inversions .The mind then becomes clear and quiet, and the heart loving and peaceful, leading the way to a natural state of meditation, and aligning us with our innermost purpose.

Where: Yoga du Soleil located at 224 Divisadero St.
Cost: $95 No refunds with less than 48 hours cancellation.
Register: Call Betty at 415-861-3055 or email at bettyroiyoga@gmail.com


Learning the Ropes
Saturday, March 23rd, 2019; 1:30pm-4:30pm
7 students only - register early!

Rope work, or yoga korunta, is a dynamic and playful aspect of the Iyengar tradition. Ropes help tremendously in building agility and strength of body and mind. In this workshop we will focus on learning how to incorporate the ropes in our yoga practice. By transforming our relationship with gravity, the ropes assist us in focusing on specific parts of the body, refining the dynamics within a pose, and going beyond our habitual limits. We will explore standing postures, forward bends, backbends, twists and inversions. Be prepared to enjoy yourself and be challenged.

This workshop is open to all levels and teachers. Optional: bring cycling or weight lifting gloves. Small class size ensures individualized attention.

Where: Yoga du Soleil located at 224 Divisadero St.
Cost: $100 No refunds with less than 48 hours cancellation.
Register: Call Betty at 415-861-3055 or email at bettyroiyoga@gmail.com


Spring Rejuvenation with Twisting Poses
Sunday, March 24th, 2019; 9:30am-1:00pm

Twisting poses, when performed skillfully, infuse the body and mind with vitality and well being, and assist in releasing enormous amounts of tension. They are traditionally associated with toning and rejuvenating the abdominal and pelvic organs. When these organs are squeezed, blood flow is stimulated and toxins are released - a natural internal massage. With regular practice the entire spine becomes more flexible, the upper back, neck, and hips move more freely, and these areas are nourished and strengthened by increased circulation.

In this session we will explore supine, standing, seated and inverted twists. Twisting poses assist in cultivating introspection: they can be seen as a spiral movement, ascending or descending, towards freedom from within. They are an excellent prelude to meditation, enabling you to feel more in tune with yourself, energized in a restful way, and sit quietly with more ease.

Where: Yoga du Soleil located at 224 Divisadero St.
Cost: $95 No refunds with less than 48 hours cancellation.
Register: Call Betty at 415-861-3055 or email at bettyroiyoga@gmail.com


The Art of Yoga with a Chair
Saturday, February 23d, 2019; 1:30pm-5:00pm

The use of a chair was developed by Sri BKS Iyengar to enable any body to enhance their asana practice with the gifts that comes from its usage. Some of the main purposes of using the chair are: Perform asanas which are difficult to perform independently; Achieve and maintain correct alignment during the practice; Stay longer and relax in challenging asanas, in order to receive maximum benefit; Study and investigate the asanas in greater depth; Therapeutic purposes;Increase awareness and fun in the practice!

I have personally enjoyed using a chair as part of my practice for the past 30 +years and keep exploring and finding new creative ways to play with it. It is truly a boon, whether you are an athlete, an older adult, or suffer from injuries. Props are a means to an end and are a great tool for teachers to add to their repertoire. This session will be an exploration of a variety of asanas � standing poses, twists, backbends, forward bends, and inversions. I am inviting you to discover and savor the infinite possibilities that this wondrous prop can offer!

Where: Yoga du Soleil located at 224 Divisadero St.
New Rate: $95 No refunds with less than 48 hours cancellation.
Register: Call Betty at 415-861-3055 or email at bettyroiyoga@gmail.com


Awakening with Inversions
Sunday, February 10th, 2019; 9:30am-1:00pm

Inversions are an essential aspect of a balanced yoga practice. Regular practice of these postures nourishes the vital organs, strengthens the immune and nervous system, and clears the mind, creating radiant wellbeing and serenity from the inside out.

We will work on poses and actions to stabilize and strengthen the shoulder girdle and arms, increasing the mobility of the upper back while understanding how to align the head and neck in a safe, pain-free way. We'll explore headstand, shoulderstand, forearmstand and full arm balance. This workshop is an opportunity for new students to break through their resistances to inversions and make friends with the world being upside down, and an opportunity for more seasoned students to explore more challenging variations.

Where: Yoga du Soleil located at 224 Divisadero St.
Rate: $95 No refunds with less than 48 hours cancellation.
Register: Call Betty at 415-861-3055 or email at bettyroiyoga@gmail.com


Learning the Ropes
Saturday, February 16th, 2019; 1:30pm-4:30pm
7 students only - register early!

Rope work, or yoga korunta, is a dynamic and playful aspect of the Iyengar tradition. Ropes help tremendously in building agility and strength of body and mind. In this workshop we will focus on learning how to incorporate the ropes in our yoga practice. By transforming our relationship with gravity, the ropes assist us in focusing on specific parts of the body, refining the dynamics within a pose, and going beyond our habitual limits. We will explore standing postures, forward bends, backbends, twists and inversions. Be prepared to enjoy yourself and be challenged.

This workshop is open to all levels and teachers. Optional: bring cycling or weight lifting gloves. Small class size ensures individualized attention.

Where: Yoga du Soleil located at 224 Divisadero St.
Cost: $100 No refunds with less than 48 hours cancellation.
Register: Call Betty at 415-861-3055 or email at bettyroiyoga@gmail.com


Being Radiant in the Heart Center: Opening the Upper Back and Shoulders
Sunday, January 6th, 2019; 9:30am-1:00pm

Start the new year with aligning yourself with your highest purpose which arises from and serves the heart, allowing us to be in the essence of our being. In this workshop we will explore movements, postures and actions that strengthen and bring flexibility to the shoulders, chest, neck, thoracic spine, arms, and wrists. By cultivating freedom in the torso, backbends, inverted poses, and sitting can be experienced with more ease. As the upper body grows into healthy alignment, breathing is naturally freer and deeper, potentially preparing one for pranayama practice as well as backbends or inversions. The mind then becomes clear and quiet, and the heart loving and peaceful, leading the way to a natural state of meditation, and aligning us with our innermost purpose.

Where: Yoga du Soleil located at 224 Divisadero St.
Rate: $95 No refunds with less than 48 hours cancellation.
Register: Call Betty at 415-861-3055


Learning the Ropes
Saturday, January 26th, 2019; 1:30pm-4:30pm
7 students only - register early!

Rope work, or yoga korunta, is a dynamic and playful part of the Iyengar tradition. Ropes help tremendously in building agility and strength of body and mind. In this workshop we will focus on learning how to incorporate the ropes in your yoga practice. By transforming our relationship with gravity, the ropes assist us in focusing on specific parts of the body, refining the dynamics within a pose, and going beyond our habitual limits. We will explore standing postures, forward bends, backbends, twists and inversions. Be prepared to enjoy yourself and be challenged.

This workshop is open to all levels and teachers. Optional: bring cycling or weight lifting gloves. Small class size ensures individualized attention.

Where: Yoga du Soleil located at 224 Divisadero St.
Cost: $100 No refunds with less than 48 hours cancellation.
Register: Call Betty at 415-861-3055


Hip Opening and Rejuvenation with Twisting Poses
Sunday, January 27th, 2019; 9:30am-1:00pm

Twisting poses, when performed skillfully, infuse the body and mind with vitality and well being, and assist in releasing enormous amounts of tension. They are traditionally associated with toning and rejuvenating the abdominal and pelvic organs. When these organs are squeezed, blood flow is stimulated and toxins are released - a natural internal massage. With regular practice the entire spine becomes more flexible, the upper back, neck, and hips move more freely, and these areas are nourished and strengthened by increased circulation.

In this session we will explore supine, standing, seated and inverted twists. Twisting poses assist in cultivating introspection: they can be seen as a spiral movement, ascending or descending, towards freedom from within. They are an excellent prelude to meditation, enabling you to feel more in tune with yourself, energized in a restful way, and sit quietly with more ease.

Where: Yoga du Soleil located at 224 Divisadero St.
New Rate: $95 No refunds with less than 48 hours cancellation.
Register: Call Betty at 415-861-3055

The Poetic Melody of Restorative Poses
Sunday, December 9th, 9:30pm - 1:00pm

Restorative Yoga is an opportunity to deeply relax, renew and journey inward. The body is supported by props in each pose, so each pose can be held for some time effortlessly, which encourages a gradual dissolution of holding patterns of stress and tension in the inner body. All these passive postures are an excellent prelude to pranayama, since they open and gently stretch the respiratory muscles, quiet the mind, and cultivate stillness and ease in the body. During the workshop, Betty will serenade you with selected, inspired poems and vocalese, and play chants from her CD "La Lumière du Son". The vibration of the sounds of harmonious words and melodies ushered by the human voice is the breath that touches the heart of the listener. This experience allows for a deeper absorption into our essence.

A variety of restorative poses will be practiced - forward bends, twists, inversions, and backbends. Then, we will explore some simple yogic breathing techniques designed to expand ("yama") our lifeforce ("prana"). Pranayama strengthens the mind and is a doorway to meditation. As we move beneath the exterior boundaries, we will experience a feeling of inner spaciousness and revealing clarity that can help us realize our fullest spiritual potential.

Where: Yoga du Soleil located at 224 Divisadero St.
New Rate: $95 No refunds with less than 48 hours cancellation.
Register: Call Betty at 415-861-3055


The Power of Inversions
Sunday, September 30th, 2018; 9:30am-1:00pm

Inversions are an essential aspect of a balanced yoga practice. Regular practice of these postures nourishes the vital organs, strengthens the immune and nervous system, and clears the mind, creating radiant wellbeing and serenity from the inside out.

We will work on poses and actions to stabilize and strengthen the shoulder girdle and arms, increasing the mobility of the upper back while understanding how to align the head and neck in a safe, pain-free way. We'll explore headstand, shoulderstand, forearmstand and full arm balance. This workshop is an opportunity for new students to break through their resistances to inversions and make friends with the world being upside down, and an opportunity for more seasoned students to explore more challenging variations.

Where: Yoga du Soleil located at 224 Divisadero St.
New Rate: $95 No refunds with less than 48 hours cancellation.
Register: Call Betty at 415-861-3055



Learning the Ropes
Saturday, October 13th, 2018; 1:30pm-4:30pm
7 students only - register early!

Rope work, or yoga korunta, is a dynamic and playful part of the Iyengar tradition. Ropes help tremendously in building agility and strength of body and mind. In this workshop we will focus on learning how to incorporate the ropes in your yoga practice. By transforming our relationship with gravity, the ropes assist us in focusing on specific parts of the body, refining the dynamics within a pose, and going beyond our habitual limits. We will explore standing postures, forward bends, backbends, twists and inversions. Be prepared to enjoy yourself and be challenged.

This workshop is open to all levels and teachers. Optional: bring cycling or weight lifting gloves. Small class size ensures individualized attention.

Where: Yoga du Soleil located at 224 Divisadero St.
Cost: $100 No refunds with less than 48 hours cancellation.
Register: Call Betty at 415-861-3055


The Poetic Melody of Restorative Poses
Sunday, October 14th, 9:30pm - 1:00pm

Restorative Yoga is an opportunity to deeply relax, renew and journey inward. The body is supported by props in each pose, so each pose can be held for some time effortlessly, which encourages a gradual dissolution of holding patterns of stress and tension in the inner body. All these passive postures are an excellent prelude to pranayama, since they open and gently stretch the respiratory muscles, quiet the mind, and cultivate stillness and ease in the body. During the workshop, Betty will serenade you with selected, inspired poems and vocalese, and play chants from her CD "La Lumière du Son". The vibration of the sounds of harmonious words and melodies ushered by the human voice is the breath that touches the heart of the listener. This experience allows for a deeper absorption into our essence.

A variety of restorative poses will be practiced - forward bends, twists, inversions, and backbends. Then, we will explore some simple yogic breathing techniques designed to expand ("yama") our lifeforce ("prana"). Pranayama strengthens the mind and is a doorway to meditation. As we move beneath the exterior boundaries, we will experience a feeling of inner spaciousness and revealing clarity that can help us realize our fullest spiritual potential.

Where: Yoga du Soleil located at 224 Divisadero St.
New Rate: $95 No refunds with less than 48 hours cancellation.
Register: Call Betty at 415-861-3055


The Art of Yoga with a Chair
Sunday, September 16th, 2018; 9:30am-1:00pm

The use of a chair was developed by Sri BKS Iyengar to enable any body to enhance their asana practice and the gifts that comes from its usage. Some of the main purposes of using the chair are: Perform asanas which are difficult to perform independently; Achieve and maintain correct alignment during the practice; Stay longer and relax in challenging asanas, in order to receive maximum benefit; Study and investigate the asanas in greater depth; Therapeutic purposes;Increase awareness and fun in the practice!

I have personally enjoyed using a chair as part of my practice for the past 30 years and keep exploring and finding new creative ways to play with it. It is truly a boon, whether you are an athlete, an older adult, or suffer from injuries. Props are a means to an end and are a great tool for teachers to add to their repertoire. This session will be an introduction to explore a variety of asanas � standing poses, twists, backbends, forward bends, and inversions. I am inviting you to discover and savor the infinite possibilities that this wondrous prop can offer!

Where: Yoga du Soleil located at 224 Divisadero St.
New Rate: $95 No refunds with less than 48 hours cancellation.
Register: Call Betty at 415-861-3055


Opening and Strengthening the Hips, Groin and Hamstrings
Saturday, September 22nd, 2018; 1:30pm-5:00pm

In this session we will explore ways to cultivate freedom and stability in the pelvis. This can be achieved by learning how to engage the inner and outer muscles of the thighs, how to lengthen and fortify the hamstrings, and how to soften and loosen the hips, groin, ankle joints and feet . The fruit of such practice can prepare one for deep forward bending, back bending, as well as balancing which becomes critical as we age. Understanding how to create mobility in the legs and pelvis while being stable allows one to experience well-being for many years to come.

Clear articulation and regular practice of optimal alignment of the lower body can alleviate back pain as well as create a firm, earthly foundation from which the spine can elongate easefully toward the sky. This can lead one to be able to sit comfortably for meditation and pranayama.

Where: Yoga du Soleil located at 224 Divisadero St.
New Rate: $95 No refunds with less than 48 hours cancellation.
Register: Call Betty at 415-861-3055


Being Radiant in the Heart Center: Opening the Upper Back and Shoulders
Sunday, September 23rd, 2018; 9:30am-1:00pm

Yoga is designed to serve the heart, allowing us to be in the essence of our being. In this workshop we will explore movements, postures and actions that strengthen and bring flexibility to the shoulders, chest, neck, thoracic spine, arms, and wrists. By cultivating freedom in the torso, backbends, inverted poses, and sitting can be experienced with more ease. As the upper body grows into healthy alignment, breathing is naturally freer and deeper, potentially preparing one for pranayama practice as well as backbends postures or inversions .The mind then becomes clear and quiet, and the heart loving and peaceful, leading the way to a natural state of meditation, and aligning us with our innermost purpose.

Where: Yoga du Soleil located at 224 Divisadero St.
Rate: $95 No refunds with less than 48 hours cancellation.
Register: Call Betty at 415-861-3055


Being Radiant in the Heart Center: Opening the Upper Back and Shoulders
Sunday, August 12th, 2018; 9:30am-1:00pm

Yoga is designed to serve the heart, allowing us to be in the essence of our being. In this workshop we will explore movements, postures and actions that strengthen and bring flexibility to the shoulders, chest, neck, thoracic spine, arms, and wrists. By cultivating freedom in the torso, backbends, inverted poses, and sitting can be experienced with more ease. As the upper body grows into healthy alignment, breathing is naturally freer and deeper, potentially preparing one for pranayama practice as well as backbends postures or inversions .The mind then becomes clear and quiet, and the heart loving and peaceful, leading the way to a natural state of meditation, and aligning us with our innermost purpose.

Where: Yoga du Soleil located at 224 Divisadero St.
Rate: $95 No refunds with less than 48 hours cancellation.
Register: Call Betty at 415-861-3055


Learning the Ropes
Saturday, August 18th, 2018; 1:30pm-4:30pm
7 students only - register early!

Rope work, or yoga korunta, is a dynamic and playful part of the Iyengar tradition. Ropes help tremendously in building agility and strength of body and mind. In this workshop we will focus on learning how to incorporate the ropes in your yoga practice. By transforming our relationship with gravity, the ropes assist us in focusing on specific parts of the body, refining the dynamics within a pose, and going beyond our habitual limits. We will explore standing postures, forward bends, backbends, twists and inversions. Be prepared to enjoy yourself and be challenged.

This workshop is open to all levels and teachers. Optional: bring cycling or weight lifting gloves. Small class size ensures individualized attention.

Where: Yoga du Soleil located at 224 Divisadero St.
Cost: $100 No refunds with less than 48 hours cancellation.
Register: Call Betty at 415-861-3055


Opening and Strengthening the Hips, Groin and Hamstrings
Sunday, July 22nd, 2018; 9:30am-1:00pm

In this session we will explore ways to cultivate freedom and stability in the pelvis. This can be achieved by learning how to engage the inner and outer muscles of the thighs, how to lengthen and fortify the hamstrings, and how to soften and loosen the hips, groin, ankle joints and feet . The fruit of such practice can prepare one for deep forward bending, back bending, as well as balancing which becomes critical as we age. Understanding how to create mobility in the legs and pelvis while being stable allows one to experience well-being for many years to come.

Clear articulation and regular practice of optimal alignment of the lower body can alleviate back pain as well as create a firm, earthly foundation from which the spine can elongate easefully toward the sky. This can lead one to be able to sit comfortably for meditation and pranayama.

Where: Yoga du Soleil located at 224 Divisadero St.
Cost: $95 No refunds with less than 48 hours cancellation.
Register: Call Betty at 415-861-3055


The Art of Yoga with a Chair
Sunday, June 3rd, 2018; 9:30am-1:00pm

The use of a chair was developed by Sri BKS Iyengar to enable any body to enhance their asana practice and the gifts that comes from its usage. Some of the main purposes of using the chair are: Perform asanas which are difficult to perform independently; Achieve and maintain correct alignment during the practice; Stay longer and relax in challenging asanas, in order to receive maximum benefit; Study and investigate the asanas in greater depth; Therapeutic purposes;Increase awareness and fun in the practice!

I have personally enjoyed using a chair as part of my practice for the past 30 years and keep exploring and finding new creative ways to play with it. It is truly a boon, whether you are an athlete, an older adult, or suffer from injuries. Props are a means to an end and are a great tool for teachers to add to their repertoire. This session will be an introduction to explore a variety of asanas � standing poses, twists, backbends, forward bends, and inversions. I am inviting you to discover and savor the infinite possibilities that this wondrous prop can offer!

Where: Yoga du Soleil located at 224 Divisadero St.
New Rate: $95 No refunds with less than 48 hours cancellation.
Register: Call Betty at 415-861-3055


Learning the Ropes
Saturday, June 23th, 2018; 1:30pm-4:30pm
7 students only - register early!

Rope work, or yoga korunta, is a dynamic and playful part of the Iyengar tradition. Ropes help tremendously in building agility and strength of body and mind. In this workshop we will focus on learning how to incorporate the ropes in your yoga practice. By transforming our relationship with gravity, the ropes assist us in focusing on specific parts of the body, refining the dynamics within a pose, and going beyond our habitual limits. We will explore standing postures, forward bends, backbends, twists and inversions. Be prepared to enjoy yourself and be challenged.

This workshop is open to all levels and teachers. Optional: bring cycling or weight lifting gloves. Small class size ensures individualized attention.

Where: Yoga du Soleil located at 224 Divisadero St.
Cost: $100 No refunds with less than 48 hours cancellation.
Register: Call Betty at 415-861-3055


The Journey to Arm Balancing
Sunday, June 24th, 9:30am - 1:00pm

Where:Yoga du Soleil located at 224 Divisadero St.
Call Betty at 415-861-3055 or email
No refunds with less than 48 hours cancellation


Being Radiant in the Heart Center: Opening the Upper Back and Shoulders
Sunday, May 6th, 2018; 9:30am-1:00pm

Yoga is designed to serve the heart, allowing us to be in the essence of our being. In this workshop we will explore movements, postures and actions that strengthen and bring flexibility to the shoulders, chest, neck, thoracic spine, arms, and wrists. By cultivating freedom in the torso, backbends, inverted poses, and sitting can be experienced with more ease. As the upper body grows into healthy alignment, breathing is naturally freer and deeper, potentially preparing one for pranayama practice as well as backbends postures or inversions .The mind then becomes clear and quiet, and the heart loving and peaceful, leading the way to a natural state of meditation, and aligning us with our innermost purpose.

Where: Yoga du Soleil located at 224 Divisadero St.
Rate: $95 No refunds with less than 48 hours cancellation.
Register: Call Betty at 415-861-3055


The Power of Inversions
Sunday, May 20th, 2018; 9:30am-1:00pm

Inversions are an essential aspect of a balanced yoga practice. Regular practice of these postures nourishes the vital organs, strengthens the immune and nervous system, and clears the mind, creating radiant wellbeing and serenity from the inside out.

We will work on poses and actions to stabilize and strengthen the shoulder girdle and arms, increasing the mobility of the upper back while understanding how to align the head and neck in a safe, pain-free way. We'll explore headstand, shoulderstand, forearmstand and full arm balance. This workshop is an opportunity for new students to break through their resistances to inversions and make friends with the world being upside down, and an opportunity for more seasoned students to explore more challenging variations.

Where: Yoga du Soleil located at 224 Divisadero St.
New Rate: $95 No refunds with less than 48 hours cancellation.
Register: Call Betty at 415-861-3055


Learning the Ropes
Saturday, May 26th, 2018; 1:30pm-4:30pm
7 students only - register early!

Rope work, or yoga korunta, is a dynamic and playful part of the Iyengar tradition. Ropes help tremendously in building agility and strength of body and mind. In this workshop we will focus on learning how to incorporate the ropes in your yoga practice. By transforming our relationship with gravity, the ropes assist us in focusing on specific parts of the body, refining the dynamics within a pose, and going beyond our habitual limits. We will explore standing postures, forward bends, backbends, twists and inversions. Be prepared to enjoy yourself and be challenged.

This workshop is open to all levels and teachers. Optional: bring cycling or weight lifting gloves. Small class size ensures individualized attention.

Where: Yoga du Soleil located at 224 Divisadero St.
Cost: $100 No refunds with less than 48 hours cancellation.
Register: Call Betty at 415-861-3055


Opening the Hips, Groin and Hamstrings
Sunday, April 22nd, 2018; 9:30am-1:00pm

In this session we will explore ways to cultivate freedom in the pelvis. This can be achieved by learning to relax and strengthen the inner and outer muscles of the thighs, stretch the hamstrings, as well as ways to soften and loosen the hips, groin, ankle joints and feet. The fruit of such practice prepares one for deep forward bending and backbending poses, as well as sitting comfortably for pranayama and meditation.

Clear articulation and regular practice of optimal alignment of the lower body can alleviate back pain as well as create a firm, earthly foundation from which the spine can elongate easefully toward the sky.

Where: Yoga du Soleil located at 224 Divisadero St.
Rate: $95 No refunds with less than 48 hours cancellation.
Register: Call Betty at 415-861-3055


Opening the Gates to the Bliss of Backbends
Sunday, April 1st, 2018; 9:30am-1:00pm

Backbends move us from the known to the unknown and demand complete physical and mental awareness. They are liberating and exhilarating. Backbending brings life to the spine, opens the chest, and stretches the entire front body as well as toning the back muscles, spine, and abdominals. With regular practice they strengthen your willpower, nervous system, and capacity to bear stress and correct poor posture.

In this session we will explore the essential keys that open the gates of the pelvis and the upper back and shoulders to move freely and safely into backbending. We will practice a variety of backbends from beginning to more complex, along with poses for cooling down. Come and experience the freeing and rejuvenating power of these rewarding poses. They will light up your spirit.

Where: Yoga du Soleil located at 224 Divisadero St.
Rate: $95 No refunds with less than 48 hours cancellation.
Register: Call Betty at 415-861-3055


Inspiration from India: An Inward Pilgrimage
Sunday, April 15th, 2018; 9:30am-1:00pm

Having returned to studying with my teacher from India, I am delighted to offer a window into some of the practices that I found profoundly inspiring and transformative. In this workshop we will explore some of the more introspective limbs of yoga: pranayama, pratyahara, dharana, dhyana, as well as preparative asanas.

This session will include an introduction to the anatomy of the subtle body, a variety of long held postures to open the body, the use of sound, kriyas (breathing activities in asana), basic pranayama, and concentration techniques to lead us to a state of deep absorption. This journey will be an opportunity to experience a feeling of inner spaciousness in body, breath, mind and heart, bringing a revealing clarity that can help us realize our fullest spiritual potential.

Especially recommended for teachers and students with some yoga experience.

Where: Yoga du Soleil located at 224 Divisadero St.
Rate: $95 No refunds with less than 48 hours cancellation.
Register: Call Betty at 415-861-3055


Learning the Ropes
Saturday, April 21st, 2018; 1:30pm-4:30pm
7 students only - register early!

Rope work, or yoga korunta, is a dynamic and playful part of the Iyengar tradition. Ropes help tremendously in building agility and strength of body and mind. In this workshop we will focus on learning how to incorporate the ropes in your yoga practice. By transforming our relationship with gravity, the ropes assist us in focusing on specific parts of the body, refining the dynamics within a pose, and going beyond our habitual limits. We will explore standing postures, forward bends, backbends, twists and inversions. Be prepared to enjoy yourself and be challenged.

This workshop is open to all levels and teachers. Optional: bring cycling or weight lifting gloves. Small class size ensures individualized attention.

Where: Yoga du Soleil located at 224 Divisadero St.
Cost: $100 No refunds with less than 48 hours cancellation.
Register: Call Betty at 415-861-3055


Learning the Ropes
Saturday, March 17th, 2018; 1:30pm-4:30pm
7 students only - register early!

Rope work, or yoga korunta, is a dynamic and playful part of the Iyengar tradition. Ropes help tremendously in building agility and strength of body and mind. In this workshop we will focus on learning how to incorporate the ropes in your yoga practice. By transforming our relationship with gravity, the ropes assist us in focusing on specific parts of the body, refining the dynamics within a pose, and going beyond our habitual limits. We will explore standing postures, forward bends, backbends, twists and inversions. Be prepared to enjoy yourself and be challenged.

This workshop is open to all levels and teachers. Optional: bring cycling or weight lifting gloves. Small class size ensures individualized attention.

Where: Yoga du Soleil located at 224 Divisadero St.
Cost: $100 No refunds with less than 48 hours cancellation.
Register: Call Betty at 415-861-3055


Spring Rejuvenation with Twists
Sunday, March 18th, 2018; 9:30am-1:00pm

Twisting poses, when performed skillfully, infuse the body and mind with vitality and well being, and assist in releasing enormous amounts of tension. They are traditionally associated with toning and rejuvenating the abdominal and pelvic organs. When these organs are squeezed, blood flow is stimulated and toxins are released - a natural internal massage. With regular practice the entire spine becomes more flexible, the upper back, neck, and hips move more freely, and these areas are nourished and strengthened by increased circulation.

In this session we will explore supine, standing, seated and inverted twists. Twisting poses assist in cultivating introspection: they can be seen as a spiral movement, ascending or descending, towards freedom from within. They are an excellent prelude to meditation, enabling you to feel more in tune with yourself, energized in a restful way, and sit quietly with more ease.

Where: Yoga du Soleil located at 224 Divisadero St.
New Rate: $95 No refunds with less than 48 hours cancellation.
Register: Call Betty at 415-861-3055


Learning the Ropes
Saturday, January 27th, 2018; 1:30pm-4:30pm
7 students only - register early!

Rope work, or yoga korunta, is a dynamic and playful part of the Iyengar tradition. Ropes help tremendously in building agility and strength of body and mind. In this workshop we will focus on learning how to incorporate the ropes in your yoga practice. By transforming our relationship with gravity, the ropes assist us in focusing on specific parts of the body, refining the dynamics within a pose, and going beyond our habitual limits. We will explore standing postures, forward bends, backbends, twists and inversions. Be prepared to enjoy yourself and be challenged.

This workshop is open to all levels and teachers. Optional: bring cycling or weight lifting gloves. Small class size ensures individualized attention.

Where: Yoga du Soleil located at 224 Divisadero St.
Cost: $100 No refunds with less than 48 hours cancellation.
Register: Call Betty at 415-861-3055


Opening and Strengthening the Hips, Groin and Hamstrings
Sunday, January 28th, 2018; 9:30am-1:00pm

In this session we will explore ways to cultivate freedom and stability in the pelvis. This can be achieved by learning how to engage the inner and outer muscles of the thighs, how to lengthen and fortify the hamstrings, and how to soften and loosen the hips, groin, ankle joints and feet . The fruit of such practice can prepare one for deep forward bending, back bending, as well as balancing which becomes critical as we age. Understanding how to create mobility in the legs and pelvis while being stable allows one to experience well-being for many years to come.

Clear articulation and regular practice of optimal alignment of the lower body can alleviate back pain as well as create a firm, earthly foundation from which the spine can elongate easefully toward the sky. This can lead one to be able to sit comfortably for meditation and pranayama.

Where: Yoga du Soleil located at 224 Divisadero St.
New Rate: $95 No refunds with less than 48 hours cancellation.
Register: Call Betty at 415-861-3055


The Art of Yoga with a Chair
Sunday, February 4th, 2018; 9:30am-1:00pm

The use of a chair was developed by Sri BKS Iyengar to enable any body to enhance their asana practice and the gifts that comes from its usage. Some of the main purposes of using the chair are: Perform asanas which are difficult to perform independently; Achieve and maintain correct alignment during the practice; Stay longer and relax in challenging asanas, in order to receive maximum benefit; Study and investigate the asanas in greater depth; Therapeutic purposes;Increase awareness and fun in the practice!

I have personally enjoyed using a chair as part of my practice for the past 30 years and keep exploring and finding new creative ways to play with it. It is truly a boon, whether you are an athlete, an older adult, or suffer from injuries. Props are a means to an end and are a great tool for teachers to add to their repertoire. This session will be an introduction to explore a variety of asanas � standing poses, twists, backbends, forward bends, and inversions. I am inviting you to discover and savor the infinite possibilities that this wondrous prop can offer!

Where: Yoga du Soleil located at 224 Divisadero St.
New Rate: $95 No refunds with less than 48 hours cancellation.
Register: Call Betty at 415-861-3055


The Power of Inversions
Sunday, February 11th, 2018; 9:30am-1:00pm

Inversions are an essential aspect of a balanced yoga practice. Regular practice of these postures nourishes the vital organs, strengthens the immune and nervous system, and clears the mind, creating radiant wellbeing and serenity from the inside out.

We will work on poses and actions to stabilize and strengthen the shoulder girdle and arms, increasing the mobility of the upper back while understanding how to align the head and neck in a safe, pain-free way. We'll explore headstand, shoulderstand, forearmstand and full arm balance. This workshop is an opportunity for new students to break through their resistances to inversions and make friends with the world being upside down, and an opportunity for more seasoned students to explore more challenging variations.

Where: Yoga du Soleil located at 224 Divisadero St.
New Rate: $95 No refunds with less than 48 hours cancellation.
Register: Call Betty at 415-861-3055


Being Radiant in the Heart Center: Opening the Upper Back and Shoulders
Sunday, January 14th, 2018; 9:30am-1:00pm

Yoga is designed to serve the heart. Begin the new year by affirming your presence in the essence of your being. In this workshop we will explore movements, postures and actions that strengthen and bring flexibility to the shoulders, chest, neck, thoracic spine, arms, and wrists. By cultivating freedom in the torso, backbends, inverted poses, and sitting can be experienced with more ease. As the upper body grows into healthy alignment, breathing is naturally freer and deeper, potentially preparing one for pranayama practice. The mind then can become clear and quiet, and the heart loving and peaceful, leading the way to a natural state of meditation, and aligning us with our innermost purpose.

Where: Yoga du Soleil located at 224 Divisadero St.
New Rate: $95 No refunds with less than 48 hours cancellation.
Register: Call Betty at 415-861-3055


Hip Opening and Rejuvenation with Twisting Poses
Sunday, October 8th, 2017; 9:30am-1:00pm

Twisting poses, when performed skillfully, infuse the body and mind with vitality and well being, and assist in releasing enormous amounts of tension. They are traditionally associated with toning and rejuvenating the abdominal and pelvic organs. When these organs are squeezed, blood flow is stimulated and toxins are released - a natural internal massage. With regular practice the entire spine becomes more flexible, the upper back, neck, and hips move more freely, and these areas are nourished and strengthened by increased circulation.

In this session we will explore supine, standing, seated and inverted twists. Twisting poses assist in cultivating introspection: they can be seen as a spiral movement, ascending or descending, towards freedom from within. They are an excellent prelude to meditation, enabling you to feel more in tune with yourself, energized in a restful way, and sit quietly with more ease.

Where: Yoga du Soleil located at 224 Divisadero St.
Cost: $80 in advance, $95 if registered less than 48 hours prior. No refunds with less than 48 hours cancellation.
Register: Call Betty at 415-861-3055


Learning the Ropes
Saturday, October 21st, 2017; 1:30pm-4:30pm
(7 students only - register early!)

Note: This will be the last ropes workshop offered this year

Rope work, or yoga korunta, is a dynamic and playful part of the Iyengar tradition. Ropes help tremendously in building agility and strength of body and mind. In this workshop we will focus on learning how to incorporate the ropes in your yoga practice. By transforming our relationship with gravity, the ropes assist us in focusing on specific parts of the body, refining the dynamics within a pose, and going beyond our habitual limits. We will explore standing postures, forward bends, backbends, twists and inversions. Be prepared to enjoy yourself and be challenged.

This workshop is open to all levels and teachers. Optional: bring cycling or weight lifting gloves. Small class size ensures individualized attention.

Where: Yoga du Soleil located at 224 Divisadero St.
Cost: $90 in advance, $100 if registered less than 48 hours prior. No refunds with less than 48 hours cancellation.
Register: Call Betty at 415-861-3055


Awakening with Inversions
Sunday, October 22nd, 9:30am-1:00pm

Inversions are an essential aspect of a balanced yoga practice. Regular practice of these postures nourishes the vital organs, strengthens the immune and nervous system, and clears the mind, creating radiant wellbeing and serenity from the inside out.

We will work on poses and actions to stabilize and strengthen the shoulder girdle and arms, increasing the mobility of the upper back while understanding how to align the head and neck in a safe, pain-free way. We'll explore headstand, shoulderstand, forearmstand and full arm balance. This workshop is an opportunity for new students to break through their resistances to inversions and make friends with the world being upside down, and an opportunity for more seasoned students to explore more challenging variations.

Where: Yoga du Soleil located at 224 Divisadero St.
Cost: $80 in advance, $95 if registered less than 48 hours prior. No refunds with less than 48 hours cancellation.
Register: Call Betty at 415-861-3055


Inspiration from India: An Inward Pilgrimage
Sunday, October 29th, 2017; 9:30am-1:00pm

I am delighted to offer a window into some of the practices that I found profoundly inspiring and transformative while studying in India. In this workshop we will explore and integrate some of the more introspective limbs of yoga: pranayama, pratyahara, dharana, dhyana, as well as preparative asanas.

This session will include an introduction to the anatomy of the subtle body, a variety of long held postures to open the body, the use of sound, kriyas (breathing activities in asana), basic pranayama, and concentration techniques to lead us to a state of deep absorption. This journey will be an opportunity to experience a feeling of inner spaciousness in body, breath, mind and heart, bringing a revealing clarity that can help us realize our fullest spiritual potential.

Especially recommended for teachers and students with some yoga experience.

Where: Yoga du Soleil located at 224 Divisadero St.
Cost: $80 in advance, $95 if registered less than 48 hours prior. No refunds with less than 48 hours cancellation.
Register: Call Betty at 415-861-3055


Opening the Hips, Groin and Hamstrings
Sunday, November 5th, 2017; 9:30am-1:00pm

In this session we will explore ways to cultivate freedom in the pelvis. This can be achieved by learning to relax and strengthen the inner and outer muscles of the thighs, stretch the hamstrings, as well as ways to soften and loosen the hips, groin, ankle joints and feet. The fruit of such practice prepares one for deep forward bending and backbending poses, as well as sitting comfortably for pranayama and meditation.

Clear articulation and regular practice of optimal alignment of the lower body can alleviate back pain as well as create a firm, earthly foundation from which the spine can elongate easefully toward the sky.

Where: Yoga du Soleil located at 224 Divisadero St.
Cost: $80 in advance, $95 if registered less than 48 hours prior. No refunds with less than 48 hours cancellation.
Register: Call Betty at 415-861-3055


The Poetic Melody of Restorative Poses
Sunday, November 19th, 9:30pm - 1:00pm
Sunday, December 10th, 9:30pm - 1:00pm

Restorative Yoga is an opportunity to deeply relax, renew and journey inward. The body is supported by props in each pose, so each pose can be held for some time effortlessly, which encourages a gradual dissolution of holding patterns of stress and tension in the inner body. All these passive postures are an excellent prelude to pranayama, since they open and gently stretch the respiratory muscles, quiet the mind, and cultivate stillness and ease in the body. During the workshop, Betty will serenade you with selected, inspired poems and vocalese, and play chants from her CD "La Lumière du Son". The vibration of the sounds of harmonious words and melodies ushered by the human voice is the breath that touches the heart of the listener. This experience allows for a deeper absorption into our essence.

A variety of restorative poses will be practiced - forward bends, twists, inversions, and backbends. Then, we will explore some simple yogic breathing techniques designed to expand ("yama") our lifeforce ("prana"). Pranayama strengthens the mind and is a doorway to meditation. As we move beneath the exterior boundaries, we will experience a feeling of inner spaciousness and revealing clarity that can help us realize our fullest spiritual potential.

Where:Yoga du Soleil located at 224 Divisadero St.
$80 per workshop
Call Betty at 415-861-3055
No refunds with less than 24 hour cancellation


The Journey to Arm Balancing
Saturday, December 2nd, 2017; 1:30pm-4:00pm

This workshop will be held at Love Story Yoga in San Francisco

Come and experience a sense of playfulness in these delightfully challenging poses, cultivating wholesome intelligence of the body. Arm balances expand our inner sense of equilibrium and integration. With regular practice they develop lightness, strength, courage and agility; freeing the mind and body of limiting habitual patterns.

This workshop will emphasize the process of arm balancing. Preparation will include:

    � hip openers
    � twisting poses
    � abdominal work
    � wrist and shoulder conditioning

We will learn to struggle less with the muscular strength of the arms and upper body by using the alignment of the bones for optimal leverage, while connecting to the source of our core. The essence of balancing on our hands is in creating a steady foundation that allows us to equally root into the earth while taking flight.

This workshop is open to all levels of practice. Beginners as well as seasoned practitioners will learn how to start and/or refine their practice of arm balancing.

Please visit the Love Story Yoga website to register.

Love Story Yoga is located at 473 Valencia Street, San Francisco, CA, 94103


The Art of Yoga with a Chair
Sunday, December 3rd, 2017; 9:30am-1:00pm

The use of a chair was developed by Sri BKS Iyengar to enable any body to enhance their asana practice and the gifts that comes from its usage. Some of the main purposes of using the chair are: Perform asanas which are difficult to perform independently; Achieve and maintain correct alignment during the practice; Stay longer and relax in challenging asanas, in order to receive maximum benefit; Study and investigate the asanas in greater depth; Therapeutic purposes;Increase awareness and fun in the practice!

I have personally enjoyed using a chair as part of my practice for the past 30 years and keep exploring and finding new creative ways to play with it. It is truly a boon, whether you are an athlete, an older adult, or suffer from injuries. Props are a means to an end and are a great tool for teachers to add to their repertoire. This session will be an introduction to explore a variety of asanas � standing poses, twists, backbends, forward bends, and inversions. I am inviting you to discover and savor the infinite possibilities that this wondrous prop can offer!

Where: Yoga du Soleil located at 224 Divisadero St.
Cost: $80 in advance, $95 if registered less than 48 hours prior. No refunds with less than 48 hours cancellation.
Register: Call Betty at 415-861-3055


Being Radiant in the Heart Center: Opening the Upper Back and Shoulders
Sunday, September 17th, 2017; 9:30am-1:00pm

In this workshop we will explore movements, postures and actions that strengthen and bring flexibility to the shoulders, chest, neck, thoracic spine, arms, and wrists. By cultivating freedom in the torso, backbends, inverted poses, and sitting can be experienced with more ease. As the upper body grows into healthy alignment, breathing is naturally freer and deeper, potentially preparing one for pranayama practice. The mind then can become clear, quiet and the heart peaceful leading the way to a natural state of meditation, aligning us with our innermost purpose.

Where: Yoga du Soleil located at 224 Divisadero St.
Cost: $80 in advance, $95 if registered less than 48 hours prior. No refunds with less than 48 hours cancellation.
Register: Call Betty at 415-861-3055


Learning the Ropes
Saturday, September 23rd, 2017; 1:30pm-4:30pm
(7 students only - register early!)

Rope work, or yoga korunta, is a dynamic and playful part of the Iyengar tradition. Ropes help tremendously in building agility and strength of body and mind. In this workshop we will focus on learning how to incorporate the ropes in your yoga practice. By transforming our relationship with gravity, the ropes assist us in focusing on specific parts of the body, refining the dynamics within a pose, and going beyond our habitual limits. We will explore standing postures, forward bends, backbends, twists and inversions. Be prepared to enjoy yourself and be challenged.

This workshop is open to all levels and teachers. Optional: bring cycling or weight lifting gloves. Small class size ensures individualized attention.

Where: Yoga du Soleil located at 224 Divisadero St.
Cost: $90 in advance, $100 if registered less than 48 hours prior. No refunds with less than 48 hours cancellation.
Register: Call Betty at 415-861-3055


Inspiration from India: An Inward Pilgrimage
Sunday, September 24th, 2017; 9:30am-1:00pm

Having recently returned from studying in India, I am delighted to offer a window into some of the practices that I found profoundly inspiring and transformative. In this workshop we will explore and integrate some of the more introspective limbs of yoga: pranayama, pratyahara, dharana, dhyana, as well as preparative asanas.

This session will include an introduction to the anatomy of the subtle body, a variety of long held postures to open the body, the use of sound, kriyas (breathing activities in asana), basic pranayama, and concentration techniques to lead us to a state of deep absorption. This journey will be an opportunity to experience a feeling of inner spaciousness in body, breath, mind and heart, bringing a revealing clarity that can help us realize our fullest spiritual potential.

Especially recommended for teachers and students with some yoga experience.

Where: Yoga du Soleil located at 224 Divisadero St.
Cost: $80 in advance, $95 if registered less than 48 hours prior. No refunds with less than 48 hours cancellation.
Register: Call Betty at 415-861-3055

Learning the Ropes
Saturday, July 29th, 2017; 1:30pm-4:30pm
Saturday, August 19th, 2017; 1:30pm-4:30pm
(7 students only - register early!)

Rope work, or yoga korunta, is a dynamic and playful part of the Iyengar tradition. Ropes help tremendously in building agility and strength of body and mind. In this workshop we will focus on learning how to incorporate the ropes in your yoga practice. By transforming our relationship with gravity, the ropes assist us in focusing on specific parts of the body, refining the dynamics within a pose, and going beyond our habitual limits. We will explore standing postures, forward bends, backbends, twists and inversions. Be prepared to enjoy yourself and be challenged.

This workshop is open to all levels and teachers. Optional: bring cycling or weight lifting gloves. Small class size ensures individualized attention.

Where: Yoga du Soleil located at 224 Divisadero St.
Cost: $90 in advance, $100 if registered less than 48 hours prior. No refunds with less than 48 hours cancellation.
Register: Call Betty at 415-861-3055


Opening the Hips, Groin and Hamstrings
Sunday, August 20th, 2017; 9:30am-1:00pm

In this session we will explore ways to cultivate freedom in the pelvis. This can be achieved by learning to relax and strengthen the inner and outer muscles of the thighs, stretch the hamstrings, as well as ways to soften and loosen the hips, groin, ankle joints and feet. The fruit of such practice prepares one for deep forward bending and backbending poses, as well as sitting comfortably for pranayama and meditation.

Clear articulation and regular practice of optimal alignment of the lower body can alleviate back pain as well as create a firm, earthly foundation from which the spine can elongate easefully toward the sky.

Where: Yoga du Soleil located at 224 Divisadero St.
Cost: $80 in advance, $95 if registered less than 48 hours prior. No refunds with less than 48 hours cancellation.
Register: Call Betty at 415-861-3055


Inspiration from India: An Inward Pilgrimage
Sunday, June 11th, 2017; 9:30am-1:00pm

Having recently returned from studying in India, I am delighted to offer a window into some of the practices that I found profoundly inspiring and transformative. In this workshop we will explore some of the more introspective limbs of yoga: pranayama, pratyahara, dharana, dhyana, as well as preparative asanas.

This session will include an introduction to the anatomy of the subtle body, a variety of long held postures to open the body, the use of sound, kriyas (breathing activities in asana), basic pranayama, and concentration techniques to lead us to a state of deep absorption. This journey will be an opportunity to experience a feeling of inner spaciousness in body, breath, mind and heart, bringing a revealing clarity that can help us realize our fullest spiritual potential.

Especially recommended for teachers and students with some yoga experience.

Where: Yoga du Soleil located at 224 Divisadero St.
Cost: $80 in advance, $95 if registered less than 48 hours prior. No refunds with less than 48 hours cancellation.
Register: Call Betty at 415-861-3055


Opening the Hips, Groin and Hamstrings
Sunday, June 18th, 2017; 9:30am-1:00pm

In this session we will explore ways to cultivate freedom in the pelvis. This can be achieved by learning to relax and strengthen the inner and outer muscles of the thighs, stretch the hamstrings, as well as ways to soften and loosen the hips, groin, ankle joints and feet. The fruit of such practice prepares one for deep forward bending and backbending poses, as well as sitting comfortably for pranayama and meditation.

Clear articulation and regular practice of optimal alignment of the lower body can alleviate back pain as well as create a firm, earthly foundation from which the spine can elongate easefully toward the sky.

Where: Yoga du Soleil located at 224 Divisadero St.
Cost: $80 in advance, $95 if registered less than 48 hours prior. No refunds with less than 48 hours cancellation.
Register: Call Betty at 415-861-3055


Being Radiant in the Heart Center: Opening the Upper Back and Shoulders
Sunday, July 9th, 2017; 9:30am-1:00pm

In this workshop we will explore movements, postures and actions that strengthen and bring flexibility to the shoulders, chest, neck, thoracic spine, arms, and wrists. By cultivating freedom in the torso, backbends, inverted poses, and sitting can be experienced with more ease. As the upper body grows into healthy alignment, breathing is naturally freer and deeper, potentially preparing one for pranayama practice. The mind then can become clear, quiet and the heart peaceful leading the way to a natural state of meditation, aligning us with our innermost purpose.

Where: Yoga du Soleil located at 224 Divisadero St.
Cost: $80 in advance, $95 if registered less than 48 hours prior. No refunds with less than 48 hours cancellation.
Register: Call Betty at 415-861-3055


Rejuvenation with Twisting Poses
Sunday, July 16th, 2017; 9:30am-1:00pm

Twisting poses, when performed skillfully, infuse the body and mind with vitality and well being, and assist in releasing enormous amounts of tension. They are traditionally associated with toning and rejuvenating the abdominal and pelvic organs. When these organs are squeezed, blood flow is stimulated and toxins are released - a natural internal massage. With regular practice the entire spine becomes more flexible, the upper back, neck, and hips move more freely, and these areas are nourished and strengthened by increased circulation.

In this session we will explore supine, standing, seated and inverted twists. Twisting poses assist in cultivating introspection: they can be seen as a spiral movement, ascending or descending, towards freedom from within. They are an excellent prelude to meditation, enabling you to feel more in tune with yourself, energized in a restful way, and sit quietly with more ease.

Where: Yoga du Soleil located at 224 Divisadero St.
Cost: $80 in advance, $95 if registered less than 48 hours prior. No refunds with less than 48 hours cancellation.
Register: Call Betty at 415-861-3055


Opening the Gates to the Bliss of Backbends
Saturday, May 13th, 2017; 1:00pm-4:30pm

Backbends move us from the known to the unknown and demand complete physical and mental awareness. They are liberating and exhilarating. Backbending brings life to the spine, opens the chest, and stretches the entire front body as well as toning the back muscles, spine, and abdominals. With regular practice they strengthen your willpower, nervous system, and capacity to bear stress and correct poor posture.

In this session we will explore the essential keys that open the gates of the pelvis and the upper back and shoulders to move freely and safely into backbending. We will practice a variety of backbends from beginning to more complex, along with poses for cooling down. Come and experience the freeing and rejuvenating power of these rewarding poses. They will light up your spirit.

Where: Yoga du Soleil located at 224 Divisadero St.
Cost: $80 in advance, $95 if registered less than 48 hours prior. No refunds with less than 48 hours cancellation.
Register: Call Betty at 415-861-3055


The Journey to Arm Balancing
Sunday, May 21st, 2017; 9:30pm-1:00pm

Come and experience a sense of playfulness in these delightfully challenging poses, cultivating wholesome intelligence of the body. Arm balances expand our inner sense of equilibrium and integration. With regular practice they develop lightness, strength, courage and agility; freeing the mind and body of limiting habitual patterns.

This workshop will emphasize the process of arm balancing. Preparation will include:

    � hip openers
    � twisting poses
    � abdominal work
    � wrist and shoulder conditioning

We will learn to struggle less with the muscular strength of the arms and upper body by using the alignment of the bones for optimal leverage, while connecting to the source of our core. The essence of balancing on our hands is in creating a steady foundation that allows us to equally root into the earth while taking flight.

This workshop is open to all levels of practice. Beginners as well as seasoned practitioners will learn how to start and/or refine their practice of arm balancing.

Where: Yoga du Soleil located at 224 Divisadero St.
Cost: $80 in advance, $95 if registered less than 48 hours prior. No refunds with less than 48 hours cancellation.
Register: Call Betty at 415-861-3055


Learning the Ropes
Saturday, May 27th, 2017; 1:30pm-4:30pm
(7 students only - register early!)

Rope work, or yoga korunta, is a dynamic and playful part of the Iyengar tradition. Ropes help tremendously in building agility and strength of body and mind. In this workshop we will focus on learning how to incorporate the ropes in your yoga practice. By transforming our relationship with gravity, the ropes assist us in focusing on specific parts of the body, refining the dynamics within a pose, and going beyond our habitual limits. We will explore standing postures, forward bends, backbends, twists and inversions. Be prepared to enjoy yourself and be challenged.

This workshop is open to all levels and teachers. Optional: bring cycling or weight lifting gloves. Small class size ensures individualized attention.

Where: Yoga du Soleil located at 224 Divisadero St.
Cost: $90 in advance, $100 if registered less than 48 hours prior. No refunds with less than 48 hours cancellation.
Register: Call Betty at 415-861-3055


Awakening with Inversions
Saturday, June 3rd, 2017; 1:00pm-4:00pm

This workshop will be held at Love Story Yoga in San Francisco

Inversions are an essential aspect of a balanced yoga practice. Regular practice of these postures nourishes the vital organs, strengthens the immune and nervous system, and clears the mind, creating radiant wellbeing and serenity from the inside out.

We will work on poses and actions to stabilize and strengthen the shoulder girdle and arms, increasing the mobility of the upper back while understanding how to align the head and neck in a safe, pain-free way. We'll explore headstand, shoulderstand, forearmstand and full arm balance. This workshop is an opportunity for new students to break through their resistances to inversions and make friends with the world being upside down, and an opportunity for more seasoned students to explore more challenging variations.

Please visit the Love Story Yoga website to register.

Love Story Yoga is located at 473 Valencia Street, San Francisco, CA, 94103


Learning the Ropes
Saturday, April 29th, 2017; 1:30pm-4:30pm
(7 students only - register early!)

Rope work, or yoga korunta, is a dynamic and playful part of the Iyengar tradition. Ropes help tremendously in building agility and strength of body and mind. In this workshop we will focus on learning how to incorporate the ropes in your yoga practice. By transforming our relationship with gravity, the ropes assist us in focusing on specific parts of the body, refining the dynamics within a pose, and going beyond our habitual limits. We will explore standing postures, forward bends, backbends, twists and inversions. Be prepared to enjoy yourself and be challenged.

This workshop is open to all levels and teachers. Optional: bring cycling or weight lifting gloves. Small class size ensures individualized attention.

Where: Yoga du Soleil located at 224 Divisadero St.
Cost: $90 in advance, $100 if registered less than 48 hours prior. No refunds with less than 48 hours cancellation.
Register: Call Betty at 415-861-3055


The Art of Yoga with a Chair
Sunday, May 7th, 2017; 9:30am-1:00pm

The use of a chair was developed by Sri BKS Iyengar to enable any body to enhance their asana practice and the gifts that comes from its usage. Some of the main purposes of using the chair are: Perform asanas which are difficult to perform independently; Achieve and maintain correct alignment during the practice; Stay longer and relax in challenging asanas, in order to receive maximum benefit; Study and investigate the asanas in greater depth; Therapeutic purposes;Increase awareness and fun in the practice!

I have personally enjoyed using a chair as part of my practice for the past 30 years and keep exploring and finding new creative ways to play with it. It is truly a boon, whether you are an athlete, an older adult, or suffer from injuries. Props are a means to an end and are a great tool for teachers to add to their repertoire. This session will be an introduction to explore a variety of asanas � standing poses, twists, backbends, forward bends, and inversions. I am inviting you to discover and savor the infinite possibilities that this wondrous prop can offer!

Where: Yoga du Soleil located at 224 Divisadero St.
Cost: $80 in advance, $95 if registered less than 48 hours prior. No refunds with less than 48 hours cancellation.
Register: Call Betty at 415-861-3055


Sunday, March 5th, 2017;

Backbends move us from the known to the unknown and demand complete physical and mental awareness. They are liberating and exhilarating. Backbending brings life to the spine, opens the chest, and stretches the entire front body as well as toning the back muscles, spine, and abdominals. With regular practice they strengthen your willpower, nervous system, and capacity to bear stress and correct poor posture.

In this session we will explore the essential keys that open the gates of the pelvis and the upper back and shoulders to move freely and safely into backbending. We will practice a variety of backbends from beginning to more complex, along with poses for cooling down. Come and experience the freeing and rejuvenating power of these rewarding poses. They will light up your spirit.

Where: Yoga du Soleil located at 224 Divisadero St.
Cost: $80 in advance, $95 if registered less than 48 hours prior. No refunds with less than 48 hours cancellation.
Register: Call Betty at 415-861-3055


Spring Cleaning: Rejuvenation with Twisting Poses
Sunday, March 19th, 2017;

Twisting poses, when performed skillfully, infuse the body and mind with vitality and well being, and assist in releasing enormous amounts of tension. They are traditionally associated with toning and rejuvenating the abdominal and pelvic organs. When these organs are squeezed, blood flow is stimulated and toxins are released - a natural internal massage. With regular practice the entire spine becomes more flexible, the upper back, neck, and hips move more freely, and these areas are nourished and strengthened by increased circulation.

In this session we will explore supine, standing, seated and inverted twists. Twisting poses assist in cultivating introspection: they can be seen as a spiral movement, ascending or descending, towards freedom from within. They are an excellent prelude to meditation, enabling you to feel more in tune with yourself, energized in a restful way, and sit quietly with more ease.

Where: Yoga du Soleil located at 224 Divisadero St.
Cost: $80 in advance, $95 if registered less than 48 hours prior. No refunds with less than 48 hours cancellation.
Register: Call Betty at 415-861-3055


Awakening the Core with Inversions
Sunday, February 26th, 2017;

This workshop is an opportunity for students who lack experience and confidence in practicing these essential poses to breakthough their resistances and make friends with the world being upside down. The fundamentals will be covered and more seasoned students can explore more challenging variations.

We will start the practice by examining how to access our internal power of steadfastness, stability and strength. From the deep connection to our core, optimal alignment and innate intelligence of the body will be established. Then we will explore headstand and shoulderstand, as well as forearm and full arm balance.

We will work on poses and actions which stabilize and strengthen the shoulder girdle and arms, increasing the mobility of the upper back while understanding how to align the neck and head in a safe, pain free way. Headstand and shoulder stand are the father and mother of all asanas. Regular practice of these two postures nourishes all the vital organs, strengthens the immune and nervous system and clears the mind creating radiant wellbeing and serenity from the inside out. Inversions are an essential aspect of a balanced yoga practice.

Not recommended for women on their menstrual cycle.

Where: Yoga du Soleil located at 224 Divisadero St.
Cost: $80 in advance, $95 if registered less than 48hrs prior
Register: Call Betty at 415-861-3055
No refunds with less than 24 hour cancellation


Being Radiant in the Heart Center: Opening the Upper Back and Shoulders
Sunday, January 29th, 2017; 9:30am-1:00pm
In this workshop we will explore movements, postures and actions that strengthen and bring flexibility to the shoulders, chest, neck, thoracic spine, arms, and wrists. By cultivating freedom in the torso, backbends, inverted poses, and sitting can be experienced with more ease. As the upper body grows into healthy alignment, breathing is naturally freer and deeper, potentially preparing one for pranayama practice. The mind then can become clear, quiet and the heart peaceful leading the way to a natural state of meditation, aligning us with our innermost purpose.

Where: Yoga du Soleil located at 224 Divisadero St.
Cost: $80 in advance, $95 if registered less than 48hrs prior

Register: Call Betty at 415-861-3055
No refunds with less than 24 hour cancellation



Learning the Ropes
Saturday, February 4th, 2017; 1:30pm-4:30pm
(7 students only - register early!)

Rope work, or yoga korunta, is a dynamic and playful part of the Iyengar tradition. Ropes help tremendously in building agility and strength of body and mind. In this workshop we will focus on learning how to incorporate the ropes in your yoga practice. By transforming our relationship with gravity, the ropes assist us in focusing on specific parts of the body, refining the dynamics within a pose, and going beyond our habitual limits. We will explore standing postures, forward bends, backbends, twists and inversions. Be prepared to enjoy yourself and be challenged.

This workshop is open to all levels and teachers. Optional: bring cycling or weight lifting gloves. Small class size ensures individualized attention.

Where: Yoga du Soleil located at 224 Divisadero St.
Cost: $90 in advance, $100 if registered less than 48hrs prior
Register: Call Betty at 415-861-3055
No refunds with less than 48 hour cancellation


Opening the Hips, Groin and Hamstrings
Sunday, February 12th, 2017

In this session we will explore ways to cultivate freedom in the pelvis. This can be achieved by learning to relax and strengthen the inner and outer muscles of the thighs, stretch the hamstrings, as well as ways to soften and loosen the hips, groin, ankle joints and feet.  The fruit of such practice prepares one for deep forward bending and backbending poses, as well as sitting comfortably for pranayama and meditation.

Clear articulation and regular practice of optimal alignment of the lower body can alleviate back pain as well as create a firm, earthly foundation from which the spine can elongate easefully toward the sky.

Where: Yoga du Soleil located at 224 Divisadero St.
Cost: $80 in advance, $95 if registered less than 48hrs prior
Register: Call Betty at 415-861-3055
No refunds with less than 24 hour cancellation


The Art of Twists: A Post-Thanksgiving Rejuvenating, Purifying Practice
Sunday, December 4th, 9:30pm - 1:00pm

If you are feeling sluggish, agitated and out of balance after the Thanksgiving feast, this practice will be nectar for your body, mind and spirit. The rivers of light (nadis) that run through our entire being can become blocked, overtaxed, dried up and dimmed by rich foods, alcohol, family stress, lack of movement and sleep. Twisting poses, when performed skillfully, infuse the body and mind with vitality and well being, and assist in releasing enormous amounts of physical and mental tension. They are traditionally associated with tonifying and rejuvenating the abdominal and pelvic organs. When these organs are squeezed, blood flow is stimulated and toxins are released - a natural internal massage. With regular practice the entire spine becomes more flexible, the upper back, neck, and hips move more freely, and these areas are nourished and strengthened by increased circulation.

In this session we will explore supine, standing, seated and inverted twists. Twisting poses assist in cultivating introspection: they can be seen as a spiral movement, ascending or descending, towards freedom from within. Twists are an excellent prelude to contemplation, enabling you to feel more in tune with yourself, energized in a restful way, and allowing you to sit quietly with more ease.

Where:Yoga du Soleil located at 224 Divisadero St.
Call Betty at 415-861-3055
No refunds with less than 24 hour cancellation


The Poetic Melody of Restorative Poses
Sunday, December 11th, 9:30pm - 1:00pm

Restorative Yoga is an opportunity to deeply relax, renew and journey inward. The body is supported by props in each pose, so each pose can be held for some time effortlessly, which encourages a gradual dissolution of holding patterns of stress and tension in the inner body. All these passive postures are an excellent prelude to pranayama, since they open and gently stretch the respiratory muscles, quiet the mind, and cultivate stillness and ease in the body. During the workshop, Betty will serenade you with selected, inspired poems and vocalese, and play chants from her CD "La Lumière du Son". The vibration of the sounds of harmonious words and melodies ushered by the human voice is the breath that touches the heart of the listener. This experience allows for a deeper absorption into our essence.

A variety of restorative poses will be practiced - forward bends, twists, inversions, and backbends. Then, we will explore some simple yogic breathing techniques designed to expand ("yama") our lifeforce ("prana"). Pranayama strengthens the mind and is a doorway to meditation. As we move beneath the exterior boundaries, we will experience a feeling of inner spaciousness and revealing clarity that can help us realize our fullest spiritual potential.

Where:Yoga du Soleil located at 224 Divisadero St.
$80 per workshop
Call Betty at 415-861-3055
No refunds with less than 24 hour cancellation


Sunday, October 23rd, 9:30pm - 1:00pm

In this workshop we will explore headstand and shoulderstand, as well as forearm and full arm balance. We will work on postures and actions which stabilize and strengthen the shoulder girdle and arms, increasing the mobility of the upper back while understanding how to align the neck and head in a safe, pain free way. By examining how to access our internal power of steadfastness, stability and strength and from the deep connection to our core, optimal alignment and innate intelligence of the body will be established. Headstand and shoulder stand are the father and mother of all asanas. Regular practice of these two postures nourishes all the vital organs, strengthens the immune and nervous system and clears the mind creating radiant wellbeing and serenity from the inside out. Inversions are an essential aspect of a balanced yoga practice.

This workshop is an opportunity for students who lack experience and confidence in practicing these essential poses to break though their resistances and make friends with the world of being upside down. The fundamentals will be covered and more seasoned students can explore more challenging variations.

Not recommended for women on their menstrual cycle.

Where:Yoga du Soleil located at 224 Divisadero St.
Call Betty at 415-861-3055
No refunds with less than 24 hour cancellation


The Journey to Arm Balancing
Sunday, November 6th, 9:30pm - 1:00pm

Where:Yoga du Soleil located at 224 Divisadero St.
Call Betty at 415-861-3055
No refunds with less than 24 hour cancellation


Opening and Strengthening Upper Back and Shoulders
Sunday, October 9th, 9:30pm - 1:00pm

In this workshop we will explore movements, postures and actions that strengthen and bring flexibility to the shoulders, chest, neck, thoracic spine, arms, and wrists. By cultivating freedom in the torso, backbends, inverted poses, and sitting can be experienced with more ease. As the upper body grows into healthy alignment, breathing is naturally freer and deeper, potentially preparing one for pranayama practice. The mind then can become clear, quiet and the heart peaceful leading the way to a natural state of meditation, aligning us with our innermost purpose.

Where:Yoga du Soleil located at 224 Divisadero St.
Call Betty at 415-861-3055
No refunds with less than 24 hour cancellation


Yoga for Back Care
Sunday, September 11th
9:30am to 1:00pm

Where: Yoga du Soleil located at 224 Divisadero St.
Cost: $80
Register: Call Betty at 415-861-3055
No refunds with less than 24 hour cancellation

In this workshop we will examine optimal ways to align the body while sitting, standing and moving both on and off the yoga mat.We will look at actions and poses that strengthen and open the upper back, low back and pelvis. These methods can help to prevent and correct underlying causes of back pain. You will leave with some tools , practices and a clearer understanding of the conditions that can alleviate and prevent discomfort and aches in your back. Learning to choose to move wisely and kindly everyday can be the best self care. This workshop is open to all practitioners of yoga.


Sunday, September 18th, 2016
9:30am - 1:00pm

The use of a chair was developed by Sri BKS Iyengar to enable any body to enhance their asana practice and the gifts that comes from its usage. Some of the main purposes of using the chair are: Perform asanas which are difficult to perform independently; Achieve and maintain correct alignment during the practice; Stay longer and relax in challenging asanas, in order to receive maximum benefit; Study and investigate the asanas in greater depth; Therapeutic purposes;Increase awareness and fun in the practice!

I have personally enjoyed using a chair as part of my practice for the past 30 years and keep studying and finding new creative ways to play with it. It is truly a boon, whether you are an athlete, an older adult, or suffer from injuries. Props are a means to an end and are a great tool for teachers to add to their repertoire. This session will be an introduction to explore a variety of asanas – standing poses, twists, backbends, forward bends, and inversions. I am inviting you to discover and savor the infinite possibilities that this wondrous prop can offer!

Where: Yoga du Soleil located at 224 Divisadero St.
Cost: $80
Register: Call Betty at 415-861-3055
No refunds with less than 24 hour cancellation


Opening the hips, groin and hamstrings
Sunday, September 25th, 2016

In this session we will explore ways to cultivate freedom in the pelvis. This can be achieved by learning to relax and strengthen the inner and outer muscles of the thighs, stretch the hamstrings, as well as ways to soften and loosen the hips, groin, ankle joints and feet.  The fruit of such practice prepares one for deep forward bending and backbending poses, as well as sitting comfortably for pranayama and meditation.  

Clear articulation and regular practice of optimal alignment of the lower body can alleviate back pain as well as create a firm, earthly foundation from which the spine can elongate easefully toward the sky.

Where: Yoga du Soleil located at 224 Divisadero St.
Cost: $80
Register: Call Betty at 415-861-3055
No refunds with less than 24 hour cancellation


Journey to Arm Balancing
Saturday, August 27th, 2016


Where: Yoga du Soleil located at 224 Divisadero St.
Cost: $80
Register: Call Betty at 415-861-3055
No refunds with less than 24 hour cancellation



Sunday, July 24th, 2016
9:30am - 1:00pm

The use of a chair was developed by Sri BKS Iyengar to enable any body to enhance their asana practice and the gifts that comes from its usage. Some of the main purposes of using the chair are: Perform asanas which are difficult to perform independently; Achieve and maintain correct alignment during the practice; Stay longer and relax in challenging asanas, in order to receive maximum benefit; Study and investigate the asanas in greater depth; Therapeutic purposes;Increase awareness and fun in the practice!

I have personally enjoyed using a chair as part of my practice for the past 30 years and keep studying and finding new creative ways to play with it. It is truly a boon, whether you are an athlete, an older adult, or suffer from injuries. Props are a means to an end and are a great tool for teachers to add to their repertoire. This session will be an introduction to explore a variety of asanas – standing poses, twists, backbends, forward bends, and inversions. I am inviting you to discover and savor the infinite possibilities that this wondrous prop can offer!

Where: Yoga du Soleil located at 224 Divisadero St.
Cost: $80
Register: Call Betty at 415-861-3055
No refunds with less than 24 hour cancellation


Sunday, July 31st, 2016
9:30am - 1:00pm

Backbends move us from the known to the unknown and demand complete physical and mental awareness. They are liberating and exhilarating. Backbending brings life to the spine, opens the chest, and stretches the entire front body as well as toning the back muscles, spine, and abdominals. With regular practice they strengthen your willpower, nervous system, and capacity to bear stress and correct poor posture.

In this session we will explore the essential keys that open the gates of the pelvis and the upper back and shoulders to move freely and safely into backbending. We will practice a variety of backbends from beginning to more complex, along with poses for cooling down. Come and experience the freeing and rejuvenating power of these rewarding poses. They will light up your spirit.

Where: Yoga du Soleil located at 224 Divisadero St.
Cost: $80
Register: Call Betty at 415-861-3055
No refunds with less than 24 hour cancellation


Sunday, June 12th, 2016

In this session we will explore ways to cultivate freedom in the pelvis. This can be achieved by learning to relax and strengthen the inner and outer muscles of the thighs, stretch the hamstrings, as well as ways to soften and loosen the hips, groin, ankle joints and feet.  The fruit of such practice prepares one for deep forward bending and backbending poses, as well as sitting comfortably for pranayama and meditation.  

Clear articulation and regular practice of optimal alignment of the lower body can alleviate back pain as well as create a firm, earthly foundation from which the spine can elongate easefully toward the sky.

Where: Yoga du Soleil located at 224 Divisadero St.
Cost: $80
Register: Call Betty at 415-861-3055
No refunds with less than 24 hour cancellation


Learning the Ropes
Saturday, May 28th, 2016; 2pm-5pm
(7 students only - register early!)

Rope work, or yoga korunta, is a dynamic and playful part of the Iyengar tradition. Ropes help tremendously in building agility and strength of body and mind. In this workshop we will focus on learning how to incorporate the ropes in your yoga practice. By transforming our relationship with gravity, the ropes assist us in focusing on specific parts of the body, refining the dynamics within a pose, and going beyond our habitual limits. We will explore standing postures, forward bends, backbends, twists and inversions. Be prepared to enjoy yourself and be challenged.

This workshop is open to all levels and teachers. Optional: bring cycling or weight lifting gloves. Small class size ensures individualized attention.

Where: Yoga du Soleil located at 224 Divisadero St.
Cost: $90
Register: Call Betty at 415-861-3055
No refunds with less than 48 hour cancellation



Awakening the Core with Inversions
Sunday, May 22nd, 2016;

This workshop is an opportunity for students who lack experience and confidence in practicing these essential poses to breakthough their resistances and make friends with the world being upside down. The fundamentals will be covered and more seasoned students can explore more challenging variations.

We will start the practice by examining how to access our internal power of steadfastness, stability and strength. From the deep connection to our core, optimal alignment and innate intelligence of the body will be established. Then we will explore headstand and shoulderstand, as well as forearm and full arm balance.

We will work on poses and actions which stabilize and strengthen the shoulder girdle and arms, increasing the mobility of the upper back while understanding how to align the neck and head in a safe, pain free way. Headstand and shoulder stand are the father and mother of all asanas. Regular practice of these two postures nourishes all the vital organs, strengthens the immune and nervous system and clears the mind creating radiant wellbeing and serenity from the inside out. Inversions are an essential aspect of a balanced yoga practice.

Not recommended for women on their menstrual cycle.

Where: Yoga du Soleil located at 224 Divisadero St.
Cost: $80
Register: Call Betty at 415-861-3055
No refunds with less than 24 hour cancellation




Opening the Gates to the Bliss of Backbends
Sunday, February 21st, 2016

Backbends move us from the known to the unknown and demand complete physical and mental awareness. They are liberating and exhilarating. Backbending brings life to the spine, opens the chest, and stretches the entire front body as well as toning the back muscles, spine, and abdominals. With regular practice they strengthen your willpower, nervous system, and capacity to bear stress and correct poor posture.

In this session we will explore the essential keys that open the gates of the pelvis and the upper back and shoulders to move freely and safely into backbending. We will practice a variety of backbends from beginning to more complex, along with poses for cooling down. Come and experience the freeing and rejuvenating power of these rewarding poses. They will light up your spirit!

Where: Yoga du Soleil located at 224 Divisadero St.
Cost: $80
Register: Call Betty at 415-861-3055
No refunds with less than 24 hour cancellation


Opening the hips, groin and hamstrings
Saturday, February 27th, 2016

In this session we will explore ways to cultivate freedom in the pelvis. This can be achieved by learning to relax and strengthen the inner and outer muscles of the thighs, stretch the hamstrings, as well as ways to soften and loosen the hips, groin, ankle joints and feet.  The fruit of such practice prepares one for deep forward bending and backbending poses, as well as sitting comfortably for pranayama and meditation.  

Clear articulation and regular practice of optimal alignment of the lower body can alleviate back pain as well as create a firm, earthly foundation from which the spine can elongate easefully toward the sky.

Where: Yoga du Soleil located at 224 Divisadero St.
Cost: $80
Register: Call Betty at 415-861-3055
No refunds with less than 24 hour cancellation


Rejuvenation with twisting poses
Sunday, March 6th, 2016
9am to 12:30pm

Twisting poses, when performed skillfully, infuse the body and mind with vitality and well being, and assist in releasing enormous amounts of tension. They are traditionally associated with tonifying and rejuvenating the abdominal and pelvic organs. When these organs are squeezed, blood flow is stimulated and toxins are released - a natural internal massage. With regular practice the entire spine becomes more flexible, the upper back, neck, and hips move more freely, and these areas are nourished and strengthened by increased circulation. In this session we will explore supine, standing, seated and inverted twists. Twisting poses assist in cultivating introspection: they can be seen as a spiral movement, ascending or descending, towards freedom from within. They are an excellent prelude to meditation, enabling you to feel more in tune with yourself, energized in a restful way, and sit quietly with more ease.

Where: Yoga du Soleil located at 224 Divisadero St.
Cost: $80
Register: Call Betty at 415-861-3055
No refunds with less than 24 hour cancellation


Journey to Arm Balancing
Saturday, March 12th, 2016


Where: Yoga du Soleil located at 224 Divisadero St.
Cost: $75
Register: Call Betty at 415-861-3055
No refunds with less than 24 hour cancellation




The Poetic Melody of Restorative Poses
Sunday, March 20th, 2016

Restorative Yoga is an opportunity to deeply relax, renew and journey inward. The body is supported by props in each pose, so each pose can be held for some time effortlessly, which encourages a gradual dissolution of holding patterns of stress and tension in the inner body. All these passive postures are an excellent prelude to pranayama, since they open and gently stretch the respiratory muscles, quiet the mind, and cultivate stillness and ease in the body. During the workshop, Betty will serenade you with selected, inspired poems and vocalese, and play chants from her CD "La Lumière du Son". The vibration of the sounds of harmonious words and melodies ushered by the human voice is the breath that touches the heart of the listener. This experience allows for a deeper absorption into our essence. A variety of restorative poses will be practiced - forward bends, twists, inversions, and backbends. Then, we will explore some simple yogic breathing techniques designed to expand ("yama") our lifeforce ("prana"). Pranayama strengthens the mind and is a doorway to meditation. As we move beneath the exterior boundaries, we will experience a feeling of inner spaciousness and revealing clarity that can help us realize our fullest spiritual potential.

Where: Yoga du Soleil located at 224 Divisadero St.
Cost: $80
Register: Call Betty at 415-861-3055
No refunds with less than 24 hour cancellation


Opening and Strengthening Upper Back and Shoulders
Saturday, March 26th, 2016

Learn new ways to express your fullness of spirit by exploring the inner landscape of your body, breath, and heart to unlock the boundless potential within you. In this workshop we will explore movements that strengthen and bring flexibility to the shoulders, chest, neck, thoracic spine, arms, and wrists. By cultivating freedom in the torso, backbends, inverted poses, and sitting can be experienced with more ease.

As the upper body grows into healthy alignment, breathing is naturally freer and deeper, preparing us for pranayama practice. The mind becoming clear, quiet and the heart peaceful will lead the way to meditation, aligning us with our innermost purpose and luminous nature. 

Where: Yoga du Soleil located at 224 Divisadero St.
Cost: $80
Register: Call Betty at 415-861-3055
No refunds with less than 24 hour cancellation


Opening the Pelvis to Grow a Lotus
Sunday, April 10th, 2016
to 1:00pm

The Lotus is a magnificent paradox. Its leaves and flowers grow in the mud and murky water, yet they are unstained. It is associated with both heat and cool, chaos and order, the sun and the moon, even life and death. Under the summer's scorching sun, its blossoms are fragrant on the cool water's surface. It is no wonder that the Lotus has been the main symbol of yoga, enlightenment and sacredness, while remaining the optimal posture for pranayama and meditation.

In this session we will explore creative ways to cultivate freedom in the pelvis. We will look at the many actions and postures necessary to open the hips, groin, hamstrings, ankles and feet while keeping the knees safe. Experiencing the grounding, stillness and the optimal alignment of this seated posture will guide us on the journey to a free, elongated spine. Reaching effortlessly for the sunlight like the long stalk that dances in the breeze, Padmasana is an expression of the flowering of our human potential.

Where: Yoga du Soleil located at 224 Divisadero St.
Cost: $80
Register: Call Betty at 415-861-3055
No refunds with less than 24 hour cancellation 



Saturday, January 30th, 2016; 1:30pm-5pm

The use of a chair was developed by Sri BKS Iyengar to enable any body to enhance their asana practice and the gifts that comes from its usage. Some of the main purposes of using the chair are: Perform asanas which are difficult to perform independently; Achieve and maintain correct alignment during the practice; Stay longer and relax in challenging asanas, in order to receive maximum benefit; Study and investigate the asanas in greater depth; Therapeutic purposes;Increase awareness and fun in the practice!

I have personally enjoyed using a chair as part of my practice for the past 30 years and keep studying and finding new creative ways to play with it. It is truly a boon, whether you are an athlete, an older adult, or suffer from injuries. Props are a means to an end and are a great tool for teachers to add to their repertoire. This session will be an introduction to explore a variety of asanas – standing poses, twists, backbends, forward bends, and inversions. I am inviting you to discover and savor the infinite possibilities that this wondrous prop can offer!

Where: Yoga du Soleil located at 224 Divisadero St.
Cost: $80
Register: Call Betty at 415-861-3055
No refunds with less than 24 hour cancellation



Awakening the Core with Inverted Poses
Sunday, January 31st, 2016;

This workshop is an opportunity for students who lack experience and confidence in practicing these essential poses to breakthough their resistances and make friends with the world being upside down. The fundamentals will be covered and more seasoned students can explore more challenging variations.

We will start the practice by examining how to access our internal power of steadfastness, stability and strength. From the deep connection to our core, optimal alignment and innate intelligence of the body will be established. Then we will explore headstand and shoulderstand, as well as forearm and full arm balance.

We will work on poses and actions which stabilize and strengthen the shoulder girdle and arms, increasing the mobility of the upper back while understanding how to align the neck and head in a safe, pain free way. Headstand and shoulder stand are the father and mother of all asanas. Regular practice of these two postures nourishes all the vital organs, strengthens the immune and nervous system and clears the mind creating radiant wellbeing and serenity from the inside out. Inversions are an essential aspect of a balanced yoga practice.

Not recommended for women on their menstrual cycle.

Where: Yoga du Soleil located at 224 Divisadero St.
Cost: $80
Register: Call Betty at 415-861-3055
No refunds with less than 24 hour cancellation


Learning the Ropes
Saturday, February 13th, 2016; 1:30pm-4:30pm
(7 students only - register early!)

Rope work, or yoga korunta, is a dynamic and playful part of the Iyengar tradition. Ropes help tremendously in building agility and strength of body and mind. In this workshop we will focus on learning how to incorporate the ropes in your yoga practice. By transforming our relationship with gravity, the ropes assist us in focusing on specific parts of the body, refining the dynamics within a pose, and going beyond our habitual limits. We will explore standing postures, forward bends, backbends, twists and inversions. Be prepared to enjoy yourself and be challenged.

This workshop is open to all levels and teachers. Optional: bring cycling or weight lifting gloves. Small class size ensures individualized attention.

Where: Yoga du Soleil located at 224 Divisadero St.
Cost: $90
Register: Call Betty at 415-861-3055
No refunds with less than 48 hour cancellation



Opening the hips, groin and hamstrings
Sunday, January 17th, 2015; 9:30am-1pm

In this session we will explore ways to cultivate freedom in the pelvis. This can be achieved by learning to relax and strengthen the inner and outer muscles of the thighs, stretch the hamstrings, as well as ways to soften and loosen the hips, groin, ankle joints and feet.  The fruit of such practice prepares one for deep forward bending and backbending poses, as well as sitting comfortably for pranayama and meditation.  

Clear articulation and regular practice of optimal alignment of the lower body can alleviate back pain as well as create a firm, earthly foundation from which the spine can elongate easefully toward the sky.

Where: Yoga du Soleil located at 224 Divisadero St.
Cost: $80
Register: Call Betty at 415-861-3055
No refunds with less than 24 hour cancellation

Learning the Ropes
Saturday, January 16th, 2016; 1:30pm-4:30pm
(7 students only - register early!)

Rope work, or yoga korunta, is a dynamic and playful part of the Iyengar tradition. Ropes help tremendously in building agility and strength of body and mind. In this workshop we will focus on learning how to incorporate the ropes in your yoga practice. By transforming our relationship with gravity, the ropes assist us in focusing on specific parts of the body, refining the dynamics within a pose, and going beyond our habitual limits. We will explore standing postures, forward bends, backbends, twists and inversions. Be prepared to enjoy yourself and be challenged.

This workshop is open to all levels and teachers. Optional: bring cycling or weight lifting gloves. Small class size ensures individualized attention.

Where: Yoga du Soleil located at 224 Divisadero St.
Cost: $90
Register: Call Betty at 415-861-3055
No refunds with less than 48 hour cancellation


Being Radiant in the Heart Center: Opening the Upper Back and Shoulders
Sunday, January 10th, 2016; 9:30am-1:00pm
Learn new ways to express your fullness of spirit by exploring the inner landscape of your body, mind, and heart to unlock the boundless potential within you. In this workshop we will explore movements that strengthen and bring flexibility to the shoulders, chest, neck, thoracic spine, arms, and wrists. By cultivating freedom in the torso, backbends, inverted poses, and arm balances can be experienced with more ease. As the upper body grows into healthy alignment, breathing will be freer and deeper, allowing the mind to become clear and quiet, and the heart peaceful. 

We will conclude with meditation to align with our highest purpose and innermost luminous nature.

Where: Yoga du Soleil located at 224 Divisadero St.
Cost: $80
Register: Call Betty at 415-861-3055
No refunds with less than 24 hour cancellation



Opening to the Bliss of Backbends at Yoga Tree Potrero
Saturday, December 5th, 2015

Backbends move us from the known to the unknown and demand complete physical and mental awareness. They are liberating and exhilarating. Backbending brings life to the spine, opens the chest, and stretches the entire front body as well as toning the back muscles, spine, and abdominals. With regular practice they strengthen your willpower, nervous system, and capacity to bear stress and correct poor posture.

In this session we will explore the essential keys that open the gates of the pelvis and the upper back and shoulders to move freely and safely into backbending. We will practice a variety of backbends from beginning to more complex, along with poses for cooling down. Come and experience the freeing and rejuvenating power of these rewarding poses. They will light up your spirit!

Where: Yoga Tree Potrero
Cost: $75
Register: Call Betty at 415-861-3055
No refunds with less than 24 hour cancellation



The Poetic Melody of Restorative Poses
Sunday, December 13th, 2015; 9:30am-1:00pm
Restorative Yoga is an opportunity to deeply relax, renew and journey inward. The body is supported by props in each pose, so each pose can be held for some time effortlessly, which encourages a gradual dissolution of holding patterns of stress and tension in the inner body. All these passive postures are an excellent prelude to pranayama, since they open and gently stretch the respiratory muscles, quiet the mind, and cultivate stillness and ease in the body. During the workshop, Betty will serenade you with selected, inspired poems and vocalese, and play chants from her CD "La Lumière du Son". The vibration of the sounds of harmonious words and melodies ushered by the human voice is the breath that touches the heart of the listener. This experience allows for a deeper absorption into our essence. A variety of restorative poses will be practiced - forward bends, twists, inversions, and backbends. Then, we will explore some simple yogic breathing techniques designed to expand ("yama") our lifeforce ("prana"). Pranayama strengthens the mind and is a doorway to meditation. As we move beneath the exterior boundaries, we will experience a feeling of inner spaciousness and revealing clarity that can help us realize our fullest spiritual potential.

Where:Yoga du Soleil located at 224 Divisadero St.
Cost: $80
Register: Call Betty at 415-861-3055
No refunds with less than 24 hour cancellation




The Poetic Melody of Restorative Poses
Sunday, November 15th, 2015; 9:30am-1:00pm
Restorative Yoga is an opportunity to deeply relax, renew and journey inward. The body is supported by props in each pose, so each pose can be held for some time effortlessly, which encourages a gradual dissolution of holding patterns of stress and tension in the inner body. All these passive postures are an excellent prelude to pranayama, since they open and gently stretch the respiratory muscles, quiet the mind, and cultivate stillness and ease in the body. During the workshop, Betty will serenade you with selected, inspired poems and vocalese, and play chants from her CD "La Lumière du Son". The vibration of the sounds of harmonious words and melodies ushered by the human voice is the breath that touches the heart of the listener. This experience allows for a deeper absorption into our essence. A variety of restorative poses will be practiced - forward bends, twists, inversions, and backbends. Then, we will explore some simple yogic breathing techniques designed to expand ("yama") our lifeforce ("prana"). Pranayama strengthens the mind and is a doorway to meditation. As we move beneath the exterior boundaries, we will experience a feeling of inner spaciousness and revealing clarity that can help us realize our fullest spiritual potential.

Where:Yoga du Soleil located at 224 Divisadero St.
Cost: $80
Register: Call Betty at 415-861-3055
No refunds with less than 24 hour cancellation


Rejuvenation with twisting poses at Yoga Tree Hayes
Saturday, November 7th, 2015
1:15pm to 4:15
(register with Yoga tree)

Twisting poses, when performed skillfully, infuse the body and mind with vitality and well being, and assist in releasing enormous amounts of tension. They are traditionally associated with tonifying and rejuvenating the abdominal and pelvic organs. When these organs are squeezed, blood flow is stimulated and toxins are released - a natural internal massage. With regular practice the entire spine becomes more flexible, the upper back, neck, and hips move more freely, and these areas are nourished and strengthened by increased circulation. In this session we will explore supine, standing, seated and inverted twists. Twisting poses assist in cultivating introspection: they can be seen as a spiral movement, ascending or descending, towards freedom from within. They are an excellent prelude to meditation, enabling you to feel more in tune with yourself, energized in a restful way, and sit quietly with more ease.

Where: Yoga Tree Hayes
Cost: $65
Register with Yoga Tree: (415) 626-9707
No refunds with less than 24 hour cancellation


Learning the Ropes 1 & 2
Saturday, October 17th, 2015; 1pm-4pm
Sunday, October 18th, 2015; 9am-Noon (last workshop of the year)

(7 students only each class - register early!)

I have been practicing and teaching the ropes for the past 30 years. Rope work, or yoga korunta, is a dynamic and playful part of the Iyengar tradition. Ropes help tremendously in building agility and strength of body and mind. In this workshop we will focus on learning how to incorporate the ropes in your yoga practice. By transforming our relationship with gravity, the ropes assist us in focusing on specific parts of the body, refining the dynamics within a pose, and going beyond our habitual limits. We will explore standing postures, forward bends, backbends, twists and inversions. Be prepared to enjoy yourself and be challenged.

Each workshop will focus on different sets of poses. So, come to one or both. This workshop is open to all levels and teachers. Optional: bring cycling or weight lifting gloves. Small class size ensures individualized attention.

Where: Yoga du Soleil located at 224 Divisadero St.
Cost: $90
Register: Call Betty at 415-861-3055
No refunds with less than 48 hour cancellation


Opening Upper Back and Shoulders for Pranayama
Saturday, October 17th, 2015; 1pm-4pm

Learn new ways to express your fullness of spirit by exploring the inner landscape of your body, breath, and heart to unlock the boundless potential within you. In this workshop we will explore movements that strengthen and bring flexibility to the shoulders, chest, neck, thoracic spine, arms, and wrists. By cultivating freedom in the torso, backbends, inverted poses, and sitting can be experienced with more ease.

As the upper body grows into healthy alignment, breathing is naturally freer and deeper, preparing us for pranayama practice. The mind becoming clear, quiet and the heart peaceful will lead the way to meditation, aligning us with our innermost purpose and luminous nature. 

Where: Yoga du Soleil located at 224 Divisadero St.
Cost: $90
Register: Call Betty at 415-861-3055
No refunds with less than 48 hour cancellation



Sunday, October 4th, 2015; 9:30am-1pm

The use of a chair was developed by Sri BKS Iyengar to enable any body to enhance their asana practice and the gifts that comes from its usage. Some of the main purposes of using the chair are: Perform asanas which are difficult to perform independently; Achieve and maintain correct alignment during the practice; Stay longer and relax in challenging asanas, in order to receive maximum benefit; Study and investigate the asanas in greater depth; Therapeutic purposes;Increase awareness and fun in the practice!

I have personally enjoyed using a chair as part of my practice for the past 30 years and keep studying and finding new creative ways to play with it. It is truly a boon, whether you are an athlete, an older adult, or suffer from injuries. Props are a means to an end and are a great tool for teachers to add to their repertoire. This session will be an introduction to explore a variety of asanas – standing poses, twists, backbends, forward bends, and inversions. I am inviting you to discover and savor the infinite possibilities that this wondrous prop can offer!

Where: Yoga du Soleil located at 224 Divisadero St.
Cost: $80
Register: Call Betty at 415-861-3055
No refunds with less than 24 hour cancellation


Journey to Arm Balancing
Saturday, October 10th, 2015

sign up at yogatreesf.com





Opening the pelvis, groin and hamstrings
Sunday, September 13th, 2015; 9:30am-1pm

In this session we will explore ways to cultivate freedom in the pelvis. This can be achieved by learning to relax and strengthen the inner and outer muscles of the thighs, stretch the hamstrings, as well as ways to soften and loosen the hips, groin, ankle joints and feet.  The fruit of such practice prepares one for deep forward bending and backbending poses, as well as sitting comfortably for pranayama and meditation.  

Clear articulation and regular practice of optimal alignment of the lower body can alleviate back pain as well as create a firm, earthly foundation from which the spine can elongate easefully toward the sky.

Where: Yoga du Soleil located at 224 Divisadero St.
Cost: $80
Register: Call Betty at 415-861-3055
No refunds with less than 24 hour cancellation


Awakening the Core with Inverted Poses
Sunday, September 20th, 2015;

This workshop is an opportunity for students who lack experience and confidence in practicing these essential poses to breakthough their resistances and make friends with the world being upside down. The fundamentals will be covered and more seasoned students can explore more challenging variations.

We will start the practice by examining how to access our internal power of steadfastness, stability and strength. From the deep connection to our core, optimal alignment and innate intelligence of the body will be established. Then we will explore headstand and shoulderstand, as well as forearm and full arm balance.

We will work on poses and actions which stabilize and strengthen the shoulder girdle and arms, increasing the mobility of the upper back while understanding how to align the neck and head in a safe, pain free way. Headstand and shoulder stand are the father and mother of all asanas. Regular practice of these two postures nourishes all the vital organs, strengthens the immune and nervous system and clears the mind creating radiant wellbeing and serenity from the inside out. Inversions are an essential aspect of a balanced yoga practice.

Not recommended for women on their menstrual cycle.

Where: Yoga du Soleil located at 224 Divisadero St.
Cost: $80
Register: Call Betty at 415-861-3055
No refunds with less than 24 hour cancellation





Learning the Ropes
Saturday, Aug 8th, 2015; 1pm-4pm
(7 students only - register early!)

I have been practicing and teaching the ropes for the past 30 years. Rope work, or yoga korunta, is a dynamic and playful part of the Iyengar tradition. Ropes help tremendously in building agility and strength of body and mind. In this workshop we will focus on learning how to incorporate the ropes in your yoga practice. By transforming our relationship with gravity, the ropes assist us in focusing on specific parts of the body, refining the dynamics within a pose, and going beyond our habitual limits. We will explore standing postures, forward bends, backbends, twists and inversions. Be prepared to enjoy yourself and be challenged.

Each workshop will focus on different sets of poses. So, come to one or both. This workshop is open to all levels and teachers. Optional: bring cycling or weight lifting gloves. Small class size ensures individualized attention.

Where: Yoga du Soleil located at 224 Divisadero St.
Cost: $90
Register: Call Betty at 415-861-3055
No refunds with less than 48 hour cancellation


Opening the Upper Back and Shoulders
Being radiant in the heart center
Sunday, August 16th, 2015; 9:30am-1:00pm
Learn new ways to express your fullness of spirit by exploring the inner landscape of your body, mind, and heart to unlock the boundless potential within you. In this workshop we will explore movements that strengthen and bring flexibility to the shoulders, chest, neck, thoracic spine, arms, and wrists. By cultivating freedom in the torso, backbends, inverted poses, and arm balances can be experienced with more ease. As the upper body grows into healthy alignment, breathing will be freer and deeper, allowing the mind to become clear and quiet, and the heart peaceful. 

We will conclude with meditation to align with our highest purpose and innermost luminous nature.

Where: Yoga du Soleil located at 224 Divisadero St.
Cost: $80
Register: Call Betty at 415-861-3055
No refunds with less than 24 hour cancellation


Saturday, August 22nd, 2015 1pm-4:30pm

The use of a chair was developed by Sri BKS Iyengar to enable any body to enhance their asana practice and the gifts that comes from its usage. Some of the main purposes of using the chair are: Perform asanas which are difficult to perform independently; Achieve and maintain correct alignment during the practice; Stay longer and relax in challenging asanas, in order to receive maximum benefit; Study and investigate the asanas in greater depth; Therapeutic purposes;Increase awareness and fun in the practice!

I have personally enjoyed using a chair as part of my practice for the past 30 years and keep studying and finding new creative ways to play with it. It is truly a boon, whether you are an athlete, an older adult, or suffer from injuries. Props are a means to an end and are a great tool for teachers to add to their repertoire. This session will be an introduction to explore a variety of asanas – standing poses, twists, backbends, forward bends, and inversions. I am inviting you to discover and savor the infinite possibilities that this wondrous prop can offer!

Where: Yoga du Soleil located at 224 Divisadero St.
Cost: $80
Register: Call Betty at 415-861-3055
No refunds with less than 24 hour cancellation


Learning the Ropes
Saturday, July 11th, 2015; 2pm-5pm
(7 students only - register early!)

I have been practicing and teaching the ropes for the past 30 years. Rope work, or yoga korunta, is a dynamic and playful part of the Iyengar tradition. Ropes help tremendously in building agility and strength of body and mind. In this workshop we will focus on learning how to incorporate the ropes in your yoga practice. By transforming our relationship with gravity, the ropes assist us in focusing on specific parts of the body, refining the dynamics within a pose, and going beyond our habitual limits. We will explore standing postures, forward bends, backbends, twists and inversions. Be prepared to enjoy yourself and be challenged.

Each workshop will focus on different sets of poses. So, come to one or both. This workshop is open to all levels and teachers. Optional: bring cycling or weight lifting gloves. Small class size ensures individualized attention.

Where: Yoga du Soleil located at 224 Divisadero St.
Cost: $90
Register: Call Betty at 415-861-3055
No refunds with less than 48 hour cancellation



Opening the pelvis, groin and hamstrings
Sunday, July 12th, 2015

In this session we will explore ways to cultivate freedom in the pelvis. This can be achieved by learning to relax and strengthen the inner and outer muscles of the thighs, stretch the hamstrings, as well as ways to soften and loosen the hips, groin, ankle joints and feet.  The fruit of such practice prepares one for deep forward bending and backbending poses, as well as sitting comfortably for pranayama and meditation.  

Clear articulation and regular practice of optimal alignment of the lower body can alleviate back pain as well as create a firm, earthly foundation from which the spine can elongate easefully toward the sky.

Where: Yoga du Soleil located at 224 Divisadero St.
Cost: $80
Register: Call Betty at 415-861-3055
No refunds with less than 24 hour cancellation



Learning the Ropes
Saturday, June 27th, 2015; 1pm-4pm
(7 students only - register early!)

I have been practicing and teaching the ropes for the past 30 years. Rope work, or yoga korunta, is a dynamic and playful part of the Iyengar tradition. Ropes help tremendously in building agility and strength of body and mind. In this workshop we will focus on learning how to incorporate the ropes in your yoga practice. By transforming our relationship with gravity, the ropes assist us in focusing on specific parts of the body, refining the dynamics within a pose, and going beyond our habitual limits. We will explore standing postures, forward bends, backbends, twists and inversions. Be prepared to enjoy yourself and be challenged.

Each workshop will focus on different sets of poses. So, come to one or both. This workshop is open to all levels and teachers. Optional: bring cycling or weight lifting gloves. Small class size ensures individualized attention.

Where: Yoga du Soleil located at 224 Divisadero St.
Cost: $90
Register: Call Betty at 415-861-3055
No refunds with less than 48 hour cancellation


A Rejuvenating, Detoxifying, Purifying Practice
Sunday, June 28th, 2015; 9:30am-1:00pm

Let's celebrate the radiance of summer light and the warmth of the season. This practice will be nectar for your body, mind and spirit. The nadis (rivers of light) that run through our entire body will be opened, juiced up and revitalized.

In this workshop we will engage the body in sun salutations, rhythmic movement combinations (vinyasa), twists and inversions to increase circulation of fluids in connective tissues and muscles, clear away accumulation of toxins in the organs, and nourish the body from inside out. We will practice conscious, slow breathing to regulate, the nervous system and increase our vitality (prana) and conclude with a sitting meditation, savoring stillness so we may begin to experience our innate joy and the radiant light within.

Where: Yoga du Soleil located at 224 Divisadero St.
Cost: $80
Register: Call Betty at 415-861-3055
No refunds with less than 48 hour cancellation


Saturday, May 9th, 2015 1pm-4:00pm

The use of a chair was developed by Sri BKS Iyengar to enable any body to enhance their asana practice and the gifts that comes from its usage. Some of the main purposes of using the chair are: Perform asanas which are difficult to perform independently; Achieve and maintain correct alignment during the practice; Stay longer and relax in challenging asanas, in order to receive maximum benefit; Study and investigate the asanas in greater depth; Therapeutic purposes;Increase awareness and fun in the practice!

I have personally enjoyed using a chair as part of my practice for the past 30 years and keep studying and finding new creative ways to play with it. It is truly a boon, whether you are an athlete, an older adult, or suffer from injuries. Props are a means to an end and are a great tool for teachers to add to their repertoire. This session will be an introduction to explore a variety of asanas – standing poses, twists, backbends, forward bends, and inversions. I am inviting you to discover and savor the infinite possibilities that this wondrous prop can offer!

Where: Yoga Tree Mission, 24 Shotwell St, San Francisco
Cost: $65
Register: Contact Yoga Tree: http://www.yogatreesf.com/
Phone:(415) 800-8582
No refunds with less than 24 hour cancellation


Learning the Ropes 1 & 2
Sunday, May 17th 2015, 9:30am-12:30pm
Saturday, May 30th, 2015, 1pm-4pm
(7 students per class only - register early!)

I have been practicing and teaching the ropes for the past 25 years. Rope work, or yoga korunta, is a dynamic and playful part of the Iyengar tradition. Ropes help tremendously in building agility and strength of body and mind. In this workshop we will focus on learning how to incorporate the ropes in your yoga practice. By transforming our relationship with gravity, the ropes assist us in focusing on specific parts of the body, refining the dynamics within a pose, and going beyond our habitual limits. We will explore standing postures, forward bends, backbends, twists and inversions. Be prepared to enjoy yourself and be challenged.

Each workshop will focus on different sets of poses. So, come to one or both. This workshop is open to all levels and teachers. Optional: bring cycling or weight lifting gloves. Small class size ensures individualized attention.

Where: Yoga du Soleil located at 224 Divisadero St.
Cost: $90
Register: Call Betty at 415-861-3055
No refunds with less than 48 hour cancellation


Awakening the Core with Inverted Poses
Sunday, May 31st, 2015 9:30am-1:00pm
This workshop is an opportunity for students who lack experience and confidence in practicing these essential poses to breakthough their resistances and make friends with the world being upside down. The fundamentals will be covered and more seasoned students can explore more challenging variations.

We will start the practice by examining how to access our internal power of steadfastness, stability and strength. From the deep connection to our core, optimal alignment and innate intelligence of the body will be established. Then we will explore headstand and shoulderstand, as well as forearm and full arm balance.

We will work on poses and actions which stabilize and strengthen the shoulder girdle and arms, increasing the mobility of the upper back while understanding how to align the neck and head in a safe, pain free way. Headstand and shoulder stand are the father and mother of all asanas. Regular practice of these two postures nourishes all the vital organs, strengthens the immune and nervous system and clears the mind creating radiant wellbeing and serenity from the inside out. Inversions are an essential aspect of a balanced yoga practice.

Not recommended for women on their menstrual cycle.

Where: Yoga du Soleil located at 224 Divisadero St.
Cost: $80
Register: Call Betty at 415-861-3055
No refunds with less than 24 hour cancellation



Opening the Upper Back and Shoulders
Sunday, March 29th, 2015

Learn new ways to express your fullness of spirit by exploring the inner landscape of your body, mind, and heart to unlock the boundless potential within you. In this workshop we will explore movements that strengthen and bring flexibility to the shoulders, chest, neck, thoracic spine, arms, and wrists. By cultivating freedom in the torso, backbends, inverted poses, and arm balances can be experienced with more ease. As the upper body grows into healthy alignment, breathing will be freer and deeper, allowing the mind to become clear and quiet, and the heart peaceful. 

We will conclude with meditation to align with our highest purpose and innermost luminous nature.

Where: Yoga du Soleil located at 224 Divisadero St.
Cost: $80
Register: Call Betty at 415-861-3055
No refunds with less than 24 hour cancellation


Spring Cleaning and the Art of Twists
Saturday, April 11th, 2015

Twisting poses, when performed skillfully, infuse the body and mind with vitality and well being, and assist in releasing enormous amounts of tension. They are traditionally associated with tonifying and rejuvenating the abdominal and pelvic organs. When these organs are squeezed, blood flow is stimulated and toxins are released - a natural internal massage. With regular practice the entire spine becomes more flexible, the upper back, neck, and hips move more freely, and these areas are nourished and strengthened by increased circulation. In this session we will explore supine, standing, seated and inverted twists. Twisting poses assist in cultivating introspection: they can be seen as a spiral movement, ascending or descending, towards freedom from within. They are an excellent prelude to meditation, enabling you to feel more in tune with yourself, energized in a restful way, and sit quietly with more ease.

Where: Yoga du Soleil located at 224 Divisadero St.
Cost: $80
Register: Call Betty at 415-861-3055
No refunds with less than 24 hour cancellation



Opening the pelvis, groin and hamstrings
Sunday, April 19th, 2015

In this session we will explore ways to cultivate freedom in the pelvis. This can be achieved by learning to relax and strengthen the inner and outer muscles of the thighs, stretch the hamstrings, as well as ways to soften and loosen the hips, groin, ankle joints and feet.  The fruit of such practice prepares one for deep forward bending and backbending poses, as well as sitting comfortably for pranayama and meditation.  

Clear articulation and regular practice of optimal alignment of the lower body can alleviate back pain as well as create a firm, earthly foundation from which the spine can elongate easefully toward the sky.

Where: Yoga du Soleil located at 224 Divisadero St.
Cost: $80
Register: Call Betty at 415-861-3055
No refunds with less than 24 hour cancellation


Opening the Gates to the Bliss of Backbends
Sunday, April 26th, 2015

Backbends move us from the known to the unknown and demand complete physical and mental awareness. They are liberating and exhilarating. Backbending brings life to the spine, opens the chest, and stretches the entire front body as well as toning the back muscles, spine, and abdominals. With regular practice they strengthen your willpower, nervous system, and capacity to bear stress and correct poor posture.

In this session we will explore the essential keys that open the gates of the pelvis and the upper back and shoulders to move freely and safely into backbending. We will practice a variety of backbends from beginning to more complex, along with poses for cooling down. Come and experience the freeing and rejuvenating power of these rewarding poses. They will light up your spirit!

Where: Yoga du Soleil located at 224 Divisadero St.
Cost: $80
Register: Call Betty at 415-861-3055
No refunds with less than 24 hour cancellation


Hatha Yoga: Sun meets moon in Asana, Pranayama and Meditation
Sunday, March 1st, 2015
9:30am to 1pm

Yoga reunites all polarities and reconciles opposites. It is the expression of cessation of duality as we open to the totality of the present moment with curiosity and joy. This workshop is an invitation to step into the fullness of self through a balanced, strong and fluid practice while recognizing and identifying some of the patterns that are woven as the fabric of life's currents of energy. Through exploration of a variety of asana, standing poses, backbends twists, forward bends and inversions we churn the great waters of the ocean of self with alignment and care. We can then sit and savor the dynamic stillness, the power and grace of breath with pranayama. Meditation naturally follows as the unfolding of a calm clear mind grounded in a loving, peaceful heart.  

Where: Yoga du Soleil located at 224 Divisadero St.
Cost: $80
Register: Call Betty at 415-861-3055
No refunds with less than 24 hour cancellation


Opening the pelvis, groin and hamstrings
Sunday, March 15th, 2015
In this session we will explore ways to cultivate freedom in the pelvis. This can be achieved by learning to relax and strengthen the inner and outer muscles of the thighs, stretch the hamstrings, as well as ways to soften and loosen the hips, groin, ankle joints and feet.  The fruit of such practice prepares one for deep forward bending and backbending poses, as well as sitting comfortably for pranayama and meditation.  

Clear articulation and regular practice of optimal alignment of the lower body can alleviate back pain as well as create a firm, earthly foundation from which the spine can elongate easefully toward the sky.

Where: Yoga du Soleil located at 224 Divisadero St.
Cost: $80
Register: Call Betty at 415-861-3055
No refunds with less than 24 hour cancellation








Special class New Year's Eve at Yoga Tree
Soulful crossings on the eve of a brand new you!

6:15pm to 8:15pm
$30 in advance; $35 at the door.
Please register directly with yoga tree.

Let's gather as one voice at the threshold of the past and the new beginning to cultivate a calm, clear mind and a loving, peaceful heart. With contemplative poetic readings, chanting sacred tibetan mantra, and dancing through asana with the body and breath, we will remember our strength and courage, release what is outgrown and unfurl ourselves into the grace of new grounds as we awaken to the fullness of what is in the present moment. This promises to be a ritual of collective empowerment to welcome the path of plenitude opening before us!


The Journey to Arm Balancing
Sunday, November 9th, 2014
; 1-4pm

sign up at yogatreesf.com



The Poetic Melody of Restorative Poses
Sunday, December 7th, 2014; 9:30am-1:00pm
Restorative Yoga is an opportunity to deeply relax, renew and journey inward. The body is supported by props in each pose, so each pose can be held for some time effortlessly, which encourages a gradual dissolution of holding patterns of stress and tension in the inner body. All these passive postures are an excellent prelude to pranayama, since they open and gently stretch the respiratory muscles, quiet the mind, and cultivate stillness and ease in the body. During the workshop, Betty will serenade you with selected, inspired poems and vocalese, and play chants from her newest CD "La Lumière du Son". The vibration of the sounds of harmonious words and melodies ushered by the human voice is the breath that touches the heart of the listener. This experience allows for a deeper absorption into our essence. A variety of restorative poses will be practiced - forward bends, twists, inversions, and backbends. Then, we will explore some simple yogic breathing techniques designed to expand ("yama") our lifeforce ("prana"). Pranayama strengthens the mind and is a doorway to meditation. As we move beneath the exterior boundaries, we will experience a feeling of inner spaciousness and revealing clarity that can help us realize our fullest spiritual potential.

Where:Yoga du Soleil located at 224 Divisadero St.
Call Betty at 415-861-3055
No refunds with less than 24 hour cancellation




Mexico Yoga Retreat with Betty Roi
Saturday, November 15th-22nd, 2014

Revitalize yourself with a week of yoga and Mexican sunshine at Prana del Mar in Cabo!

A location that is easily accessible yet feels remote. Surrounded by nature – the power of the ocean, the vast expanse of desert skies, the majesty of the mountains – while also being coddled in luxurious accommodations. A place dedicated to environmental sustainability, but without sacrificing all the comfort and amenities of a deluxe experience.

I invite you to explore Prana del Mar and join me for a week of yoga, contemplation, and personal transformation. 

Delicious and healthful cuisine awaits you, a swimming pool and spa facilities, a dedicated meditation room, tranquil gardens with a labyrinth, a stunning beach at the front of the property, and a staff dedicated to ensuring that you feel welcome and supported, Prana del Mar serves as the perfect setting to relax, refresh, and rejuvenate.

$1925 for double accommodations.

$2275 for single if available.

Includes a week of deluxe accommodations, all meals, round-trip airport transfers, and all taxes,yoga twice a day with an afternoon free in the middle of the week to improvise a local adventure or a leisurely day. There are also a host of optional excursions, activities, and spa treatments that can be added to your stay.

To register send a non refundable deposit of $600. The balance will be due October 31st.

There are only a few spaces left.

For more info, call Betty at 415 861 3055.


the pulsation of the core and extremities

Sunday, October 12th, 2014 9:30am - 1:00pm

Our relationship to the earth through our foundation is a dynamic, living relationship, serving in much the same way as the roots of a tree, to draw nourishment for growth. The distribution of weight through our feet affects the function and flow of energy through our knees, hips, back and core. Similarly, how we displace our weight through our hands creates a powerful cascade effect into the wrists, elbows, shoulders and neck.

In this workshop we will reflect on the meaning of balance in our lives and discover how to enliven our inner body and how finding balance is a dance of pulsations. The interplay of the awareness of our center and extremities awakens us to the vibrancy of the present moment. We will explore core-strengthening asanas, movements to condition the extremities, and leg and arm balances. Finding balance is the manifestation of our internal power, creativity, calm, clarity, and remembering to see the sacred in every breath we take.

Where: Yoga du Soleil located at 224 Divisadero St.
Cost: $80
Register: Call Betty at 415-861-3055
No refunds with less than 24 hour cancellation


Sunday, October 26th, 2014 9:30am-1:00pm

The use of a chair was developed by Sri BKS Iyengar to enable any body to enhance their asana practice and the gifts that comes from its usage. Some of the main purposes of using the chair are: Perform asanas which are difficult to perform independently; Achieve and maintain correct alignment during the practice; Stay longer and relax in challenging asanas, in order to receive maximum benefit; Study and investigate the asanas in greater depth; Therapeutic purposes;Increase awareness and fun in the practice!

I have personally enjoyed using a chair as part of my practice for the past 28 years and keep studying and finding new creative ways to play with it. It is truly a boon, whether you are an athlete, an older adult, or suffer from injuries. Props are a means to an end and are a great tool for teachers to add to their repertoire. This session will be an introduction to explore a variety of asanas – standing poses, twists, backbends, forward bends, and inversions. I am inviting you to discover and savor the infinite possibilities that this wondrous prop can offer!

Where: Yoga du Soleil located at 224 Divisadero St.
Cost: $80
Register: Call Betty at 415-861-3055
No refunds with less than 24 hour cancellation


Learning the Ropes
Saturday, September 6th, 2014 1:00pm-4:00pm
Rope work, or yoga korunta, is a dynamic and playful part of the Iyengar tradition. Ropes help tremendously in building agility and strength of body and mind. In this workshop we will focus on learning how to incorporate the ropes in your yoga practice. By transforming our relationship with gravity, the ropes assist us in focusing on specific parts of the body, refining the dynamics within a pose, and going beyond our habitual limits. We will explore standing postures, forward bends, backbends, twists and inversions. Be prepared to enjoy yourself and be challenged.

This workshop is open to all levels and teachers. Optional: bring cycling or weight lifting gloves. Small class size ensures individualized attention.

Yoga Tree Potrero
1500 16th St San Francisco, CA
(415) 655-3936

Cost: $75

Learning the Ropes Opening the Upper Back and Shoulders
Being radiant in the heart center
Sunday, September 21st, 2014; 9:30am-1:00pm
Learn new ways to express your fullness of spirit by exploring the inner landscape of your body, mind, and heart to unlock the boundless potential within you. In this workshop we will explore movements that strengthen and bring flexibility to the shoulders, chest, neck, thoracic spine, arms, and wrists. By cultivating freedom in the torso, backbends, inverted poses, and arm balances can be experienced with more ease. As the upper body grows into healthy alignment, breathing will be freer and deeper, allowing the mind to become clear and quiet, and the heart peaceful. 

We will conclude with meditation to align with our highest purpose and innermost luminous nature.

Where: Yoga du Soleil located at 224 Divisadero St.
Cost: $80
Register: Call Betty at 415-861-3055
No refunds with less than 24 hour cancellation


Journey to Arm Balancing @ Yoga Tree Potrero!
August 16th, 1-4pm, 2014
1500 16th St San Francisco, CA
(415) 655-3936


Opening the Pelvis to Grow a Lotus
Saturday, July 26th; 1pm to 4:30pm

The Lotus is a magnificent paradox. Its leaves and flowers grow in the mud and murky water, yet they are unstained. It is associated with both heat and cool, chaos and order, the sun and the moon, even life and death. Under the summer's scorching sun, its blossoms are fragrant on the cool water's surface. It is no wonder that the Lotus has been the main symbol of yoga, enlightenment and sacredness, while remaining the optimal posture for pranayama and meditation.

In this session we will explore creative ways to cultivate freedom in the pelvis. We will look at the many actions and postures necessary to open the hips, groin, hamstrings, ankles and feet while keeping the knees safe. Experiencing the grounding, stillness and the optimal alignment of this seated posture will guide us on the journey to a free, elongated spine. Reaching effortlessly for the sunlight like the long stalk that dances in the breeze, Padmasana is an expression of the flowering of our human potential.

Where: Yoga du Soleil located at 224 Divisadero St.
Cost: $80
Register: Call Betty at 415-861-3055
No refunds with less than 24 hour cancellation 


Opening The Gates to the Bliss of Backbends: The Art of Backbending
Sunday, June 29th, 2014, 9:30 AM - 1:00 PM

Backbends move us from the known to the unknown and demand complete physical and mental awareness. They are liberating and exhilarating. Backbending brings life to the spine, opens the chest, and stretches the entire front body. One can experience an energetic shift that can lay the ground for a new path, one which uncovers the unearthed parts of our body, mind, and heart.

In this session we will explore the essential keys that open the gates of the pelvis and the upper back and shoulders to move freely into backbending. We will practice a variety of backbends, along with poses for cooling down. Come and experience the freeing and rejuvenating power of these rewarding poses. They will light up your spirit!

Where: Yoga du Soleil located at 224 Divisadero St.
Cost: $80
Register: Call Betty at 415-861-3055
No refunds with less than 24 hour cancellation    


Opening the hips, groin and hamstrings
May 18th, 2014; 9:30am-1:00pm
In this session we will explore ways to cultivate freedom in the pelvis. This can be achieved by learning to relax and strengthen the inner and outer muscles of the thighs, stretch the hamstrings, as well as ways to soften and loosen the hips, groin, ankle joints and feet.  The fruit of such practice prepares one for deep forward bending and backbending poses, as well as sitting comfortably for pranayama and meditation.  

Clear articulation and regular practice of optimal alignment of the lower body can alleviate back pain as well as create a firm, earthly foundation from which the spine can elongate easefully toward the sky.

Where: Yoga du Soleil located at 224 Divisadero St.
Cost: $80
Register: Call Betty at 415-861-3055
No refunds with less than 24 hour cancellation


Learning the Ropes
Saturday, May 24th, 2014 1:30am-4:30pm
Rope work, or yoga korunta, is a dynamic and playful part of the Iyengar tradition. Ropes help tremendously in building agility and strength of body and mind. In this workshop we will focus on learning how to incorporate the ropes in your yoga practice. By transforming our relationship with gravity, the ropes assist us in focusing on specific parts of the body, refining the dynamics within a pose, and going beyond our habitual limits. We will explore standing postures, forward bends, backbends, twists and inversions. Be prepared to enjoy yourself and be challenged.

This workshop is open to all levels and teachers. Optional: bring cycling or weight lifting gloves. Small class size ensures individualized attention.

Where:Yoga du Soleil located at 224 Divisadero St.

Cost: $90 (class size limited to 6 students only)
Register: Call Betty at 415-861-3055
No refunds with less than 24 hour cancellation  





Learning the Ropes
Sunday, April 6th, 2014 9:30am-12:30pm
Rope work, or yoga korunta, is a dynamic and playful part of the Iyengar tradition. Ropes help tremendously in building agility and strength of body and mind. In this workshop we will focus on learning how to incorporate the ropes in your yoga practice. By transforming our relationship with gravity, the ropes assist us in focusing on specific parts of the body, refining the dynamics within a pose, and going beyond our habitual limits. We will explore standing postures, forward bends, backbends, twists and inversions. Be prepared to enjoy yourself and be challenged.

This workshop is open to all levels and teachers. Optional: bring cycling or weight lifting gloves. Small class size ensures individualized attention.

Where:Yoga du Soleil located at 224 Divisadero St.

Cost: $90 (class size limited to 6 students only)
Register: Call Betty at 415-861-3055
No refunds with less than 24 hour cancellation  


Awakening the Core with Inverted Poses
Sunday, April 27th, 2014 9:30am-1:00pm
This workshop is an opportunity for students who lack experience and confidence in practicing these essential poses to breakthough their resistances and make friends with the world being upside down. The fundamentals will be covered and more seasoned students can explore more challenging variations.

We will start the practice by examining how to access our internal power of steadfastness, stability and strength. From the deep connection to our core, optimal alignment and innate intelligence of the body will be established. Then we will explore headstand and shoulderstand, as well as forearm and full arm balance.

We will work on poses and actions which stabilize and strengthen the shoulder girdle and arms, increasing the mobility of the upper back while understanding how to align the neck and head in a safe, pain free way. Headstand and shoulder stand are the father and mother of all asanas. Regular practice of these two postures nourishes all the vital organs, strengthens the immune and nervous system and clears the mind creating radiant wellbeing and serenity from the inside out. Inversions are an essential aspect of a balanced yoga practice.

Not recommended for women on their menstrual cycle.

Where: Yoga du Soleil located at 224 Divisadero St.
Cost: $80 Register: Call Betty at 415-861-3055
No refunds with less than 24 hour cancellation


Spiraling into Spring
Deep rejuvenation for the whole spine and body
March 16th, 2014; 9:30am-1:00pm
Celebrate the arrival of Spring with a nourishing and revitalizing practice which will include supine, standing and seated twisting poses. When performed skillfully twists infuse the body and mind with vitality and well being, and assist in releasing enormous amounts of tension. With regular practice the entire spine becomes more flexible, the upper back, neck, and hips move more freely, and these areas are supported and strengthened by increased circulation. They are also traditionally associated with tonifying and rejuvenating the abdominal and pelvic organs. When these organs are squeezed, blood flow is stimulated and toxins are released - a natural internal massage.

Twisting poses assist in cultivating introspection: they can be seen as a spiral movement, ascending or descending, towards freedom from within. They are an excellent prelude to meditation, enabling one to feel more in tune with oneself and energized in a restful way.

Where: Yoga du Soleil located at 224 Divisadero St.
Cost: $80
Register: Call Betty at 415-861-3055
No refunds with less than 24 hour cancellation



Opening the Upper Back and Shoulders
Being radiant in the heart center
February 2nd, 2014; 9:30am-1:00pm
Learn new ways to express your fullness of spirit by exploring the inner landscape of your body, mind, and heart to unlock the boundless potential within you. In this workshop we will explore movements that strengthen and bring flexibility to the shoulders, chest, neck, thoracic spine, arms, and wrists. By cultivating freedom in the torso, backbends, inverted poses, and arm balances can be experienced with more ease. As the upper body grows into healthy alignment, breathing will be freer and deeper, allowing the mind to become clear and quiet, and the heart peaceful. 

We will conclude with meditation to align with our highest purpose and innermost luminous nature.

Where: Yoga du Soleil located at 224 Divisadero St.
Cost: $80
Register: Call Betty at 415-861-3055
No refunds with less than 24 hour cancellation


Opening the hips, groin and hamstrings
February 23rd, 2014; 9:30am-1:00pm
In this session we will explore ways to cultivate freedom in the pelvis.  This can be achieved by learning to relax and strengthen the inner and outer muscles of the thighs, stretch the hamstrings, as well as ways to soften and loosen the hips, groin, ankle joints and feet.  The fruit of such practice prepares one for deep forward bending and backbending poses, as well as sitting comfortably for pranayama and meditation.  

Clear articulation and regular practice of optimal alignment of the lower body can alleviate back pain as well as create a firm, earthly foundation from which the spine can elongate easefully toward the sky.

Where: Yoga du Soleil located at 224 Divisadero St.
Cost: $80
Register: Call Betty at 415-861-3055
No refunds with less than 24 hour cancellation


Flowing into Your Heart's Vision
A rejuvenating, purifying and empowering practice
Sunday, January 19th, 2014 9:30am-12:30pm
Let's gather to celebrate the quiet power of winter and the joy of new beginnings. We will take a moment to reflect on our highest purpose for this new cycle. The rivers of light (nadis) that run through our entire being can become blocked, overtaxed, dried up and dimmed. This practice will be nectar for your body, mind and spirit.

In this workshop we will engage the body in sun salutations, rhythmic movement combinations (vinyasa), twists, backbends and inversions to increase circulation of fluids in connective tissues and muscles, clear away accumulation of toxins in the organs, and nourish the body from inside out. We will practice conscious, slow breathing to regulate the nervous system and increase our vitality (prana) and conclude with a sitting meditation, savoring stillness so we may begin to experience our innate joy and listen deeply to what is in our heart.

Where:Yoga du Soleil located at 224 Divisadero St.
Call Betty at 415-861-3055
No refunds with less than 24 hour cancellation


The Poetic Melody of Restorative Poses
Sunday, December 15th, 2013 9:30am-12:30pm
Restorative Yoga is an opportunity to deeply relax, renew and journey inward. The body is supported by props in each pose, so each pose can be held for some time effortlessly, which encourages a gradual dissolution of holding patterns of stress and tension in the inner body. All these passive postures are an excellent prelude to pranayama, since they open and gently stretch the respiratory muscles, quiet the mind, and cultivate stillness and ease in the body. During the workshop, Betty will serenade you with selected, inspired poems and vocalese, and play chants from her newest CD "La Lumière du Son". The vibration of the sounds of harmonious words and melodies ushered by the human voice is the breath that touches the heart of the listener. This experience allows for a deeper absorption into our essence. A variety of restorative poses will be practiced - forward bends, twists, inversions, and backbends. Then, we will explore some simple yogic breathing techniques designed to expand ("yama") our lifeforce ("prana"). Pranayama strengthens the mind and is a doorway to meditation. As we move beneath the exterior boundaries, we will experience a feeling of inner spaciousness and revealing clarity that can help us realize our fullest spiritual potential.

Where:Yoga du Soleil located at 224 Divisadero St.
Call Betty at 415-861-3055
No refunds with less than 24 hour cancellation


Opening the Hips, Groins and Hamstrings
Sunday, December 8th, 2013 9:30am-12:30pm
In this session we will explore ways to cultivate freedom in the pelvis. This can be achieved by learning to relax and strengthen the inner and
outer muscles of the thighs, stretch the hamstrings, as well as ways to soften and loosen the hips, groin, ankle joints and feet. The fruit of such
practice prepares one for deep forward bending and backbending poses, as well as sitting comfortably for pranayama and meditation.

Clear articulation and regular practice of optimal alignment of the lowerbody can alleviate back pain as well as create a firm, earthly foundation
from which the spine can elongate easefully toward the sky.

Where:Yoga du Soleil located at 224 Divisadero St.
Call Betty at 415-861-3055
No refunds with less than 24 hour cancellation



Sunday, October 13th, 2013 9:30am-12:30pm
Rope work, or yoga korunta, is a dynamic and playful part of the Iyengar tradition. Ropes help tremendously in building agility and strength of body and mind. In this workshop we will focus on learning how to incorporate the ropes in your yoga practice. By transforming our relationship with gravity, the ropes assist us in focusing on specific parts of the body, refining the dynamics within a pose, and going beyond our habitual limits. We will explore standing postures, forward bends, backbends, twists and inversions. Be prepared to enjoy yourself and be challenged. This workshop is open to all levels and teachers. Optional: bring cycling or weight lifting gloves. Small class size ensures individualized attention.

Each workshop will address the specific and different students needs. So if you wish to come to both you will learn different postures in each.

Where:Yoga du Soleil located at 224 Divisadero St.
$90 (class size limited to 6 students)
Call Betty at 415-861-3055
No refunds with less than 24 hour cancellation


Sunday, October 20th, 2013 9:00am-12:00pm
Rope work, or yoga korunta, is a dynamic and playful part of the Iyengar tradition. Ropes help tremendously in building agility and strength of body and mind. In this workshop we will focus on learning how to incorporate the ropes in your yoga practice. By transforming our relationship with gravity, the ropes assist us in focusing on specific parts of the body, refining the dynamics within a pose, and going beyond our habitual limits. We will explore standing postures, forward bends, backbends, twists and inversions. Be prepared to enjoy yourself and be challenged. This workshop is open to all levels and teachers. Optional: bring cycling or weight lifting gloves. Small class size ensures individualized attention.

Each workshop will address the specific and different students needs. So if you wish to come to both you will learn different postures in each.

Where:Yoga du Soleil located at 224 Divisadero St.
$90 (class size limited to 6 students)
Call Betty at 415-861-3055
No refunds with less than 24 hour cancellation


the pulsation of the core and extremities

Sunday, September 29th, 2013 9:30am - 1:00pm
Our relationship to the earth through our foundation is a dynamic, living relationship, serving in much the same way as the roots of a tree, to draw nourishment for growth. The distribution of weight through our feet affects the function and flow of energy through our knees, hips, back and core. Similarly, how we displace our weight through our hands creates a powerful cascade effect into the wrists, elbows, shoulders and neck.

In this workshop we will reflect on the meaning of balance in our lives and discover how to enliven our inner body and how finding balance is a dance of pulsations. The interplay of the awareness of our center and extremities awakens us to the vibrancy of the present moment. We will explore core-strengthening asanas, movements to condition the extremities, and leg and arm balances. Finding balance is the manifestation of our internal power, creativity, calm, clarity, and remembering to see the sacred in every breath we take.

Where: Yoga du Soleil located at 224 Divisadero St.
Cost: $75
Register: Call Betty at 415-861-3055
No refunds with less than 24 hour cancellation


Being Radiant in the Heart Center
Opening the Upper Back and Shoulders

Sunday, August 25th, 2013 9:30 AM-1:00 PM

Learn new ways to express your fullness of spirit by exploring the inner landscape of your body, mind, and heart to unlock the boundless potential within you. In this workshop we will explore movements that strengthen and bring flexibility to the shoulders, chest, neck, thoracic spine, arms, and wrists. By cultivating freedom in the torso, backbends, inverted poses, and arm balances can be experienced with more ease. As the upper body grows into healthy alignment, breathing will be freer and deeper, allowing the mind to become clear and quiet, and the heart peaceful. We will conclude with meditation to align with our highest purpose and innermost luminous nature.

Where: Yoga du Soleil located at 224 Divisadero St.
Cost: $75
Register: Call Betty at 415-861-3055
No refunds with less than 24 hour cancellation


the pulsation of the core and extremities

Sunday, June 16th, 2013 9:30am - 1:00pm
Our relationship to the earth through our foundation is a dynamic, living relationship, serving in much the same way as the roots of a tree, to draw nourishment for growth. The distribution of weight through our feet affects the function and flow of energy through our knees, hips, back and core. Similarly, how we displace our weight through our hands creates a powerful cascade effect into the wrists, elbows, shoulders and neck.

In this workshop we will reflect on the meaning of balance in our lives and discover how to enliven our inner body and how finding balance is a dance of pulsations. The interplay of the awareness of our center and extremities awakens us to the vibrancy of the present moment. We will explore core-strengthening asanas, movements to condition the extremities, and leg and arm balances. Finding balance is the manifestation of our internal power, creativity, calm, clarity, and remembering to see the sacred in every breath we take.

Where: Yoga du Soleil located at 224 Divisadero St.
Cost: $75
Register: Call Betty at 415-861-3055
No refunds with less than 24 hour cancellation


the power of hands and feet

Sunday, May 19th, 2013 9:30am - 1:00pm
Our relationship to the earth through our foundation is a dynamic, living relationship, serving in much the same way as the roots of a tree, to draw nourishment for growth. The distribution of weight through our feet affects the function and flow of energy through our knees, hips, back and shoulders. Similarly, how we displace our weight through our hands creates a powerful cascade effect into the wrists, elbows, shoulders and neck.
In this workshop we will discover how cultivating awareness within the feet and hands awakens us to the vibrancy of the present moment and connects us to our center. The practice will start with an in-depth exploration of movements designed to open, strengthen, condition and heal the extremities. This will be followed by onelegged as well as simple arm balances. We will experience how our hands and feet are powerful symbols for our potential to expand, to give and receive, and to manifest more balance and creativity in our lives.

Where: Yoga du Soleil located at 224 Divisadero St.
Cost: $75
Register: Call Betty at 415-861-3055
No refunds with less than 24 hour cancellation



Saturday, May 11th, 2013 10:00am-1:00pm
Rope work, or yoga korunta, is a dynamic and playful part of the Iyengar tradition. Ropes help tremendously in building agility and strength of body and mind. In this workshop we will focus on learning how to incorporate the ropes in your yoga practice. By transforming our relationship with gravity, the ropes assist us in focusing on specific parts of the body, refining the dynamics within a pose, and going beyond our habitual limits. We will explore standing postures, forward bends, backbends, twists and inversions. Be prepared to enjoy yourself and be challenged. This workshop is open to all levels and teachers. Optional: bring cycling or weight lifting gloves. Small class size ensures individualized attention.

Where: Yoga du Soleil located at 224 Divisadero St.
$90 (class size limited to 6 students)
Call Betty at 415-861-3055
No refunds with less than 24 hour cancellation


Being Radiant in the Heart Center
Opening the Upper Back and Shoulders

Sunday, April 24th, 2013 9:30 AM-1:00 PM

Learn new ways to express your fullness of spirit by exploring the inner landscape of your body, mind, and heart to unlock the boundless potential within you. In this workshop we will explore movements that strengthen and bring flexibility to the shoulders, chest, neck, thoracic spine, arms, and wrists. By cultivating freedom in the torso, backbends, inverted poses, and arm balances can be experienced with more ease. As the upper body grows into healthy alignment, breathing will be freer and deeper, allowing the mind to become clear and quiet, and the heart peaceful. We will conclude with meditation to align with our highest purpose and innermost luminous nature.

Where: Yoga du Soleil located at 224 Divisadero St.
Cost: $75
Register: Call Betty at 415-861-3055
No refunds with less than 24 hour cancellation


Opening the Groin, Hips, and Hamstrings
Earth, Wind & Sky - Learning to Ground, Connect & Elongate

Sunday, April 14th, 2013 9:30am - 1 pm

In this session we will explore ways to cultivate freedom and strength in the pelvis. This can be achieved by learning to relax and strengthen the inner and outer muscles of the thighs and stretch the hamstrings, as well as learning ways to soften and loosen the hips, groin, ankle joints and feet. The fruit of such practice can prepare one for deep forward bending and back bending poses, as well as sitting comfortably for pranayama and meditation. Clear articulation and regular practice of optimal alignment of the lower body can alleviate back pain as well as create a firm earthly foundation from which the spine can elongate easefully towards the sky.

Where: Yoga du Soleil located at 224 Divisadero St.
Cost: $75
Register: Call Betty at 415-861-3055
No refunds with less than 48 hour cancellation


A Post-Holiday Rejuvenating, Detoxifying, Purifying Practice

Sunday, January 6th, 2013 9:00am-12:30pm

If you are feeling sluggish, agitated and out of balance after the holiday feast, this practice will be nectar for your body, mind and spirit. The rivers of light (nadis) that run through our entire being can become blocked, overtaxed, dried up and dimmed by rich foods, alcohol, family stress, lack of movement and sleep.

In this workshop we will engage the body in sun salutations, rhythmic movement combinations (vinyasa), twists and inversions to increase circulation of fluids in connective tissues and muscles, clear away accumulation of toxins in the organs, and nourish the body from inside out. We will practice conscious, slow breathing to regulate, the nervous system and increase our vitality (prana) and conclude with a sitting meditation, savoring stillness so we may begin to experience our innate joy and the radiant light within.

Where: Yoga du Soleil located at 224 Divisadero St.
Cost: $75
Register: Call Betty at 415-861-3055
No refunds with less than 48 hour cancellation


Sunday, Dec 9th, 2012, 9:30 - 1:00 PM

Restorative Yoga is an opportunity to deeply relax, renew and journey inward. The body is supported by props in each pose, so each pose can be held for some time effortlessly, which encourages a gradual dissolution of holding patterns of stress and tension in the inner body. All these passive postures are an excellent prelude to pranayama, since they open and gently stretch the respiratory muscles, quiet the mind, and cultivate stillness and ease in the body.

During the workshop, Betty will serenade you with selected, inspired poems and vocalese, and play chants from her newest CD "La Lumière du Son". The vibration of the sounds of harmonious words and melodies ushered by the human voice is the breath that touches the heart of the listener. This experience allows for a deeper absorption into our essence.

A variety of restorative poses will be practiced - forward bends, twists, inversions, and backbends. Then, we will explore some simple yogic breathing techniques designed to expand ("yama") our lifeforce ("prana"). Pranayama strengthens the mind and is a doorway to meditation. As we move beneath the exterior boundaries, we will experience a feeling of inner spaciousness and revealing clarity that can help us realize our fullest spiritual potential.

Where: Yoga du Soleil located at 224 Divisadero St.
Cost: $75
Register: Call Betty at 415-861-3055
No refunds with less than 48 hour cancellation


A Post-Thanksgiving Rejuvenating, Detoxifying, Purifying Practice

Saturday, December 1st, 2012 9:00am-12:30-pm

If you are feeling sluggish, agitated and out of balance after the holiday feast, this practice will be nectar for your body, mind and spirit. The rivers of light (nadis) that run through our entire being can become blocked, overtaxed, dried up and dimmed by rich foods, alcohol, family stress, lack of movement and sleep.

In this workshop we will engage the body in sun salutations, rhythmic movement combinations (vinyasa), twists and inversions to increase circulation of fluids in connective tissues and muscles, clear away accumulation of toxins in the organs, and nourish the body from inside out. We will practice conscious, slow breathing to regulate, the nervous system and increase our vitality (prana) and conclude with a sitting meditation, savoring stillness so we may begin to experience our innate joy and the radiant light within.

Where: Yoga du Soleil located at 224 Divisadero St.
Cost: $75
Register: Call Betty at 415-861-3055
No refunds with less than 48 hour cancellation


Opening The Gates to the Bliss of Backbends
Sunday, November 18th, 2012, 9:30 AM - 1:00 PM

Backbends move us from the known to the unknown and demand complete physical and mental awareness. They are liberating and exhilarating. Backbending brings life to the spine, opens the chest, and stretches the entire front body. One can experience an energetic shift that can lay the ground for a new path, one which uncovers the unearthed parts of our body, mind, and heart. In this session we will explore the essential keys that open the gates of the pelvis and the upper back and shoulders to move freely into backbending. We will practice a variety of backbends, along with poses for cooling down. Come and experience the freeing and rejuvenating power of these rewarding poses. They will light up your spirit!

Where: Yoga du Soleil located at 224 Divisadero St.
Cost: $75
Register: Call Betty at 415-861-3055
No refunds with less than 48 hour cancellation



Opening the Groin, Hips, and Hamstrings
Earth, Wind & Sky - Learning to Ground, Connect & Elongate

Sunday, October 28th, 2012 9:30am - 1 pm

In this session we will explore ways to cultivate freedom and strength in the pelvis. This can be achieved by learning to relax and strengthen the inner and outer muscles of the thighs and stretch the hamstrings, as well as learning ways to soften and loosen the hips, groin, ankle joints and feet. The fruit of such practice can prepare one for deep forward bending and back bending poses, as well as sitting comfortably for pranayama and meditation. Clear articulation and regular practice of optimal alignment of the lower body can alleviate back pain as well as create a firm earthly foundation from which the spine can elongate easefully towards the sky.

Where: Yoga du Soleil located at 224 Divisadero St.
Cost: $75
Register: Call Betty at 415-861-3055
No refunds with less than 48 hour cancellation



Learning the Ropes
Sunday, October 14th, 9:30 pm - 12:30 pm
Fee $75

Rope work, or yoga korunta, is a dynamic and playful part of the Iyengar tradition. Ropes help tremendously in building agility and strength of body and mind. In this workshop we will focus on learning how to incorporate the ropes in your yoga practice. By transforming our relationship with gravity, the ropes assist us in focusing on specific parts of the body, refining the dynamics within a pose, and going beyond our habitual limits. We will explore standing postures, forward bends, backbends, twists and inversions. Be prepared to enjoy yourself and be challenged. This workshop is open to all levels and teachers. Optional: bring cycling or weight lifting gloves. Small class size ensures individualized attention.Early Registration Advised

Where:Yoga du Soleil located at 224 Divisadero St.
Cost: $75
Register: Call Betty at 415-861-3055 or bettyroiyoga@gmail.com
No refunds with less than 24 hour cancellation




photo by Susan McLaughlin

Entering the heart is like coming into the center of the sun ... when you are in the center of the sun, there is no way to block it’s light... so, by entering your own heart, you make the whole world a better paradise.  - Swami Shantananda

Being Radiant in the Heart Center
Opening the Upper Back and Shoulders

Sunday, March 4th, 2012 9:30 AM-1:00 PM

Learn new ways to express your fullness of spirit by exploring the inner landscape of your body, mind, and heart to unlock the boundless potential within you. In this workshop we will explore movements that strengthen and bring flexibility to the shoulders, chest, neck, thoracic spine, arms, and wrists. By cultivating freedom in the torso, backbends, inverted poses, and arm balances can be experienced with more ease. As the upper body grows into healthy alignment, breathing will be freer and deeper, allowing the mind to become clear and quiet, and the heart peaceful. We will conclude with meditation to align with our highest purpose and innermost luminous nature.

Where: Yoga du Soleil located at 224 Divisadero St.
Cost: $75
Register: Call Betty at 415-861-3055
No refunds with less than 24 hour cancellation


Spring Awakening and the Art of Twists
Sunday, March 18, 9:30 am - 1:30 pm

Twisting poses, when performed skillfully, infuse the body and mind with vitality and well being, and assist in releasing enormous amounts of tension. They are traditionally associated with tonifying and rejuvenating the abdominal and pelvic organs. When these organs are squeezed, blood flow is stimulated and toxins are released - a natural internal massage. With regular practice the entire spine becomes more flexible, the upper back, neck, and hips move more freely, and these areas are nourished and strengthened by increased circulation.

In this session we will explore supine, standing, seated and inverted twists. Twisting poses assist in cultivating introspection: they can be seen as a spiral movement, ascending or descending, towards freedom from within. They are an excellent prelude to meditation, enabling you to feel more in tune with yourself, energized in a restful way, and sit quietly with more ease.

Where: Yoga du Soleil located at 224 Divisadero St.
Cost: $75
Register: Call Betty at 415-861-3055
No refunds with less than 24 hour cancellation


Opening the Groin, Hips, and Hamstrings
Earth, Wind & Sky - Learning to Ground, Connect & Elongate

Saturday March 25th 2012, 2:15 pm to 5:15 pm 
Members $65, Public $75

In this session we will explore ways to cultivate freedom and strength in the pelvis. This can be achieved by learning to relax and strengthen the inner and outer muscles of the thighs and stretch the hamstrings, as well as learning ways to soften and loosen the hips, groin, ankle joints and feet. The fruit of such practice can prepare one for deep forward bending and back bending poses, as well as sitting comfortably for pranayama and meditation.

Clear articulation and regular practice of optimal alignment of the lower body can alleviate back pain as well as create a firm earthly foundation from which the spine can elongate easefully towards the sky.

Where: Jewish Community Center:  3200 California Street SF, CA 94118
Register:  www.jccsf.org or call Jennifer Morrice 415-292-1299 x 1148
For more information contact Betty at 415-861-3055
No refunds with less than 24 hour cancellation



Learning the Ropes
Sunday, May 20th, 1:00 pm - 4:00 pm
Fee $75

In this workshop you will learn ways to enhance your yoga practice.

Rope work assists in
    •    Alignment awareness
    •    Refining a deeper understanding of body mechanics
    •    Facilitating dynamic movement of joints
    •    Supporting the body weight
    •    Creating traction of the spine
    •    Stretching and strengthening the entire body beyond habitual limits

Benefits include
    •    Increased health of all vital organs
    •    Agility of mind and concentration
    •    Freedom of breath
    •    Release of accumulated tensions
    •    Augmented flexibility and strength
    •    Relief from the incessant pull of gravity
    •    Developing a sense of playfulness and curiosity
    •    Providing therapeutic applications

Together we will explore a variety of backbends, upper back and shoulder openers, chest expansion, abdominal strengtheners, and inversions.  Optional: bring cycling or weight lifting gloves.

Early Registration Advised

Where: The Yoga Loft - 321 Divisadero Street, SF
Register: with Betty at 415-861-3055/ bettyroiyoga@gmail.com
For more information contact Betty at 415-861-3055
No refunds with less than 48 hour cancellation



The Poetic Melody of Restorative Poses and Pranayama
Sunday April 29th, 9:30 am - 1:00 pm

Restorative Yoga is an opportunity to deeply relax, renew and journey inward. The body is supported by props in each pose, so each pose can be held for some time effortlessly, which encourages a gradual dissolution of holding patterns of stress and tension in the inner body. All these passive postures are an excellent prelude to pranayama, since they open and gently stretch the respiratory muscles, quiet the mind, and cultivate stillness and ease in the body.

During the workshop, Betty will serenade you with selected, inspired poems and vocalese, and play chants from her CD “La Lumiere du Son”. The vibration of the sounds of harmonious words and melodies ushered by the human voice is the breath that touches the heart of the listener. This experience allows for a deeper absorption into our essence.

A variety of restorative poses will be practiced - forward bends, twists, inversions, and backbends. Then, we will explore some simple yogic breathing techniques designed to expand ("yama") our lifeforce ("prana"). Pranayama strengthens the mind and is a doorway to meditation. As we move beneath the exterior boundaries, we will experience a feeling of inner spaciousness and revealing clarity that can help us realize our fullest spiritual potential.

Where: Yoga du Soleil located at 224 Divisadero St.
Call Betty at 415-861-3055
No refunds with less than 24 hour cancellation


Halloween Special: To Be Announced

Sunday, October 28, 9:30 am - 1 pm



photo by Susan McLaughlin

Opening the Gates to the Bliss of Backbends
Sunday April 10th, 2011, from 9:30 – 1:00 pm.

Backbends move us from the known to the unknown and demand complete physical and mental awareness. They are liberating and exhilarating. Backbending brings life to the spine, opens the chest, and stretches the entire front body. One can experience an energetic shift that can lay the ground for a new path, one which uncovers the unearthed parts of our body, mind, and heart.

In this session we will explore the essential keys that open the gates of the pelvis and the upper back and shoulders to move freely into backbending. We will practice a variety of backbends, along with poses for cooling down. Come and experience the freeing and rejuvenating power of these rewarding poses. They will light up your spirit!

Where: Yoga du Soleil located at 224 Divisadero St.
Cost: $75
Register: Call Betty at 415-861-3055
No refunds with less than 24 hour cancellation



Spring Awakening and the Art of Twisting
Sunday, March 20, 2011 9:30 AM-1:00 PM

Twisting poses, when performed skillfully, infuse the body and mind with vitality and well being, and assist in releasing enormous amounts of tension. They are traditionally associated with tonifying and rejuvenating the abdominal and pelvic organs. When these organs are squeezed, blood flow is stimulated and toxins are released - a natural internal massage. With regular practice the entire spine becomes more flexible, the upper back, neck, and hips move more freely, and these areas are nourished and strengthened by increased circulation.

In this session we will explore supine, standing, seated and inverted twists. Twisting poses assist in cultivating introspection: they can be seen as a spiral movement, ascending or descending, towards freedom from within. They are an excellent prelude to meditation, enabling you to feel more in tune with yourself, energized in a restful way, and sit quietly with more ease.

Where: Yoga du Soleil located at 224 Divisadero St.
Cost: $75
Register: Call Betty at 415-861-3055
No refunds with less than 24 hour cancellation



Many Blessings and Peace to All

Asana and Meditation for a Contemplative Holiday
Sunday, December 12, 2010, 9:30 am-1:00 pm

The great love and sacred light that the season celebrates are found within our own awakened hearts.
In this workshop, we will emphasize centering ourselves at the time of the holiday, quieting our minds, grounding in our bodies, and listening deeply to what is in our heart.

The Asana practice will explore ways to cultivate freedom in the pelvis, as well as open the upper back and chest.  The fruit of such practice can prepare one to sit comfortably for meditation with an elongated spine and ease in breathing.  This time spent together will be an opportunity to experience mindfulness of body, mind and spirit in movement and stillness. 
We can then reflect and radiate from our own light source, and become a light unto others.

Where: Yoga du Soleil located at 224 Divisadero St.
Cost: $75 Pre-registration call Betty at 415-861-3055
No refunds with less than 24 hour cancellation



photo by Susan McLaughlin

Entering the heart is like coming into the center of the sun ... when you are in the center of the sun, there is no way to block it’s light... so, by entering your own heart, you make the whole world a better paradise.  - Swami Shantananda

Being Radiant in the Heart Center: Opening the Upper Back and Shoulders
Sunday, October 17, 2010 9:30 AM-1:00 PM

Learn new ways to express your fullness of spirit by exploring the inner landscape of your body, mind, and heart to unlock the boundless potential within you. In this workshop we will explore movements that strengthen and bring flexibility to the shoulders, chest, neck, thoracic spine, arms, and wrists. By cultivating freedom in the torso, backbends, inverted poses, and arm balances can be experienced with more ease. As the upper body grows into healthy alignment, breathing will be freer and deeper, allowing the mind to become clear and quiet, and the heart peaceful. We will conclude with meditation to align with our highest purpose and innermost luminous nature.

Where: Yoga du Soleil located at 224 Divisadero St.
Cost: $75
Register: Call Betty at 415-861-3055
No refunds with less than 24 hour cancellation


Learning the Ropes Workshop


We will explore standing postures, forward bends, back bends, twists, and inversions. This workshop is open to all levels and teachers who may want to teach rope work.

Rope work assists in
    •    Alignment awareness
    •    Refining a deeper understanding of body mechanics
    •    Facilitating dynamic movement of joints
    •    Supporting the body weight
    •    Creating traction of the spine
    •    Stretching and strengthening the entire body beyond habitual limits

Benefits include
    •    Increased health of all vital organs
    •    Agility of mind and concentration
    •    Freedom of breath
    •    Release of accumulated tensions
    •    Augmented flexibility and strength
    •    Relief from the incessant pull of gravity
    •    Developing a sense of playfulness and curiosity
    •    Providing therapeutic applications

Optional: bring cycling or weight lifting gloves.

Where: Yoga du Soleil located at 224 Divisadero St.
Cost: $75
Register: Call Betty at 415-861-3055
No refunds with less than 24 hour cancellation




photo by Susan McLaughlin

Awakening To Our Roots: The Healing Power Of Hands & Feet
Sunday, September 26th, 2010, 9:30 AM-1:00 PM

Our relationship to the earth through our foundation is a dynamic, living relationship, serving in much the same way as the roots of a tree, to draw nourishment for growth. The distribution of weight through our feet affects the function and flow of energy through our knees, hips, back and shoulders. Similarly, how we displace our weight through our hands creates a powerful cascade effect into the wrists, elbows, shoulders and neck.

In this workshop we will discover how cultivating awareness within the feet and hands awakens us to the vibrancy of the present moment and connects us to our center. The practice will start with an in-depth exploration of movements designed to open, strengthen, condition and heal the extremities. This will be followed by one-legged as well as simple arm balances. We will experience how our hands and feet are powerful symbols for our potential to expand, to give and receive, and to manifest more balance and creativity in our lives.

Where: Yoga du Soleil located at 224 Divisadero St.
Cost: $75 Pre-registration call Betty at 415-861-3055
No refunds with less than 24 hour cancellation


cabo1 cabo7

Yoga Retreat in Cabo San Lucas, Mexico
Sunday February 21st to Saturday February 27th, 2010

Join us to bask in the beauty and warmth of Mexico-Cabo San Lucas, for an unforgettable, magical week of yoga, meditation, walks by the beach, and the incredible joy of whale watching.


This is a unique opportunity to practice with a small group (you get plenty of attention) and share the exquisite environment of the luxurious Capella Pedregal.

The first yoga class will start on Sunday at 4:30 pm and the retreat will end after lunch on Sat. the 27th.

There will be about 5 hours a day of practice and ample time for relaxation, swimming, contemplation, and fun. Massages and other treatments are available in the beautiful spa at your own expense.

The retreat is limited to 10 students. The magnificent rooms are double occupancy.


Early registration is advised.

The cost is $1188, two spots are available for $958 - ask Betty for details.
Includes breakfast, lunch, accommodations, all yoga classes and a sunset whale watching cruise. Airfare insurance is recommended.

Airfare, taxi from the airport, and dinners are not included.


A non-refundable deposit of $400 is due by the deadline registration date of Jan. 15 to hold your space. The balance of $788 is due on Jan. 24, 2010.

CANCELLATION POLICY:  In the event of cancellation the entire payment will be refunded, less the $400 deposit, if the cancellation is made before Jan, 24, 2010.
Payments are NON-REFUNDABLE after this date, unless we are able to fill your space.

Please make checks payable to Elisabeth Roi.


For more info call Betty at 415 861-3055 or email at bettyroi@yahoo.com
To see photos of this spectacular place visit www.capellapedregal.com




Core Awakening in Inverted Poses
Sunday, June 28, 2009 9:30 AM-1:00 PM

This workshop is an opportunity for students who lack experience and confidence in practicing these essential poses to break through their resistances, and make friends with the world being upside down. The fundamentals will be covered, and more seasoned students can explore more challenging variations.

We will start the practice by examining how to access our internal power of steadfastness, stability and strength. From the deep connection to our core, optimal alignment and innate intelligence of the body will be established. A feeling of inner toning, openness and serenity will unfold, allowing us to savor the wonder of these poses.

Then we will explore headstand and shoulder stand, as well as forearm and full arm balance. Using props and modifications we will work on poses and actions which stabilize and strengthen the shoulder girdle and arms, and increase the mobility of the upper back while understanding how to align the neck and head in a safe, pain-free way.

Headstand and shoulder stand are the Father and Mother of all asanas. Regular practice of these two poses nourishes all the vital organs, strengthens the nervous system, and clears the mind, creating radiant well-being from the inside out. Inversions are an essential aspect of a balanced yoga practice.

Not recommended for women on their menstrual cycle.

Where: Yoga du Soleil located at 224 Divisadero St.
Cost: $75 Pre-registration call Betty at 415-861-3055
No refunds with less than 24 hour cancellation



Opening The Gates to the Bliss of Backbends
Sunday, May 31st, 2008, 9:30 AM-1:00 PM

Backbends move us from the known to the unknown and demand complete physical and mental awareness. They are liberating and exhilarating. Backbending brings life to the spine, opens the chest, and stretches the entire front body. One can experience an energetic shift that can lay the ground for a new path, one which uncovers the unearthed parts of our body, mind, and heart.

In this session we will explore the essential keys that open the gates of the pelvis and the upper back and shoulders to move freely into backbending. We will practice a variety of backbends, along with poses for cooling down. Come and experience the freeing and rejuvenating power of these rewarding poses. They will light up your spirit!

Where: Yoga du Soleil located at 224 Divisadero St.
Cost:$75 if paid by Wednesday, May 27th, $85 thereafter
Call Betty at 415-861-305
No refunds with less than 24 hour cancellation



The Journey to Arm Balancing
Sunday, April 26th, 2009, 9:30 - 1:00 pm

Arm balancing poses cultivate the intelligence of the body. They expand our inner sense of equilibrium and integration. With regular practice they develop lightness, strength, courage and agility, freeing the mind and body of habitual patterns. This workshop will emphasize the process of arm balancing. Preparation will include hip openers, twists, wrist and shoulder openers and strengtheners. We will learn to struggle less with the muscular strength of the arms by using the alignment of the bones for optimal leverage, while connecting to the power of our core. The essence of balancing on our hands is in creating a steady foundation that allows us to equally root into the earth while taking flight.

Where: Yoga du Soleil located at 224 Divisadero St.
Cost:$75 if paid by Wednesday, April 22nd, $85 thereafter
Call Betty at 415-861-305
No refunds with less than 24 hour cancellation



Spring Cleaning: Rejuvenate and Nourish Yourself with Twists
Saturday, March 28, 2008, 9:30 AM-1:00 PM

Twisting poses, when performed skillfully, infuse the body and mind with vitality and well being, and assist in releasing enormous amounts of tension. They are traditionally associated with tonifying and rejuvenating the abdominal and pelvic organs. When these organs are squeezed, blood flow is stimulated and toxins are released - a natural internal massage. With regular practice the entire spine becomes more flexible, the upper back, neck, and hips move more freely, and these areas are nourished and strengthened by increased circulation.

In this session we will explore supine, standing, seated and inverted twists. Twisting poses assist in cultivating introspection: they can be seen as a spiral movement, ascending or descending, towards freedom from within. They are an excellent prelude to meditation, enabling you to feel more in tune with yourself, energized in a restful way, and sit quietly with more ease.

Where: Yoga du Soleil located at 224 Divisadero St.
Cost:$75 if paid by Wednesday, March 25th, $85 thereafter
Call Betty at 415-861-3055
No refunds with less than 24 hour cancellation



Opening The Gates to the Bliss of Backbends
Saturday, October 18th, 2008, 9:30 AM-12:45 PM

Backbends move us from the known to the unknown and demand complete physical and mental awareness. They are liberating and exhilarating. Backbending brings life to the spine, opens the chest, and stretches the entire front body. One can experience an energetic shift that can lay the ground for a new path, one which uncovers the unearthed parts of our body, mind, and heart.

In this session we will explore the essential keys that open the gates of the pelvis and the upper back and shoulders to move freely into backbending. We will practice a variety of backbends, along with poses for cooling down. Come and experience the freeing and rejuvenating power of these rewarding poses. They will light up your spirit!

Where: Yoga du Soleil located at 224 Divisadero St.
Cost: $75 Pre-registration call Betty at 415-861-3055
No refunds with less than 24 hour cancellation



Asana & Meditation: Uniting the Sun and Moon Thru Mindfulness
Sunday, June 15, 2008 1:45-5:00 PM

Yoga reunites all polarities and reconciles opposites; sun meets moon, heaven meets earth, and this sacred union manifests in the heart. Together, asana and meditation strengthen our capacity to be present, see clearly, and directly sense the body as a doorway to the boundless.

Through a short discussion, we will explore into the individual nature of our own patterns, how they effect our lives physically and psychologically. The practice of upper back and hip openers will enable us to explore the interplay of the different currents of energy, while preparing us for seated meditation. Using action and intention, we will engender dynamic self-inquiry and discovery, so we may begin to experience our deep interconnectedness with all life.

Where: Yoga du Soleil located at 224 Divisadero St.
Cost: $75 Pre-registration call Betty at 415-861-3055
No refunds with less than 24 hour cancellation


To see photos from the 2007 Brazil retreat, click HERE


Yoga & Meditation for a Contemplative Holiday
December 8th, 2007, 10:00am-2:00pm (followed by a catered lunch!)

Winter is a time of turning inward, when much of the natural world goes into hibernation. We are intimately tied to the seasonal rhythms around us. As the year comes to a close, now is the time for reflection and contemplation.

Join Mark and Betty, as they skillfully guide you into the inner spaces of your body, mind and heart. The asana practice will stimulate and soothe you through a delightful combination of standing poses, backbends, inversions, twists, and forward bends. With an emphasis on cultivating breath awareness throughout, you will be able to attune to the subtle flow of prana, the light and vibration that makes up the entirety of the cosmos. This awareness will be used to practice pranayama (literally, breath, expansion), to further settle the mind, and enter into communion with the most subtle energetic realms of your body. In this state, you will be led through a meditation in which you will navigate the ocean of your heart, to dissolve into the unwavering pulsation of the great heart of consciousness, your timeless essence of being.

The practice will be followed by a delicious meal, catered by SF chef extraordinaire Lisa Knispel, so we may share in the flavors of the winter season: gratitude, community, and light.

Please bring your own mat. All other props (when needed) will be provided.

Where: Yoga du Soleil located at 224 Divisadero St.
Cost: $115 Pre-registration call Betty at 415-861-3055
No refunds with less than 24 hour cancellation


The Inward Journey of Forward Bends
Saturday, October 21, 2006, 9:30 am-12:45 pm

Forward bends form an essential part of a balanced asana practice. Physically they stretch the legs, open the hips, and lengthen the entire back body. Psychologically, they teach us surrender, which is well expressed in the fact that we cannot see above or behind. In the acceptance of this situation lies humility. Therapeutically, they can be prescribed for issues such as migraines, insomnia, and hypertension, as well as forming a major component of the menstrual cycle sequence. These poses also teach us patience and trust, they help cultivate deep listening, turning our attention inward.

In this workshop we will explore how to skillfully unite both halves of the body at the hips, the point of bending. Harmonious flow of the breath, and correct action of the legs and pelvis, will be addressed to create maximum mobility, traction, and freedom of the spine. Standing and seated forward bends will be practiced, and the meditative, introspective qualities of these poses will be emphasized. As we expand and soften from deep inside, we become more fully alive and peaceful in the present moment.

Where: Yoga du Soleil located at 224 Divisadero St.
Cost: $75 Pre-registration call Betty at 415-861-3055
No refunds with less than 24 hour cancellation
